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Steve/Charles, remember that extra CM game disk send 2y ago?

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A history note:

2 years ago I ordered CM:BO from a land far away, called South Africa, and waited….and waited…and waited. Playing the downloaded demo a 20th time I decided this just wont do. I e-mailed Steve/Charles and told them that after 4/5 weeks I have received nada. Steve/Charles/MadMatt - couldn’t remember which - informed me that they presume the CM:BO CD was lost in the post and BTS kindly send me another copy free of charge. (This was a time before Baldy One’s “female order server”)

A couple of weeks later this CD arrived to my delight, after hearing/reading so much about the game on the BB forum. In fact, I collected on my HD all the add-on mods before I received the game - ‘tis was the days before Gordon’s CMMOS - akin to a music lover buying music CD’s long before he has the financial means to acquire a CD player! A couple of days later the original CD, thought to be lost, pitched up, doing a route via Madagascar!

I have 2 game disks and have paid for one. Steve/Charles told me to keep both. In honor of their honesty/integrity, certain individuals are playing with full gusto in certain CM:BO tourneys, spurred on by wine and ably managed by my clear headed friend Treeburst155. Mind you, the combatants are all beer drinkers, so the playing incentive must be something else. smile.gif

What to do with the 2nd CD? So I decided to give the extra game CD to a dear friend in Namibia, and told him that NOW (he being much more of a hardcore gamer than me) we can really bash our heads on the CM:BO battlefield. I was really looking forward to beat “Mr. Rommel-Fox-know-it-all” ;)

No amount of cajoling could get my friend to put this CM game CD in his harddrive. Nor could my e-mails, taken form the battlefront BB, telling my friend that CM is not another tactical war game to be churned out for the twitch crowd. If memory serves correctly, I even e-mailed him BTS’ bloody manifesto and said: “Lookey here, can’t you see this small company is a wee bit different than your normal uber-publishing house?” For various reasons my friend, who shared the celebrations of my 2nd born daughter, who celebrated me buying a new spiffy car etc. could not find/make the time or were just simply not interested in CM:BO. He visited me over December 2001 and I showed him (in graphics!) what you could expect from CM:BO. He was impressed. We stayed up some nights playing hotseat and the bug/borg bit him at last!

Ladies(!) and gentlemen, dear BTS/Forum members, after many, many months of trying to convert a major sceptic, a lot of pleading/cajoling - he majored in political science, hence the mis-trust of everything;) - I finally persuaded my friend to take up Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord!

Please all, give a warm welcome to my friend! My request to all here on the CM forum: Beat the living crap out of him in a PBEM if he ever ventures into this mode of play with anyone of you here! :D

Friend = “RootDog” registered on this forum as of 31 Jan. 2002.

Sincerely yours,

Charl Theron



“Don't cheer, boys; the poor devils are dying.”

-- John Woodward Philip (1840 - 1900), US naval officer, restraining his victorious crew during the naval battle off Santiago in the Spanish-American War.

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Guest PondScum

So what you're saying, WineCape, is that you're a pusher, and that you just hooked your friend by giving him his first hit "for free"?

Shame on you smile.gif

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Sounds like an instance of a quite general psychological phenomenon (don't know if it has a diagnostic name yet smile.gif ). Really, if some friend of mine is overenthusiastic about some subculture I'm not familiar with yet, there's a point beyond which his overenthusiasm lowers my interest to the subject. I've seen this happen a lot, both for myself and others. If you want to sell something like this you have to be subtle.

Or perhaps I'm wrong, WineCape. Perhaps you weren't overenthusiastic at all. :D

[ February 01, 2002, 09:48 AM: Message edited by: Nabla ]

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I got into CM in a similar way. When the demo of CM was out I was visiting a good friend of mine in Manila and he showed me the demo there. However I didn't got really hooked then and did not buy the full version after it eas released. Only a year later, when I was visiting the Philippines again, I got addicted. My friend had bought the full version by then and there were several of these seemingly endless nights playing hot seat games. Sure enough there were quite a few bottles of ice cold beer involved as well :D

Even before travelling back home to Switzerland I ordered my copy of the game from an internet cafe in Bangkok. Upon arrival in good ol'Switzerland the CD was already in my mailbox.

Now I'm in Bangkok again and my CM CD is in my lugagge. And I'm heading over to the Philippines in a few days from now...some more hot seat games coming up and some more bottles of beer will be emptied...

Cheers all



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Originally posted by PeterNZer:


What's some good red to look out for in the UK. I suck at wine stuff and just buy on price (expensive often = better hehe).

Give us all a wine lesson...

