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Field and Stream contest!

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That's right.

Play around with Field and Stream and come up with recommended sets of terrain combinations to represent different seasons and/or environmental conditions (e.g. a muddy spring day, or a snowless winter day, etc.) and post your suggestions here. You could win, well, nothing really smile.gif , except the respect and admiration of your compatriots. :cool:

So, to get the ball rolling here's my recipe for a spring day in 1945:

Start with Magua's Normandy F&S and add the following:

Thomas Klimisch's Subdued Grass

Tiger's rough

DD's Tree and Scattered Trees bases

Kevin Pelz's marsh

Ed Kinney's water and ford

Yeates' brush

I think it gives nice, lush, wet but not muddy look.



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Well Gordon, I have to tell ya'

I haven't decided which landscape I like the best yet. Truth is, it's impossible for me. CMMOS is a dream come true, but Field and Stream is where it really shines. Mixing terrain features has become part of the game. I use it before I fire up CMBO, every single time! You really hit the nail on the head with this gem. And thank you to all the guys who's MODs I'm drooling over. CMBB can wait.(For now ;) )


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Behold: St Lo from Hill 122.


For the life of me I can't figure out which mods I used except for Gunnergoz's FGB1 grass, which I modified by drawing grid lines through it. I'm still working on the actual operation. I spent a great deal of time making this map as realistic as possible. Should realy show the horror of bockage country.

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