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Possible Italian Uniform Bug


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As far as I know there are four different uniform types for the Italians in the bmps. These are Bersaglieri, Alpini, Cavalry and tank crew. The tank crew shows up fine but any time I have played a scenario with Italians all the other types are always represented as Cavalry. I know this is a bit pedantic but I would like to see the designers work on show. I was wondering if anybody else has experienced this?


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Tanks for getting back to me so quick. I am having the same problem. In fact the only type of division you can get is mechanised. No Infantry, Mountain or ski. This is where the problems with uniforms come in. Excuse me while I get boring here! The bmp for the infantry body is( thanks for the tables Micheal!) 9901,which is a Bersaglieri (light/mechanised infantry) uniform. The bmp for the mechanised infantry body is 9909,which is the uniform of the Savoia Dragoons i.e. cavalry. So if the only division you can choose is Mechanised then the only uniform you can get is Cavalry. Check out the scenario Sapristi. The Bersaglieri and Cavalry squads all have the same bmp used. Dont get me wrong, I dont want to appear like a pain in the arse.

Cheers and thanks for a great game! :D

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Ah... OK, now I know what you are talking about. This is actually something we can't do anything about. Uniforms can only be changed based on the Division type. So if you select Mechanized, and then two different types of units, the same uniform will be used for both. This is an inherent limitation with the CM engine going way back to when the max size video card was 8MB smile.gif The rewrite of the engine will change all of that, but nothing can be done for CMBB.


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Just a couple of side notes.

The uniform are generally correct but:

1. The uniform shown for 'mechanized' type division is that of cavalry. Since the use of unmounted cavalry on the Eastern Front was very rare for Italian troops, maybe someone might volunteer to mod it to Bersaglieri uniforms.

2. Infantry uniforms shows the red swallow tailed collar patched that are actually used only by unregimented infantry. Actually each Regiment had his own particular collar patch (just an historical note, I know this is impossible to represent within the current game engine).

3. Last but not least. Bersaglieri and Alpini troops never went into action without their drooping plume (for the former) or the long eagle's feather fixed to their helmets.



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As there are a number of experts on the Italian army in this post has any got a picture of a badge used by the Alpino ‘Monte Cervino’ Ski Battalion for my Grog Icon bar. –I know they were equipped with skis for the Russian campaign. I am currently using a badge of an Alpino unit that served in Russia.

As the Italian Cavalry are now in the game (Apparently) not looked I will be updating that Icon as well. (Got the badge already).

I have been having computer probs - so bare with me.

My site for the icons is here

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