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Mortar Targeting

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What is the best way to target a mortar squad? When I play, it seems that giving the mortar squad LOS is the only way to target. I've tried using headquarter units to target the mortar, but this doesn't seem to work. Is there something I'm missing (other than gray matter between the ears)? Does it matter, for targeting, if the mortar is in C&C of HQ unit? I appreciate any advice you might offer. PS: I have been successful targeting off-screen arty with a HQ unit.

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The HQ unit has to be in contact with the mortar units you want him to spot for. If they are not within C&C they cannot use the LOS from the HQ unit.

I find that using the HQ unit works best for me. I try to create a mini fire base with several mortars within C&C of one HQ unit used for targeting.

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IIRC, a mortar unit that is out of LOS but goes thru a HQ unit can only use area fire, on other words in cannot directly target a specific unit, even if the HQ has direct LOS.

A mortar unit that has direct LOS can target specific units.


Charlie don't surf!

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btw: how can i best hold the fire of the HQ unit (of the mortars). they are hidden but give away their position by shooting at enemies, even if i set an ambush, the status is veteran and the enemy quite far away. what to do?



No pain, no game!

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Guest Michael emrys

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Olle Petersson:

If the target is truly out of sight both to the mortar and the HQ then no target will be set.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Actually, the target line *will* set, but it will be an "anticipatory" target, i.e. the mortar won't fire but will wait in case the targetted unit moves into sight.

If the mortar has successfully acquired the target through an HQ, the end of the target line will have a notice that it is doing area fire. If that sign fails to appear, the mortar won't fire.


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Guest Michael emrys

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ronf:

btw: how can i best hold the fire of the HQ unit (of the mortars). they are hidden but give away their position by shooting at enemies, even if i set an ambush, the status is veteran and the enemy quite far away. what to do?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Give them a Hide order. This doesn't seem to effect their ability to spot but will keep them from shooting at distant enemy units.


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To add to Mr. Emry's perfectally correct post:


Actually, the target line *will* set, but it will be an "anticipatory" target, i.e. the mortar won't fire but will wait in case the targetted unit moves into sight.


A red line.


If the mortar has successfully acquired the target through an HQ, the end of the target line will have a notice that it is doing area fire. If that sign fails to appear, the mortar won't fire


A yellow line.


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One more thing I'd add is that a battery of light mortars really puts a number on artillery pieces hidden in the woods. I've had a group of 3 60mm mortars and a company HQ take out 3 fixed 88 positions.

The key to this was area fire. As long as you stay out of LOS of the target (but within LOS of a patch of ground or tree REALLY close to it) you can target close enough to put pain on your enemy with scatter fire and blast radius. Since mortars tend to scatter in a straight line (long and short rather than laterally), dropping short or long is almost as good as getting it right on target.

This may be an exercise in gamesmanship, but I tend to areafire foxholes when I find them irrespective of if I find anything in them right away.

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Guest Michael emrys

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Popper:

This may be an exercise in gamesmanship, but I tend to areafire foxholes when I find them irrespective of if I find anything in them right away.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Good move. A human player might vacate a foxhole early in a game, but against the AI there will nearly always be something there until you root it out.


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  • 1 year later...

One danger in making firebases out of 3 or 4 mortars is that it creates a juicy target for counter battery fire. This is a particular danger to the brit 3" mortars because they have an excellent ammo load. One turn of 81mm mortar counterbattery fire will put a serious hurt on your firebase. Just a thought.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by xerxes:

One danger in making firebases out of 3 or 4 mortars is that it creates a juicy target for counter battery fire. This is a particular danger to the brit 3" mortars because they have an excellent ammo load. One turn of 81mm mortar counterbattery fire will put a serious hurt on your firebase. Just a thought.


On this note, do a lot of people use firebases during large games? I'm playing the "All or Nothing" scenario as the Allies, and I have a load of mortars. Currently, they're scattered around the map, covering various positions.

Does anyone think it would be better to consolidate my mortars into larger groups (I generally have them as 2" and 3" pairs) than scattered?

Personally, at least for this specific scenario, I find it more preferable to have them scattered (especially since 205mm rockets just shredded infantry riding along on my tank column). What are some of your suggestions if I wanted to set up some kind of firebase. I assume this would be more practical if I were on defense.

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The HQ trick is fine for fix position armament -- but for suppressing troops - it's a pain.

Why fight it-- small mortars are a pain -- fragile - slow and they don't last long.

Good thing I'm not like that!

Sometimes they are just the thing -- but at those times they are never around!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Krinks:

On this note, do a lot of people use firebases during large games? I'm playing the "All or Nothing" scenario as the Allies, and I have a load of mortars. Currently, they're scattered around the map, covering various positions.

Does anyone think it would be better to consolidate my mortars into larger groups (I generally have them as 2" and 3" pairs) than scattered?

What are some of your suggestions if I wanted to set up some kind of firebase. I assume this would be more practical if I were on defense.<hr></blockquote>

Many good questions. I use almost allways mortar parks, wheather I'm attacking or defending. Mortars wont do much alone, and one HQ spotter for each mortar is waste. IMO one mortar park should have enough firepower to totally rout one enemy platoon or KO a enemy gun or light vehicle during a single turn.

What do you think is the perfect number of mortars for these goals for each caliber?

This could be tested, but here's my best guesses:

60mm - 4

81mm - 3

3" - 2

2" is a special case, it's range is only 450 meters, which means you have to move them if you are not defending. I usually give the companys small mortars (3-4) to company HQ and move behind the infantry, or sometimes 1-2 per platoon. On the positive side they are very accurate on their short ranges and very effective agains light open topped vehicles.

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I use mortar parks situated behind tall buildings with great LOS. Then I put an HQ unit in the second floor spotting for the mortars.

In defensive battles it works well against attacking infantry moving across open ground or scattered trees. They cannot see where are the mortars so they cannot guide the counter battery fire.

It's important, as Michael emrys says, to hide the HQ unit due to avoid a non-desirable long range fire (and consequent spotting of the HQ unit).

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