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CM:Modern Battles

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As others have pointed out, the guys that designed Steel Beasts have done a game as asked for. I only have time for one wargame in my life, and CM is, in my view, a more accurate simulation of ground ware. However, I have a lot of respect for the Steel Beasts team, when I do play Steel Beasts it is as a CM scale game, not tank simulator.

BFC “could” do a great modern CM type game. But probably do not wish to. In fact my favourite follow on for CMBB would be 1970s ground warfare. Peak of the Cold War, Fulda Gap and all. smile.gif Nostalgia for good old days! :D Then, later move back to WWII NWE and Eastern Front again.

One can but dream. A Cold War CM would interest me more than the Mediterranean in WWII.

As long as CM games keep coming, I will be happy, in fact I cannot believe my luck, but the Cold War would be fun, in my view.

All the best,


PS. That cunning Moon fellow “may” have all sorts of plans. smile.gif I would not be surprised if all sorts of wargames came through from BFC in the years to come. Currently we are rationed to one every two years, Moon may come up with a plan to increase the through flow, partnerships, outsourcing who knows, but do not be surprised! :D

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Well, they have my vote for a 1970's-80's NATO/Warsaw Pack WWIII version of CM. I'm getting notstalgic for my cold war youth. And there's not much equipment from that era that hasn't been pretty well declassified, officially or unofficialy.

As for extended ranges for modern guns, we're talking about fighting over the same ground as in CMBO. How often in that game do we get to utilize the 88's max range? If LOS at point A is under 1000m in 1944 it'll still be under 1000m in 1979.

Then again, I wouldn't object to seeing the WWII Med. theater covered next either. From Malta to the Gothic line. Sounds like fun!

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The Great War mod of Close Combat III gave me the opportunity to create some interesting WWI battles. I would think it might translate nicely here. I mean we already have human wave in CMBB, how much trouble could it be to make "over the top"? Gallipoli, anyone?

As far as modern battles, I have no interest in long range electronic sighted weapons, but to take a break from the WWII thing, I could see some interest in Korean scenarios. Vietnam would be tough to do without helicopters...

[ October 04, 2002, 11:35 AM: Message edited by: vondeath ]

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