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Whats that?

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Textures is what you "wrap" around your 3D model. If you didn't put textures on the models they would be invisible or, as in the case with CM, just a bunch of white surfaces shaped like, say, a Tiger.

Textured tracers mean they will have a "wrapping" around them unlike the ones we see in CM:BO that are simply the 3D model with a base, hard coded, colour.

This is a good thing since they will most likely look better and if your taste is different from that of BTS it can be modded.


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Originally posted by Mattias:

Textures is what you "wrap" around your 3D model. If you didn't put textures on the models they would be invisible or, as in the case with CM, just a bunch of white surfaces shaped like, say, a Tiger.

I think that explanation leads to a wrong impression.

The texture is a "wallpaper" on the 3D object, but untextured surfaces are not invisible or neccessarily white, they have just one color or very simple, computed wallpaper. Examples in CMBB are bazookas (the weapon), shoes and projectiles in flight.

If something has a texture, and that texture is loaded from the disk, it is "moddable", that means you can exchange the wallpaper, that is the point here, more stuff becomes modable and looks better to start from.

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