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The World's shorest AAR (Aka, Who says the AI is dumb)

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German Assault

Human Player as Germans

Small Map

Force - One Rifle Company and some tanks.

Forget the rest of the details because it doesn't matter!

Setup Phase - Place what few Infantry will fit on the tanks and form up the rest of the rifle company to move out behind the tanks.

Turn 1 - 2 seconds into the turn a Soviet Pre-Planned Bombarment just happens to land RIGHT IN THE VERY CENTER OF THE FORM UP AREA!!!

Turn 2 - Just hit "Go" because all your troops are paniced or routed.

Turn 3 - Hit "Auto-Surrender, as the Rifle "Company" is now made up of less than one-and-a-half Platoons because the rest are either dead or routed off the map.

After Action - Realize that a few Russian Conscript 82mm spotters stopped your comapny level assault butt cold.

Bastage AI :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Had the same type of event occur in a 3000pt QB. Had 5 MKIV G's sitting on a rise providing overlooking capability for the start and decided to put a couple of independent MG42 units on board as riders. You guessed it. The barrage wiped out 3 of the 4 units and routed the lone remaining unit, caused on MKIV to panic(they abandoned next turn), immobilized a MKIV, and turned one unit "shaken". Talk about p#ssed off. I guess it was my fault for doing this in the open but god, those MKIVs as they are modeled tend to be nothing but a problem. Typically if you get in an exchange they almost always go immobile for me and now I just lost one to artillery. Hmmm!!!!

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Thanks Nippy, that was very informative (and funny!)

Question: is this a result of the enemy spotter having seen your forces as you were nearing (in an abstracted manner)?

can this be avoided by setting up where he doesn't have LOS? Or can you pretty much count on the "good" areas, like behind a ridge, etc. be hit, regardless of the LOS the enemy may have to it?



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The AI isn't cheating if that's what anyone is thinking. In all of the games I've played so far, the AI pre-planned barrages have landed in obvious but unused tracts of cover. The AI is making good guesses and sometimes he's going to be right - and if you're letting him easily spot you on turn 1, well you're kind of asking for it.

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The last time this was discussed on the Beta board (quite awhile ago) there want mention that the AI won't do an opening barrage unless he can see you. If you're getting opening barrages that means you're not starting the game under cover. With habits like that, if the opening barrage doesn't get you then a field gun in the treeline will!

[ October 07, 2002, 05:00 PM: Message edited by: MikeyD ]

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Yeah...keep your troops hidden during set-up...keep them in cover and put them on Hide, or if they are not Hidden, use cover arcs (can't recall if you can set cover arcs before turn 1). As for vehicles, put them behind hills/dips/trees to keep them hidden until you really need to show 'em.

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Originally posted by MikeyD:

The last time this was discussed on the Beta board (quite awhile ago) there want mention that the AI won't do an opening barrage unless he can see you. If you're getting opening barrages that means you're not starting the game under cover. With habits like that, if the opening barrage doesn't get you then a field gun in the treeline will!

Yes, I concluded this from the Yelnia scenario in the demo. If you start as Russian, leave your troops where the are, and unhidden, you get spanked in the first turn by a barrage.

If you conceal your troops you don't.

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