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How is the score calculated?

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Sorry about this newbie question, but I couldn't find anything in the search. So, how does it work? I think I read that each unit is worth something similar to their price, but how is that transferred to the final score (which is usually less than 100)? If I kill 50% of the men in a squad, will I get points for that? Is morale part of the calculation? Terrain (except for the obvious flags)? What else is considered?

I'm trying to figure out when to stop my attack.

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Forgot to mention one thing. The manual indicates that there is a difference between Probe, Attack and Assault. Is there any or is it just flags, points and setup zones that are affected by this?

(Probe: you only have to advance a little bit,

Assualt: you need to take control of a big part of the map.)

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this is probably worth repeating:



Member # 3602

posted June 07, 2001 03:56 PM

Been meaning to post this here for a while. I've seen several plain english explanations, but for the

math inclined, here's a rough guide to CM scoring as I understand it. It doesn't say anything about

exited units (whether from an exit scenario or not) and it probably overlooks other stuff too (for

example a scenario designer can give one side bonus points), but in QBs I can usually tell what the final

score will be to within a few percentage points by the late few turns of the fight.

pa = total points of allied casualties (allies captured count double their casualty value)

pg = total points of german casualties (germans captured cout double their casualty value)

f = total value of flags

fa = point value of flags controlled by allies

fg = point value of flags controlled by germans

a = allied score

g = german score


( pg + fa )

a = ---------------

( pa + pg + f )

( pa + fg )

g = ---------------

(pa + pg + f )

Flags are worth 300 points for the big ones, and 100 for the small ones.

All units are worth their cost in points(that is, if you only kill a regular sherman, pa will be 115 ), with

the exception of arty spotters, which are worth 30 points, and possibly infantry casualties, which I

haven't tested for exact values. That is, infantry may have a standard per casualty value (probably

around 2 or 3 points) or it may vary by unit type. Captured units are worth double points.


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Now here's a question I haven't seen discussed:

How are captured tanks, PBs, etc. handled when one side auto-surrenders? The tank or PB is shown as abandoned, so it seems you get the kill points for that unit, but the crews seem to have disappeared. Do you get capture points for the crews, as well, or just points for the killed tank.

Also, if you kill a tank, do you get the full value of that tank, or would you have to also kill the crew to get the full value.

Also, I've noticed that an immoblized vehicle will be abandoned between battles in an operation, but it doesn't show up as a kill. Is it worth flaming that tank? Would that then add it to your kill column? I ask because I didn't bother to blast an immoblized/abandoned German tank in a 3 battle operation, knowing it would never be recovered, then was suprised to see that it didn't show up as a kill.

[ March 26, 2002, 07:53 PM: Message edited by: CombinedArms ]

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Originally posted by CombinedArms:

How are captured tanks, PBs, etc. handled when one side auto-surrenders? The tank or PB is shown as abandoned, so it seems you get the kill points for that unit, but the crews seem to have disappeared. Do you get capture points for the crews, as well, or just points for the killed tank.

Also, if you kill a tank, do you get the full value of that tank, or would you have to also kill the crew to get the full value.

Interesting question. I never got an autosurrender while a tank was intact, hence I didn't notice.

In fact the tank crew is not listed as captured, it just disappeared.

A gun is listed as captured with its crew, but as one unit, not an abanonded gun and a captured crew as seperate items.

However, the count of captured men include both crews, for sure. Hence I have to assume they count normally, as knocked out equipment (= purchase value) + captured crewmen. Don't do that.

It is quite hard to tell exactly, since in an autosurrender the usual way of computing the knockout points doesn't work anymore, that once require one neutral flag and balancing winner's knockoed out units is hard since you must have most stuff dead to get the autosurrender. I could probably set up a count system with exit values, that would allow me to see the relationship.

For now, I assume the situation is normal, just the graphics not up-to-date.

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