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I Offer Grog Dorosh the Peng Challenge, And He Be Man Enough

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OK, here's all the news that printed to fit:

R_Leete of the size 14 feet has finally got his system back up and running, and that's just what his prancing Aryans are doing too. Fleeing swiftly from the advancing juggernaut of my fresh-faced apple pie lovin' 'Mericans. Well, exept for those 9 or 10 tanks that are kind of on fire and the several squads that have decided that discretion is indeed the better part of valor.

(Added later that same evening)

Just got done with a turn when I happened to notice that the hateful R_Leete pulled 3 or 17 Panthers onto my left flank where he had them parked off the map since the beginning of the game. I think I hear a fat lady singing. BTW, I hates R_Leete to pieces.

Australopithicus Jeff should go back to throwing bones in the air in the hopes that they will turn into spaceships, as his Volkspappy's trifocals keep fogging up and they wander off into my minefields.

Sock Punky Brewster is pulling off a very sweet end run on my right flank and has succeeded in knocking out two of my HT's and a HMG that decided to flee right into one of his squads. I'm still waiting for the rest of his armor to show up. I don't think I'm going to like it much.

Donquixote-thon is unfortunately MIA...AGAIN.

Noba-pain, Noba-gain says I'm gamey because I ordered fog. I can see where this is going.

[ March 26, 2002, 10:24 PM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

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Originally posted by dalem:


That must have been a HMG you fired there, Dalem.

A nancy-boy LMG would be more like Croda-croda-croda.

And yes Scharndorf your playing did suck. You sucked harder than an Elvis in an Anglican boys' choir.

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Originally posted by Stuka:

That must have been a HMG you fired there, Dalem.

A nancy-boy LMG would be more like Croda-croda-croda.

I tried a Thompson in .45 and an MP5 and an M16 in 9mm. The nines were more like "rat-a-tat-tat".
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Quote by booby

"Upon your birth, your parents tried to sell you to carny folk, but the carny's standards were too high".

How dare you insult the good name of those honest fairground entertainers for they are my parents . By my mothers beard and fathers leotard ,is it not enough to entertain a yokel like yourself with the majesty of the trapeze , the ghost train , bumper cars ,and all the fun of the fair.

I will have aged crone sell you some lucky heather for you will need it.

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RE: Whining and simpering from the Law Offices of John David Jingleheimer Morse

Mister Lowercase Lawyer Dude,

It has come to my attention that you have been inquiring about the upcoming PBEM. Please know that I did, in fact, send you a setup evening last. It is a delightful scenario from Derkessel called Black Shear or somefink like that. All of us over here in Jerseyland encourage you to stop your preening and/or primping.

Also, know that I shall lay a smitey smack-down upon your buttocks most flabby.

I’m fresh from a victory against someone in Philadelphia (where the women smell like cheese steaks and the men sell cars) I sent this gentleman the same exact setup because I am being economical these days. I shall try two different tactics with both you and the Wanker Extroidinaire in Phil Uh Delphia.

Until such time as you may receive a turn from me, you may sit by your computer and wait in abject trepidation. Tremble now, lose later lawyer dude.

Respectfully yours,

Hiram "Boom Boom" Sedai


Since I know that the King of South Philly scans these posts and only reads a total of 5 or so words, I shall try my best to help him with his reading problem.

Elvis, I send setup…okay?

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Printed by Croda

Even as we speak, my Nefarious Legion™ curls itself around your flanks;....


You approach cautiosly giving my artillery ample opportunity to catch you in the open.

Peanut brain. A lone sharpshooter does not count for a flank envelopment, and your artillery couldn't hit a barn from the inside.


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Boo said

Noba-pain, Noba-gain says I'm gamey because I ordered fog. I can see where this is going.
Of course I said it's gamey. You forget to mention that you didn't mention..(to me) about the fog at purchase time. Swine.

My Gebirg-whatsits will fix you good.

I know where it's going as well. Meet you at the flags.


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Guest PondScum

I was just about to have a good old sinus-clearing rant about how NONE of you mouth-breathers had sent me a turn lately, when I discovered that Aussie Jeff has apparently started sending me STEALTH EMAILS. Yes, they appear in my CMBO email folders without triggering the "Woohoo! Time to kick more Volksturm butt!" WAV file that normally announces said happy event. The gamey bastage had snuck one by me 24 hours ago, which means I get a whole DAY less in my life to enjoy the death of his ear-and-stomach battalion. I'll do him for that.

On the upside (for my sinuses at least), chrisl, Goanna and that Idjit Yeknod character are all still absent-without-losing. Get a move on you slackers, the Grim Reaper waits for neither man nor donkey.

[Editted to note that Peng is also being a lazy bugger - but what's new there, eh?]

[ March 27, 2002, 09:03 AM: Message edited by: PondScum ]

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Originally posted by Noba:

Boo said

Noba-pain, Noba-gain says I'm gamey because I ordered fog. I can see where this is going.

Of course I said it's gamey. You forget to mention that you didn't mention..(to me) about the fog at purchase time. Swine.

Oh my...I'm sorry...(snigger)...Did you just buy two HT's (titter) and spend the rest of your money on artillery?...(chortle)...You have NO idea how that makes me feel (wipes tears from eyes), but you did say "the gamier the better" did you not?

My Gebirg-whatsits will fix you good.

Threatening me with your gerbils, are you? If I had a horse, I'd horsewhip you for that!

I know where it's going as well. Meet you at the flags.

I'll wear a white carnation so you recognize me

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Originally posted by Noba:

Printed by Croda

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Even as we speak, my Nefarious Legion™ curls itself around your flanks;....


You approach cautiosly giving my artillery ample opportunity to catch you in the open.

Peanut brain. A lone sharpshooter does not count for a flank envelopment, and your artillery couldn't hit a barn from the inside.


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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Croda:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:



Very profound.</font>

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Mr. Yeknod

A donkey is a donkey, of course, of course,

And no one can talk to a donkey of course

That is, of course, unless the donkey is the famous Mr. Yeknod.

Go right to the source and ask the donkey

He'll give you the answer that you'll endorse.

He's always on a steady course.

Talk to Mr. Yeknod.

People yakkity yak a streak and waste your time of day

But Mr. Yeknod will never speak unless he has something to say.

A donkey is a donkey, of course, of course,

And this one'll talk 'til his voice is hoarse.

You never heard of a talking donkey?

Well listen to this.

[Yeknod's Voice]

"I am Mr. Yeknod."


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Originally posted by Croda:

Fortunately for us, your inner Croda rules the roost, and your inner Hiram is tethered to a post in the basement.

Tst Tst Croda

First you have delusions about me being tied up after hours, now you see Hiram tethered to a post, and in the basement no less.....

Next thing we hear you'll be running after Yeknod with a lasso and expecting us to believe you're practising for an upcoming rodeo...

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Originally posted by PondScum:

*froth* ......I discovered that Aussie Jeff has apparently started sending me STEALTH EMAILS. Yes, they appear in my CMBO email folders without triggering the "Woohoo! Time to kick more Volksturm butt!" WAV file that normally announces said happy event. The gamey bastage had snuck one by me 24 hours ago, which means I get a whole DAY less in my life to enjoy the death of his ear-and-stomach battalion. I'll do him for that.



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Originally posted by YK2:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Croda:

Fortunately for us, your inner Croda rules the roost, and your inner Hiram is tethered to a post in the basement.

Tst Tst Croda

First you have delusions about me being tied up after hours, now you see Hiram tethered to a post, and in the basement no less.....

Next thing we hear you'll be running after Yeknod with a lasso and expecting us to believe you're practising for an upcoming rodeo...</font>

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