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Mac CMBB/CMBO system-freezing crash

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I was hoping this problem wouldn't recur in CMBB, but it has, so...

In both CMBO and CMBB, my system sometimes locks up so that my only recourse is the reset button. (I can't escape out to the desktop, nor does command-tab work.) Sometimes it seems like this happens very often, but I can go weeks without seeing the problem, too. Replication is unfortunately difficult. :(

My system is a Mac dual G4 450, system 9.2.2, 1.25 GB of memory. (I've tried dramatically increasing CM's memory partition, and reducing it to the recommended level, but haven't seen any change in behavior.)

My impression is that the problem manifests when I click on a unit. The yellow selection box will appear, and the status info at the bottom of the screen is properly updated, but everything will freeze at that point. This happens both in orders phases and while watching movies. When this happens and I reload a pbem/saved game, often (but not always) it will freeze again when I select the unit that was problematic earlier. Sometimes I can select that unit fine, but a different unit will cause the freeze.

It's hard to be certain that it's clicking a unit that causes the problem, because it usually takes a couple of seconds before I realize that "hey, the map isn't scrolling even though I've moved the cursor to the edge of the screen" or "hey, why did the movie stop playing?" (The ambient and other sounds that were playing when the freeze occurs continue until they are done, so it's not like everything suddenly goes silent.)

I am willing to entertain any/all suggestions as to cause and possible remedy. If BTS wants to make me their guinea pig, I'm willing.

Have any other users out there experienced anything similar?

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Originally posted by L.Tankersley:

My impression is that the problem manifests when I click on a unit.

Bang goes that theory. No sooner had I posted this than I had another lockup, this time while I was dragging a LOS line from one of my units to an enemy unit (actually, an enemy "lost contact" icon).

My gut says it's graphics-related, though.

[ September 29, 2002, 11:45 AM: Message edited by: L.Tankersley ]

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I highly doubt that the problem is with the CM code since so many other people can run it without problems. I don't think that your setup is unique enough that it warrants some sort of change in the CM code, especially considering how intermittent it is.

Maybe you'll want to experiment with the amount of memory that is in your Mac. But with an intermittent problem like this (unless you're sure you can get a lockup each time you play) you may be unable to determine if any changes you've made will have an effect on your problem.

Another tedious thing to try is to remove/disconnect your current hard drives and connect another one that you can partition, format and install 0S 9.2.2 cleanly on and then install both versions of CM and see if it is possibly a software issue.

I don't know if the Dual G4's would allow you to remove one CPU (and terminate the open slot connection) or not. If it does, then that is something else to experiment with.

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I'm pretty sure I had the issue under 9.0 and 9.1 (and possibly 8.6 also; I can't remember when I upgraded vs. getting CMBO and when the problem started anymore).

I installed the new drivers -- one downside is that now I'm limited to 1024x768; I was running at 1280x1024 before. :/

I should probably go buy a new video card anyway - I've been thinking about it for long enough. ::pats smoldering lump of cash in pocket::

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Leland, I had the same problem on my old iMac, running 9.1. Could go weeks without any lockups, and then get several in a row. I found that if I saved the files regularly, while inputting orders, it occurred less often. Makes me think it has something to with memory use, but I can't prove it. I haven't had it happen at all on my new iMac, running 9.2.1...at least not yet.

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I'm wondering if the problem isn't with your CD-Rom Drive. I posted once about a similar problem, noting that my CD-Rom drive seemed to be making its cycling noise just before the freeze. Somebody pointed out that the the computer will tend to search the CD drive for info a times and if it doesn't find it fast enough, this can cause a freeze.

But once you have opened CM, you don't actually need the CD in the drive. If you remove the CD, the computer will simply omit its search of the CD drive and move on to some other step. I've done this with some success, esp. with bigger scenarios, but I don't always remember to remove the CD (and of course, if you close CM and then want to start it again, you have to re-insert the CD.)

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I might buy that for CMBO, but the CMBB install disk is just some compressed installer files. I can't imagine CMBB would be searching for data on the CD during the game.

It hasn't happened since I took out the Orion and went back to the AGP card. Far from definitive, though. I should have a Radeon later this week; we'll see what that does for me.

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