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A I 's view of the battlefield

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I did a search in CMBO and I could not find a match on any of the Subject titles and I have never thought to ask this question until now; Does the AI see the battlefield the same way the human player does or does it behave realistically as a battalion, company or platoon would as far spotting and command and control? I mean does it have the same Gods eye view the human player would or what?

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In the CMBO manual, it says that the underlying mathematical model the game uses to compute results is slightly different from what players see in the graphical presentation, or something like that. For example, the computer "sees" individual men in a squad get killed (and their weapons lost to further use), but the human player doesn't see things down to that level of detail.

I don't have the manual immediately available, but perhaps someone else out there can elaborate on this, if it's relevant to the question.

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I dont think I have explained myself good enough. What I am trying to say is as a human player I can see the battlefield as a whole and with that ability see what is happening on two opposite sides of the battlefield almost instantaneously. I can take advantage of that and if so desired move tanks or other vehicles (or any other unit for that matter) to the other side of the field right now. Now in the real world (in WW2) that isnt possible. Does the computer react as it should in the real world (in which case it would get stomped) or would it react like a human player might?

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one thing it doesn't see. and that's your units hidden in a wood line waiting to ambush him. that used to piss me off royally when playing one of the old ssi games(can't remember if it was kampfgruppe or steel panthers). you could never ambush the computer cuz he would always "see" your forces and turn to face your threat. anyway, while being far from perfect, at least the ai in combat mission doesn't cheat(as far as i know)....

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Sometimes I have also wondered about this. The AI has done some things that worked perfectly to take out a tank or two in the past. But regardless, the AI will never be REALLY challenging, regardless of whether they see all your men or not.

If you want to test it out, play with no FOW and see how the AI plays. Then play with EFOW, and see if there is a big difference.


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Originally posted by zukkov:

one thing it doesn't see. and that's your units hidden in a wood line waiting to ambush him. that used to piss me off royally when playing one of the old ssi games(can't remember if it was kampfgruppe or steel panthers). you could never ambush the computer cuz he would always "see" your forces and turn to face your threat. anyway, while being far from perfect, at least the ai in combat mission doesn't cheat(as far as i know)....

Yep, that was probably both of them. I can still remember playing Kampfgruppe in glorious CGA or something close to that on a C-64! The other thing that always got me was you could not reverse your tanks if I remember correctly.
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Hi all,

The AI's ability to see things is pretty much the same as the Human player's. In theory there is nothing the AI can/can't do/see that the Human player can/can't do/see. In reality there are some fine points which do differ a bit.

At the lowest level the AI is better at crunching the numbers, be them odds, value of units, or the best possible square meter to position a particular gun in terms of LOS. However, as we all know there is more than just crunching numbers to good decisions. Gut instintics, which are perhaps illogical or at least not based on supporting data, can have the best payoffs in warfare. So while the AI might be able to find a better spot on a hill for that HMG, perhaps there was a better hill it could have been placed on in the first place. But since the math didn't come up with that answer, it didn't go there.

The other big difference is about combos of moves, unit groupings, subtle use of a unit's strength/weakness, etc. Call this the little things that can add up. The AI can only do things that it was coded up to do, while the player can come up with new ideas on the fly at any time. Fuzzy Logic makes CM's AI have a LOT more flexability vs other game AIs, but there are still limits. There is, for example, no special coding for using flamethowers. The player can use these in multiple, condition specific ways. The AI treats this weapon as it would any other team with similar core statistics (movement rate, lethality, vulnerability, etc.). This MIGHT be good enough in most cases, but it is far less "deep" than the Human can do.

And of course, the AI simply can't match the Human's ability to think and learn. It does a good job, but given time even the poorest Human player will learn to beat the AI most of the time. Especially if the scenario is replayed.

Bottom line... the AI can't do MORE than the Human either in theory or in practice.


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