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gamespy article on CMBO new release

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The reviewer seems to have got a couple of things wrong and confused some aspects with CMBB.

"Originally released as a title that could be purchased via online download"

"...experienced Combat Mission players will easily take note of the improved damage modeling and more realistic destructible environments including buildings and vehicles."

"The addition of plenty of new vehicles"

"The special edition of Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord now features playable forces from Germany, England, and America, as well as Canada, France, and Poland."

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Congratulations - the first thread in history moved from the General Forum.

One sentence in the review - The special edition of Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord now features playable forces from Germany, England, and America, as well as Canada, France, and Poland. - seems to suggest that the original online version didn't include the Yanks, the Brits and the Hun though.

[ July 16, 2003, 12:36 PM: Message edited by: Firefly ]

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I guesss it didn't.

Include the Huns I mean.

I think it might be because this turco-mongol tribe became extinct as separate ethnic group in the 460's AD.

Thus fielding their military forces as playable units in CM would be of minimal - if not profoundly so - interest.


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Originally posted by Dandelion:

I guess it didn't. Include the Huns I mean.

I think it might be because this turco-mongol tribe became extinct as separate ethnic group in the 460's AD.

ROFLMAO!! =YES=!! =Thank= -you-, Dandelion!! :D

It is nonsense like this (Germans = 'evil' Hun(?!), etc) that makes me sigh and shake my head at people {okay, okay, specifically the ones saying things like this}. Now, maybe I'm being too harsh, because entirely too many people just don't bother reading History any more, but I would have expected people on =THIS= forum to -at- =least= be more read up on History than your average CP.

Yes, the 'Hun' comment was probably just made as a 'toss-off', a jest. Still, it allowed me to toss in zwei pfennig on something that bothers me, so I took the 'shot'. ("something" = the appalling lack of breadth of education in Americans today)

To those who feel they need it, my apologies for laughing at .. whomever fits those shoes. One must admit, however, =especially= considering the international membership on these forums, that the comment wasn't very .. 'sensitive', shall we say.

(P.S.- "CP" = Couch Potato)

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Originally posted by exSpecForSgt:

Yes, the 'Hun' comment was probably just made as a 'toss-off', a jest. Still, it allowed me to toss in zwei pfennig on something that bothers me, so I took the 'shot'. ("something" = the appalling lack of breadth of education in Americans today)

Yes the phraseology was meant to be ironic and I apologise for any offence caused, which was not intended. Odd that no-one objected to 'Yank' or 'Brit' though smile.gif .

[ July 17, 2003, 05:16 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]

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Originally posted by Firefly:

I'm probably going to have to sleep in the garage for saying this ... hmmm, but only if she reads this, which I doubt, so I may be relatively 'safe'.....

I saw no problem being called a "Yank" because I guess I am one, more or less. You see, my mother's grandfather/great-grandfather (can never remember which it was) was killed trying to kick 'Johnny Reb' off a mountain top at Chattanooga [uS Civil War or The War Between The States (or Der Amerikanische Burgerkrieg, for our German readers), depending on which side of it you were on...]. Hmmm, or was that Chickamauga? Oh, well, same battlefield, more or less.

The "problem" is ... my Lady is from Chapel Hill, NORTH CAROLINA, and she would =NOT= appreciate being called a "Yank"... :D However, since she doesn't read this forum.....

Oh, and the only one I know who I'm =positive= would object to being called "Brit" is the mother of my Goddaughters ... and she's =VERY= Irish!! ;) Yep, flaming red hair, skin so fair it almost glows at night, temper to match the hair, more than a bit 'fey', etc, etc.....




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There was no offence taken Firefly.

I am merely upholding the civilisational hereditary task of showing you windward Anglo-Saxons.

You know.

The err of your ways.


Biologically, it is an interesting situation, with Anglo-Saxons calling Lower Saxons Huns, and Lower Saxons calling Saxons Ossies, and Saxons not saying much at all right now, all out looking for a job. All while they were collectively called Saxons, all living in Saxony, when the Huns hit them, enslaved them, dragged them off to slave markets and burned their villages.

