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Question regarding kill tracking

Guest Panzer Boxb

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Guest Panzer Boxb

I just finished a QB defending as the Germans against a Soviet armored attack where I faced two T-34/85 M44s and two IS-2 M44 (early) tanks. As approached my MLR and became fixated on my poor infantry I snuck a platoon of three Stug-IIIGs into firing position where they promptly and efficiently targeted and destroyed all of the Soviet heavy armor. At the end of the battle however when I sifted through the individual units stats to determine who killed what I only found a listing for the two IS-2s and one of the T-34s even though I am positive that all were taken out by those Stugs. Does the game not award a kill if the target crew decides not to bail immediately due to morale? Perusing the manual has not shed any light on this (I may be missing it though). I had noticed this once before but wrote it off to not following the battle close enough.

[sIDE NOTE: Damn, those IS tanks can be brutal. One of them took out my prize JPz IV/70 while it was in an ambush position before it could fire a single shot.]

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Panzer Bobx - I haven't received my copy yet and would like to know if CMBB tracks infantry kills better. I recently found Wrecks' Rules and find the campaign rules very interesting. Tho, there are lots of needed rule clarifications and corrections.

So, do MG's actually show kills made?


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yes, the program does track out all the kills,and exactly what they were, regardless whether you knew it at the time or not. Fired up a little QB when it came; July 41 South. German defense against Probe. PzJgrI had 3 kills 2 were unknown at the time, found out at the end the type and mark. In addition, my 81 spotter was plastering some rough and woods. All that I knew was that Russians were yelling and running. At the end mortar credited with 42 crunchies. The MG34 HMG only tallied 12, but it did pin down a lot of bodies. Used the damaged units option also, real cool...

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Guest Panzer Boxb

Yes, I do love how kills will switch from "unknowns" to precise information, especially for the artillery. Very handy to analyze the effectiveness of units. However, I'm still curious if anyone else has noticed unaccounted for casualties. I reloaded the end turn to investigate and still cannot account for the final T-34 that I know one of my Stugs holed several times.

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Originally posted by Panzer Boxb:

*bump* Still looking for verification.

I've noticed this in the demo: N enemy tanks dead at the end of Yelnia Stare, but only N-1 kills credited to the units that did the killin' (and yes, I did cycle through all the rest of my units to make sure some random half-squad or HQ hadn't done it when I wasn't looking). I suspect this may happen when a tank gets immobilized/gun-damaged (but not knocked out) and the crew decides to abandon after a turn or two (and no, I don't mean the "death clock"). This same thing would happen sometimes in CMBO (a crew abandoning a gun-damaged+immobilized tank a turn or more after it was crippled), although I never checked in CMBO to make sure a "kill" was credited to anyone.

I'm not sure if this is a bug, or an instance where the game can't tell whom to credit with the "kill."

[Edit: Just loaded up an end-game autosave from Yelnia Stare in which the Germans killed all 6 T-34s. German units only get credit for killing 4 in their kill stats. Clicking on the dead tanks, I notice that only 4 of them are "knocked out," while the other 2 are "abandoned." Coincidence?...or CONSPIRACY?]

Agua Perdido

[ September 24, 2002, 01:11 PM: Message edited by: Agua Perdido ]

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Hello Guys!

Well, i recognized the same.

I played the scenario in which the germans are searching a warm home to stay (didn't remember the exact name).

In one of the last turns my tankhunter-team throw a grenade to the only T34 tank an destroyed him.

But the programm didn't count the kill!!

[i replayed the scene a few times]

little bit strange...a bug?

Greetings Hafer

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I think its that when the crew abandon the tank it is rightly not classified as a kill.

I just played Yelnia yet again today and my tank hunter teams took out four tanks yet none of them were credited with a kill at the end. In each case the tank was abandoned.

Perhaps we should check if the crews get the kill credit...lol

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In one of the demo scenarios, all german armor was destroyed or abandoned (14 tanks I think?), but the russkies only got credit for 12 tanks. Does a unit not get credit if it causes a tank to abandon due to panic? i know that some of the units got credit for causing a vehicle to be abandoned. Could it be that more than one unit caused the vehicle knock out and this is why its not listed?

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Guest Panzer Boxb

Let me clarify the situation just a bit from my original post. The Stugs in question continued to fire and penetrate the Soviet tanks until they were confirmed as Abandoned/Knocked Out so there was no lengthy delay between them firing and the crews bailing.

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