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Foucarville Roadblocks

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Did you get this score playing fully blind as well? That's pretty impressive (to me anyway). After playing it about half-way through (computer player default set up), I restarted it and managed to score a 62. Then again, I'm a newbie so don't judge my assessment of how impressed I am with your score (assuming you were playing blind).

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I managed a tac vic the first time around, but that outcome shoudn't lead you to believe it's an easy scenario. Far from it. For the first 10-15 turns it was touch and go, especially around roadblocks 1 & 2. I didn't capture roadblock 3 until the very end.

My most valuable unit, believe it or not, was the jeep I got with the first reinforcements. I used him to shuttle zook and MG teams to the two forward roadblocks. They arrived in the nick of time, allowing my depleted units to hang on.

IMO An excellent scenario.

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LOL - - Jeep reinforcments - yup, shortly after they came on is when I quit the first time. I ran the jeeps up quick to block number 2 and they got, shall we say ... stopped pretty short at block #3. Hauling butt up around the roadblock and some hiding krauts in one of the two story buildings at block #3 waylaid them both as they slowed down to go around the block...

Yeah, I thought it was an enjoyable scenario as well. I played it yet a third time (second full game - - this time with computer free to place units) it was so enjoyable.

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Yes, never played before, no knowledge of enemy units. i'm playing now as the axis, around turn 30. its a total blowout for the axis thus far. makes me wonder how the AI didn't kick my butt even worse when i was the allies

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Guest Germanboy

If it is the one by Kris from our website, I was one of the original scenario testers. I never finished playing it through, since about half-way through testing I was dead certain that it is an excellent scenario.

I tested it as the US, and the game was brilliant. Chaotic, lots of variation, good action. I have to dig out the save-game file and finish it now.

Anyone interested in historical, and difficult scenarios and also in what the AI can do should get this one.

Any feedback on PBEM play would also be appreciated by Kris, I am sure.



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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As the designer, I'll tell you that any victory is good first time round. And yes, any feedback is welcome. Thanks guys.


Der Kessel

Home of "Die Sturmgruppe"; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by krm (edited 03-21-2001).]

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Guest Heinz 25th PzReg

I gave the AI +25% and played it as the Germans. It was very entertaining and a managed to pull of a 90% victory in the end. Great scenario, I truly enjoyed it.





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Guest Germanboy

Originally posted by David Stone:

I didn't see that scenario at your 'Der Kessel' site....

It is on page 3 of the historical battles section.

Err, lads - really, any feedback (positive or negative) is welcome. It is a motivation to continue doing scenarios and for Grego to continue to work on the site. (Hint hint)



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Heinz, you should have played it as Amis first. In fact, playing as Germans was not really planned for.


Der Kessel

Home of "Die Sturmgruppe"; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by krm (edited 03-25-2001).]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Out of curiousity.

I tried to make a Foucarville scenario once. I wonder, did the 'Der Kessel' designer expand the scale of the map?

IOW, did you expand the distances between map features for game purposes?

I tried to playtest my scenario and the map just never felt right. Your map's scale seems larger than the one I produced.

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Questions for the designer:

Whats up with the MG bunker locked in place in the east? It doesn't have LOS outside of its patch of woods.

Also -- shouldn't the Germans be comming from the west and the allied tanks from the east (towards the beach).

Just a couple of nitpicks. Very good scenario, good use of reenforcments to keep the American player on the edge of his seat. Also a good mix of elite to regular units. Many airbone scenarios make everyone crack or elite.


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David, I abstracted the distances slightly. The map I had was complemented with a scale which I used to divide up the map into grids of 20 x 20m. I went from there. The distances are not exact, (probably not even close) but it is a good size map.

Maastrician- the bunker is actually meant to represent a MG nest that was hidden in trees at the tope of the hill. In reality, the nest was useless, because it only had Los (as you discovered) of a very limited nature. It is really only of significance if the US advance (early on) past Roadblock 2. You will notice that the other bunker has LOS to block 4, but of limited nature. The nests that these represent were historically of limited effectiveness.

As for the direction, you are probably right. It was an oversight, but of relative insignificance.

Would the scenario benefit if the bunkers were less restricted in disposition?

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One of the things that made this such a good scenario is the terrain. It is really well made and represent a typical European smalltown very well in my oppinion. Moving through the gardens, expecting contact any time was an enjoyable experience.

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