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The other T34 mod - While the bandwidth lasts

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Originally posted by Panzer Boxb:


I can host it for you. Only, with my mirror sites getting hammered for the Mac demo I cannot guarantee speedy delivery to those wanting it right now.

Panzer Boxb, I'll put this up in my small earthlink site while freeserves get their heads out of the @$$e$, but thanks anyway, I might still need your space.



If you want it, you can get it here

We need the final game so me and Tiger will have different vehicles to mod. :D


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Old Dog...Im surpsied, hehe, as it was actually the steppe I wanted to go back to if time permitted (which it didnt), so Im very glad to hear you are happy with them! I quite liked the brush doodads myself, as they were rendered out of a 3D package and are very crisp and clean. I have added more shadow to them since the demo was made though, which helps a lot. smile.gif

I must admit Im surisped that no one has done either a origional vehicle mod yet or even better, added some camo to the Pz-IV. smile.gif Actually I have one here with some camo and zimmerit that Ill upload once finished.



[ September 02, 2002, 07:04 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:


No speeke de russkie! Get me some slogans and I'll throw them on there.

I must admit Im surisped that no one has done either a origional vehicle mod yet or even better, added some camo to the Pz-IV. Actually I have one here with some camo and zimmerit that Ill upload once finished.

Kwazydog, it's just a matter of time. Tweaking the originals is a whole lot quicker. :D


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Originally posted by gibsonm:

...didn't the T-34 Commander's hatch open forwards and up (i.e. when the commander is "opened up" the hatch would protect his chest).

Yes, on pretty much all models. The first three years of production, the entire back half of the turret roof hinged forward as a single piece. In 1943, they introduced seperate hatches for the TC and gunner (loader?). These were circular in shape, side by side and still hinged forward as a single piece. Later on, most 85mm armed and some late 76mm armed tanks got a commander's cupola with a two-piece hatch divided across the middle. These opened fore and aft and lay down flat when open. The loader's hatch remained as before.


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