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EMERGENCY! Map Editor Question - Rivers and Marsh

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Ahh And I thought it was just a bug! I spent ages doing a large map based on soviet 1:100 000 of an area 30 ks SE Lvov,a nd I could not get the ribvers to flow down hill! It drove me nuts as the map was cut by streams starting in hill (spot heights 471m) dropping 13 x 10 m contours over an escarpment 1.5 to 2 km wide (The staggering grade of 130/1500 to 130/2000 (6.5-8%) I thought this would be lovely to model since the streams /small rivers started in the hills. I have now had to re-map them as gulleys!


And I liked cruising the CMBO rivers at level 1 looking for corners bent up!

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I would suggest maybe using "soft Ground." It works ok and coule I guess work as streams. They used to tell us that marsh worked as streams, but marsh also has the same problem.

Rocky ground also works. Of course, all these things infantry can pass, so if you want it to be impasable I guess you have to bo with the burning forest, LOL!

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Worth pointing out that with the coming of CMMOS 4.0 and the ability to very easily swap BMPs in and out, an enterprising scenario designer could easily take the soft ground or maybe rocky ground tiles, mod them a bit to show a stream (the editor water tiles are too big for a little stream anyway), and include them with the scenario.

Speaking more generally, this whole idea of scenario specific mods for terrain/buildings using CMMOS seems to me to be a mostly unmined treasure trove. Only recall the D-Day stuff from CMBO, plus of course the DFDR et al complete conversions.

- Old Dog

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Islands are easy and very doable. Load up my scenario to see many samples of islands and how they can be made to look quite nice. (if I do say so myself)


right click and save to scenario folder in CMBB

I like the new way of doing things myself, but can certainly appreciate the opinions of those that would like rivers to actually have some slope to them across large maps. If a stream leading into a river even touches a CORNER of a river tile, that stream auto-drops to the river level. T'was a biotch and a bummer at 1st, but I adjusted. smile.gif

[ November 15, 2002, 06:05 PM: Message edited by: Sgt. Schultz ]

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Originally posted by Old Dog:

Worth pointing out that with the coming of CMMOS 4.0 and the ability to very easily swap BMPs in and out, an enterprising scenario designer could easily take the soft ground or maybe rocky ground tiles, mod them a bit to show a stream (the editor water tiles are too big for a little stream anyway), and include them with the scenario.

Oooo, cool idea!

:cool: :cool: :cool:

But you would have to do a mod for each possible direction the stream could flow, right? That's four mods?


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Whilst I agree with my learned colleague earlier in that your wife definately smelled the coffee real early here and went out and bought the game to stop your playing until Christmas and bless her for loving you so much and for that alone she should be treated EXTRA SPECIAL if ya "know what I mean-wink,wink"! (<<==remember that Monty Python episode, hilarious!) Ok, now the solution to your problem here all lies in how U wanna handle this my friend. You can take up another game like the fabulous Mechwarrior4 Mercenaries until then, or any of a ton of titles........maybe a lil racing excursion for a bit......Nascar's got one humming just waiting on ya! Doth I hear the pitter patter of some RPGamers tip toeing around in something like Morrowind or perhaps the newer Divinity!! Many, many choices for ya............take yer time and have fun with it! I guess you could play another war title but you dont wanna overdo it befor you sit down to the Barbarosa feast!

And friends dont forget those less fortunate than you this holiday season = Our hurt buddies @ please help!

Thank you! :D

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Originally posted by Old Dog:

Speaking more generally, this whole idea of scenario specific mods for terrain/buildings using CMMOS seems to me to be a mostly unmined treasure trove.

Yes, that's a beautiful idea, but it shouldn't require CMMOS.

For the rewrite, (of course), I've thought that it could be like this: the scenario designer writes his scenario, and then makes mods which fit it, like some weird church which looks like some church in Stalingrad, or whatever it is.

Then, all packaged together, the user simply unzips that stuff all into one directory/folder. When CMBB or CMDD or what it will be opens that scenario, it *sees* that their are BMPs and WAVs there, and it will use those in preference the the default ones in the default place.

Thus each scenario could have it's own mods, and installing and running such a scenario has no effect whatsoever on the user's other scenarios, or his installation in general. Follow? THAT would be placing some serious firepower in the hands of SDs, which I've lobbied before to be a top priority for the rewrite...


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Eden, that is the best idea I've heard yet for potential rewrite stuff. The mods, terrain featurs, whateve, could somehow be embedded in the scenario itself!

I wonder if that goes counter to BFCs position of not allowing modification of the underlying models? Hmm.

I always liked Clubfoot's D-Day mod set and wished for a type of CMMOS utility to easily switch between scenario-specific mods. There's really nothing to prevent such a feature with the current engine. Take a look at the new CMMOS preview and think "scenario" listed on the right column. Click that scenario and all required mods are installed, schwing!

As far as adding a stream to wet ground goes, that sounds great except wouldn't it have to have an 'outlet' on all 4 sides, or would the bmps be able to match with the current number?

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Originally posted by Michael emrys:

But you would have to do a mod for each possible direction the stream could flow, right? That's four mods?

Only for the direction(s) the stream on your particular map flowed. If soft ground is used (reasonable since the effects of the terrain would be similar), you'd have (6) BMPs to play with. (Numbers 703 thru 708 if anyone's inclined to experiment.) So, a "joins the river" tile, and (5) different "meandering down" tiles with water flowing over rocks.

Since the mod would be scenario specific, there would be no need for any tiles that you didn't use on your map.

Alternately, some good terrain modder could create several "mix and match" sets (flowing in different directions) and make them available to scenario designers to pick through, number appropriately, and release with their scenario.

- Old Dog

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