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New Scenario -- Navaronne!

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It is still in development, but I just wanted to guage what the interest might be.

Remember the army man set as a kid-- it was a big black mountain with all sorts of howitzers jutting out? I am currently designing my version of ths, at least as close as I can get with the editor.

I think it will be fun, albeit big and difficult.

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I think I still have the Marx playset in my parents basement. I hated the bright yellow guns mounted on it, I remember I camoed them with green.

I was thinking about a scneario of the same sort, but the mountain would be difficult to model in CM.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Well, I am looking for a picture of the old Marx Navarone playset on the net but I can't find it anywhere. Anyone have a pic?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

This is the best I could do:


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Can you turn it around so we can see the different levels with ammo elevator and gun racks and stuff? I did every Google search I could think of. People were selling every part of the Navarone set other than the mountain itself. I had so much of that stuff.

What is going to be the objective of the scenario? There is no way to get up those cliffs.

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I am still working out the objectives, but the main idea of the scenario is to take the bridge and/or village that rests at the foot of Navarone.

The allies will have a hard time of it, but the mountain is NOT invincible, especially with the toys the Allies get. It is actually a fairly small scenario, being under 2,000 points on the Axis side, about twice that on the Allied side.

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