I haven't really heard neither Yank nor Brit used in a derogatory sense. Are they ever used as such?

I think that generally one will be hard pressed to find any derogatory ethnically based remark against a group within that groups own language.



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Originally posted by Dandelion:

I haven't really heard either Yank or Brit used in a derogatory sense. Are they ever used as such?

Good Grief, =YES=!! Even though the American Civil War was well over a century ago, there are people in the South that are =still= =VERY= 'put out' about it. (As I heard one lady put it, in a tone of voice =dripping= with scorn, "It was The War Between The States, sir - there was nothing =civil= about it!") This makes the term "Yank(ee)" just about one of the worst things you can call someone, in the South! Yes, most people in the South have gotten over it and moved on ... but even with them, "Yank(ee)" is not something they like to be called.

I think that generally one will be hard pressed to find any derogatory ethnically based remark against a group within that groups own language.
Oh, I don't know about that. When I was stationed in Germany (mid-60s), those in the north of Germany used "Bavarian" to be the same word/meaning as 'hick, country bumpkin, fool, idiot'. Of course, "Northerner" was said as a curse-word in Bavaria, but I think they really meant "Prussian" when they said it. (For example, "Alle unserer sorgen kommt von norden - verdamter Preusser! *spit*" My apologies for my poor spelling/grammar, but it's been almost 40 years since I spoke German.) And =everyone= used "Franconier" [a person from the Franconia area] as a term for "pompous ass".

I know that people in other countries do the same thing, too. In Italy, there is no love lost between northerners and southerners, and everyone curses the Sicilians. Similarly, in Japan (one region/area vs another) and in China (one region/area vs another, one class vs another, and one 'race'/'tribe'/ethnic group vs another).

And we won't even go into some of the things the 'Free French' and the 'Vichy French' troops called each other! (According to someone I knew long ago, some of the most vicious, no-holds-barred, no-quarter-given fighting of (the early part of) WWII was the fighting in North Africa between these two groups of French.....)



Hmmm, does anyone know if it's going to be possible to fight French vs French in CM:AK?

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Originally posted by Dandelion:

I haven't really heard neither Yank nor Brit used in a derogatory sense. Are they ever used as such?

Well a lot of Americans particularly from the South don't like being called Yanks smile.gif . Actually 'Hun' and 'Boche' are fairly archaic terms in the UK these days and tend to be only used by comedians who are satirising old fashioned Empire types, which was the way I intended it. I remember reading something by George Orwell, written during WW2, where he noted that the first world war term 'Hun' had been mainly replaced by the more neutral (in his view) word 'Jerry' in the second world war, which he thought was progress of a sort.
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That actually is progress Firefly smile.gif Jerry is, I find, the equivalent of Ami, just a shorter form of a correct name.

While there are regional, cultural and religious conflict within Germany, and always has been, creating an impressive array of insults to be used against even the most minute of groups, German lacks a collective insulting term for Germans as a whole. Like e.g. "Boche". That's even including Austrian German, with "Piefke" - the general derogatory term for German - implicitly excluding Bavarians.

What do the Americans from the South, who are sensitive to the outcome of the uncivil war, want to be called then?



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Most southerners probably wouldn't mind being called Americans, it was the Confederate States of America, after all. Die-hard Southerners might prefer to be called Texans, Virginians, Georgians, etc.

Hillbilly is not a term that will win friends or influence people.

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I was joking, of course. Although few TV programmes can have been a more accurate portrayal of the south than 'The Beverly Hillbillies', and we all marvel at the even-handed description of small-town judicial process dished out in 'My cousin Vinnie', an unforgettable movie not just for that reason...

Now, imagine you're a deer. You're prancing along... :D

[ July 18, 2003, 08:44 AM: Message edited by: Andreas ]

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Originally posted by Andreas:

Although few TV programmes can have been a more accurate portrayal of the south than 'The Beverly Hillbillies',

What hath Disney (and GE, Viacom, AOL-Time Warner, etc.) wrought?

Excuse me while I go take a swim in my cement pond... :D

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