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hell's battlefield on history channel

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they're showing hell's battlefield on the history channel as i write this. it covers stalingrad, kursk, and d-day. during the coverage on kursk they said, and i quote, "the mkIVs, panthers, and tigers were no match for the t34s". it's about damn time you german grogs fess up and admit that!! :D

seriously though, i suppose you could say that because of the numbers the russians were able to produce, that statement could be true. just like the sherman. allies rule dudes!! vv3 b leet! lol

[ October 27, 2002, 08:57 PM: Message edited by: zukkov ]

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Take what you hear on the History Channel with a grain of salt, my friend. After looking at photos taken after the tank battle at Prokhorovka, which show destroyed Russian tanks as far as the eye can see, I'd say those Tigers and Panthers were more than a match. Overwhelming numbers, and the fact that the Russians knew the German plan in advance, and prepared accordingly were the main culprits behind Zitadelle's failure. Khruschev's order to the T-34's to dig in (against Stalin's orders) helped too. But the final nail in Zitadelle's coffin was the invasion of Sicily; at which point Hitler called off the Kursk offensive..

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Glatz has a book titled "The Battle of Kursk" that was very informative.

The Simpsons reruns are all of the Halloween specials this week so I am happy.

The one that is on now contains the parody of the Shining and the tale of Homer making a time machine from his toaster. :D


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I saw the ads for this yesterday afternoon. Tried to watch it without laughing my ass off.

Very bad. I think the John Kettler quote about samuari would be very appropriate with this production. :D

Worst part was the narrator overall but also how he kept mispronouncing names of towns and locations. Pas de Calais, Stavelot and Salm River were just a few he got wrong that I remember off the top of my head.


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