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A serious question for the Game Developers

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Are there any plans to improve the animations and graphics even further in the next release of CM? Don't get me wrong I like the game and I am ordering it but it would give me a warm and fuzzy feeling knowing that you guys are dedicated to continuous improvement and that I can look forward to even better graphics and animation in an already great game. The strategy in this game is unmatched.

How about a game that is sort of a Strategic Command - CMBB Hybrid where you start out owning a country in the world and you have to build up an economy and military and conquer land and form allies, but with the same 3D graphics and strategic engine as CM:BB?

That would rock.

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if you read the forums you would have noticed that the next CM release will use a new 3d engine the graphics only represent what is going on .The real work is in the ai and the fussy logic that is built into the game at the time of

CMBO release the graphics where not to bad a little dated maybe and the team have done all they can with the current 3d graphics engine for the release of CMBB

what would you rather have a game with great graphics and **** AI OR

Functional graphics with good AI

i know what i would pick EVERY time

ie have you played the GI combat demo (urgggghh)

yes not bad graphics but the ai is lousy ;)

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I've been wargamin for a while now (started with Avalon Hill games)and I have played a lot on the puter. My question is this, can anyone tell me were I can get a game that is as good as CM?? I don't mean a game with edge cutting graphics and crappy game play or one with edge cutting game play and crappy graphics. In my opinion (opinions are like butt holes everyones got one),I think CM is a game that has the best of all worlds in it, it is as close to a battle sim that you can find out there, as far as command and control it can't be beat, and hey what's wrong with the graphics?? I think they are pretty darn good. I f anyone can point me to a game that covers as much as CM, I'd go there don't get me wrong, but I just have'nt found it.

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Not to much into the "Eye Candy" aspects of games as many. I feel that it is hard to balance the two and deliver a polished and rewarding game like the CM series.

If they can make the game look better without lowering the gameplay value then I say hats off, but if the new pretty graphics interfere with the gameplay I personally feel that it is not a worthy trade off.

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Dear MasterG,

I sense an imminent explosion of harsh and sarcastic messages coming your way. Duck.

Some have already 'informed' you about the AI vs graphics question. You are all alone on that one.

With regard to creating a 'world' and then fighting with it. Well that's been overdone. Just look at every other page of any computer gaming magazine.

CM is really different than all of that other rot and so much better than any WWII tactical combat simulation. CM is the ideal. Other game makers should be striving to meet the CM challenge.

So as I said... look out. On the other hand eveyone might just ignor your post.

Duck Toad Duck ...... Toad

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Well the funny thing is I agree with just about everything these people are saying. This game IS the **** and I realize the challenges that face programmers (I am a Java developer). The intention of my post was merely to see if the developers had visions beyond this great game. I would not want AI or strategy to be sacrificed in ANY way for graphics. I kind of like these graphics and the MOD - ability don't get me wrong. It was just a question about the future as it's certainly possible to improve the graphics with a new engine without sacrificing gameplay.

Wow, this community is harsh.

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Well, the community isn't quite HARSH. You just managed to push some buttons without knowing it (I think). Some people are now up in arms looking for a scrappage.

I can already feel the heat level dropping, however.

As far as graphics, and gameplay goes. I too would LOVE to see some cool animations for this game. I am an animator and would think it "cat's ass-like" to animate for a 3D WWII game. I'm sure Charles doesn't wanna share this particular part of his job. He gets to do all the animations if I remember rightly.

I don't blame him. After doing all that coding, I would want to play with animations as well. Have something to "see," besides whats under the hood. smile.gif

I think he's done a fine job. And I don't need to see fully animated figures in CM, as I'm not sure they'd even fit in anymore. Weird, eh?


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MasterGoodale, it's not so harsh as it might appear smile.gif You just happened to step on something of a landmine around here.

You see, there have been some rather rude and/or accusatory posts in days gone by about how BFC is slacking off in some form or another due to that poster's beliefs on what type of game they want. I'm not talking about a "Gee, it'd be cool..." but rather "Damnit, you guys suck because it doesn't do this..." or "You aren't listening to user feedback because I wanted it to work this way..."

Graphics and strategic layers have been some of the topics of such inflammatory posters and so I think there was just an over-reaction.

Your posts seems entirely to be "Hey, wouldn't it be cool if..." and that's always been entirely fine 'round here.

The next engine, CMII ;) , is slated for a couple years down the road and it has been posted by BFC that its graphics may look something like the WW2 RTS (by the guys that did IL-2).

As to an operational layer... well I think many people would appreciate it with the caveats that nothing of the tactical layer was sacrificed and the op layer worked well. I don't expect them to shoot themselves in the foot by saying "We're doing that" unless they know they can do a VERY good job with it. Thus I strongly imagine that, if BFC does decide to do an operational layer, we won't know about it until waaaaay down the road smile.gif

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Just take it easy MG, Cameroon is partly right. The last couple of days there have been some morons posting here in a rather offensive and directly provocative ways. Have a look at this one http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=1;t=026558

So I just think that the forum is a bit touchy at the moment, so hang around, and when you feel like it, post you opinion.

And where is the CmBorg when you need it :D



Fluffy The Sheep

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aaahhhhh the trolls of CM past have made the community a little defensive of the CM developers, and righteously so. I understand. I have no intention of insulting this game. Let me clarify that I LOVE THIS GAME AND ALL I HAVE PLAYED IS THE DEMO. Actually, I can't wait to play another demo scenario tonight after I take care of the wife. What a game. I think they have done an incredible job with the entire concept. This is the kind of game where for YEARS I sat back frustration and asked "Why doesn't anyone make a game like. . .(this one)?".

I hate the wait for the package to arrive and I will be taking every single one of you up on PBEM!!!!

garagagaaarrrraraagggg gg g g gg !

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