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Tank Hunter Teams

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Originally posted by mike the wino:

I am still undecided on Tank Hunter teams. Best I can get is 1 tank for 2 teams. I use them in tandem to guarantee kill but end up losing all 4 troops for a 70% chance of a tank kill. At least those are my estimated odds.

And I have had NO luck with ATRs in the demo.

Little help here.

Sounds like a good trade to me. I've managed 2 kills and 3 immobilizations in about 8 times going through the Citadel scenario.
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I think they will be put to best use in city scenarios where they get the drop on tanks from upper story windows. I'd rather have a bazooka but a molotov will do. A lone tank will be a fire hazard.

I've heard that the Soviets did'nt like the bazookas, but surely they could/should have seen the benfit a system like that has, if nothing else giving your troops farther range than 50m max.

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In one of those little forests I had immobilized a panzer, and I sent one of the local hunter teams after it. To my disappointment, I found that they couldn't even handle *that* job, and got themselves blown away. Disappointing AI, in that case, I think- he can't move, you can. How could you screw that up?

But while I was trying to clue them in on what to do, I noticed that there was a command called "Follow Tank".

Aha! I thought. Goddamnit, Aha! Now I see how they are supposed to be effective- just follow the last guy in the caravan across the tundra and he picks the best time & place to shoot something up the panzer's poop chute.

But no. I have never again been able to get that "Follow Tank" command to come up. You?


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Tank hunter teams in Citadelle scenario: I gave the rocket-using team vehicle arc of 20 m and for the molotov-using team vehicle arc of 10 m (180 degree both arcs). Then just wait for tanks to come closer... Yippee!!! Look them burning! And the firepower of the two SMG's is whopping 100, so no complains there, either.

They'll be in my arsenal for sure smile.gif Of course zooks and schrecks are better in longer ranges, but they are easier to spot than a regular two man team.

Of course there'll be problems with getting teams to good ambush locations, but that's always the same with tank hunting infantry.

[Edited for the scenario name]


[ September 06, 2002, 03:13 AM: Message edited by: Kuma of Finland ]

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I noticed most of these posts are about the Russian tank hunter teams in Citadelle... My problem is with the German ones in Yelnia Stare. I can't get them close enough without being wiped out. They only are effective at 25 m and in. The only possible use I can see for them is as a last resort, i.e.: Tanks are breaching your defense lines... Still then they have a Jihad like effect, they are basically suicide bombers. Not to mention if the tanks are that close to your lines, your other infantry teams are probably shattered.

Anyone else effective with the German teams? or do we accept their deaths as collateral damage?

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IIRC correctly someone did a test a while ago. A company KV'S in heavy woods vs some Tank Hunters.

Not a single KV survived.

It depends very much on the terrain, as they need to come in very close. The terrain in the demo doesn't really favour them.

Eden Smallwood: "follow" appears only < 50meters

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