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"WG" problem in english CDV-version solved, too

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Hi Phil, i just checked the QB status after running the bat file and i had SS Mechanised, SS cavalry and SS mountain...but WG infantry to choose from !?...so it looks like the patch doesn't cover all the SS possibilities..probably an oversight by 'Schoerner'?..maybe he will read this and update his fix.

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this is because you opened the QB-editor, before the patch-process was completed.

Phil & JaegerMeister:

make sure you wait, until the MS-Dos box is closed automatically.

Then go into the editor.

[ October 23, 2002, 03:13 PM: Message edited by: Schoerner ]

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ok it appears to be the blitz.exe that doesn't work at all on mine. I don't hear the beeps.

I have managed to get the v2.exe to work bit now I want to edit the wait file so I don't have to sit around for ages. What is a good figure to change it to? I've tried 10000 and it doesn't work - 20000 does but it's still slow.

WinXP sp1

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Measure the time from the initial display of the CM2-splash-screen till the DOS-box closes, subtract approx. 10 seconds and you have the amount of time in seconds you can reduce the waiting time.

Don't forget, that the waiting time needs to be in milliseconds.

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