OK, let’s push this drug dealer scenario further. :D

Strictly off topic I suppose (Baldy One, bear with me) but I intend to sponsor future CM:BB tourneys with manager Treeburst155 along the same lines as the current Wild Bill Rumblings of War Tourney. All beer drinkers welcome to apply though! smile.gif

The wine estates list below are the top producers of quality SA wine. If you want to buy South African wines in your country, the estate wines below will be the better/excellent ones:

Our equivalent of a French “1st growth estates” would be:











Klein Constantia



JP Bredell (the ports)


Glen Carlou

Hamilton Russell

Bouchard Finlayson

Rust en Vrede


Other very good estate wines are:


Jordan (no relation to the Californian winery)

Groot Constantia

La Motte


Clos Malverne

Le Bonheur







De Wetshof







Plaisir de Merle

Neil Ellis




De Trafford



Havana Hills






Spice Route


End of wine lesson #1.


Charl Theron


Anyone who tries to make you believe that he knows all about wines is obviously a fake.

-- Leon Adams, "The Common sense Book of Wine", 1962.

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Hehe... TOO funny smile.gif Yeah, I remember WineCape's lost order just like it was yesterday. Hard to imagine it was so long ago!

The cool thing was that when WineCape contacted us he was polite and asked where his order was. I told him (see... it was just me at the time, with Charles sweating over code, and The Bald One not yet bribing his way in smile.gif ) that it was sent and he waited a bit to see if he could find out more info. No dice. So we both said "well, airmail to South Africa... what can we expect?", and another one went off to him. Both showed up, but that is how it goes smile.gif

The "best" one ever was a fairly sizable order to Australia. The initial order finally showed up, but some three MONTHS after it was shipped. Thankfully Oz has something funky in the water and the 3 or 4 people who were waiting for that one package were all super good sports about the whole thing. Then again, we had guys screaming bloody murder at us for being a scam or something because their package didn't show up 3 days after we sent it. Then they find out their secretary, wife, or neighbor picked it up and forgot to tell them. Oh boy... every penny we pay for someone else to do this stuff for CMBB will be WELL worth it :D


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Originally posted by WineCape:

Please all, give a warm welcome to my friend! My request to all here on the CM forum: Beat the living crap out of him in a PBEM if he ever ventures into this mode of play with anyone of you here! :D

Friend = RootDog; registered on this forum as of 31 Jan. 2002.

Sincerely yours,

Charl Theron

Should he ever show up in the Peng Challenge Thread, he will not leave until he is traumatized and in tears.
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I remembered that Mr RootDog, when he visited me in December 2001, showed some interest in the Peng Challenge thread (I showed him that he will NOT be alone in enjoying this "obscure little game" by logging into this forum).

I told him not no sane man should ever venture into the 'pool, as you might never escape. This had the opposite effect, as he told me, with a twinkle in his eye, that no man can hold reason with him and that he has a very thick skin. Remember, he majored in Political Studies and these people have a habit of talking trash anyway ;)

So my dear sir, you have my blessing of making him feel not too welcome if he ever ventures into your home!


Charl Theron


”Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!”

Maurice Forgy, (1908 - 1983) US naval lieutenant’s remark made during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, 7 Dec 1941.

[ February 02, 2002, 04:32 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

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Originally posted by WineCape:


I remembered that Mr RootDog, when he visited me in December 2001, showed some interest in the Peng Challenge thread (I showed him that he will NOT be alone in enjoying this "obscure little game" by logging into this forum).

I told him not no sane man should ever venture into the 'pool, as you might never escape. This had the opposite effect, as he told me, with a twinkle in his eye, that no man can hold reason with him and that he has a very thick skin. Remember, he majored in Political Studies and these people have a habit of talking trash anyway ;)

So my dear sir, you have my blessing and making him feel not too welcome if he ever ventures into your home!


Charl Theron

Winecape, my merry man, I also majored in Political Science, specifically concentrating in International Relations and Comparative Politics.

It is not that we are suspicious or skeptical people. It is just that we've the training to realize most folk are bloody idiots, all nations are led by criminals, and no one wants to pay for the garbage to be picked up.

That said, I shall keep a keen eye out for this friend of yours.

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I too had a delay in delivery of the game and I live only 10 hour drive from BTS. I live in southern Ontario, Canada. :cool: I emailed BTS and they sent another one out to me and it arived in less then a week but not long after that the first game arrived. I then just reshipped it back to the good old guys at BTS.

When CMBB comes out I may (with BTS permision) drive down and pick it up. ;)

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I too had a delay in delivery of the game and I live only 10-hour drive from BTS. I live in southern Ontario, Canada. :cool: I emailed BTS and they sent another one out to me and it arrived in less then a week but not long after that the first game arrived. I then just reshipped it back to the good old guys at BTS.

When CMBB comes out I may (with BTS permission) drive down and pick it up. ;)

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