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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Hmmm, she seems to be down...

Gordon's hyperlink is misspelled....works fine after you change it. Can't seem to get Juju's factory though.

Thanks again Gordon. You are the hardest-working "retired" guy I've ever seen next to Tupac Shakur.

Okay Tupac is dead, but you get the picture ;)


[ December 14, 2002, 02:50 AM: Message edited by: GreenGriffon ]

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Originally posted by Vader's Jester:

Hey Gordon, did the CMMOS winter versions of the allied tank destroyers for CMBO ever get released?

I saw 'em previewed at Mods and Modders way long mucho time ago and I never saw the release.

And Marco had a sweet quad 20mm flak to go with his 37mm flak too!

Where'd they go? :confused:

No, the whitewashed and the snow-covered allied TDs never made it out of development before the CMBB assault hit. AFAIK, Marco never completed his quad 20mm FlaK either. However, given that the gun's model is the same in both games, you might expect to see that one some day (I can't make any promises for Marco, however).


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Originally posted by Vader's Jester:

Thanks Gordon for the reply. You are still gonna hang out and play aren't ya? Just no more mod projects of the now famous epic scale that we know you for?

Yes, that's my intention. I may even work on a couple of long-term, from scratch projects.


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Originally posted by Mr. Die Easy:

Dear Gordon,

Thank you for another amazing release!

Question: Strontium Dogs's Paved road has an icon in Road&Track, but I cannot find the corresponding download on CMHQ ?

Best regards

Mr. Die Easy

Ok, another missing link, blame the damn gremlins. It should be available now. Be sure the refresh the page when you go back to the CMBO Terrain mods page for CMMOS.


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Originally posted by Knaust:

How can I see which mods I have already applied?...I mean that it would be great to have different icons for mods already applied and for mods still to be applied...uhmmm...my poor English :rolleyes:


Not at all, this feature has been asked for in the past. Unfortunately, CMMOS doesn't really track which "thing" (be it a building, a vehicle, etc.) is installed, only BMPs. Since different Icons can modify the same BMPs (due to different mods of the same vehicle, for instance), the best that CMMOS could provide would be a history-type function, which would display the last 20, say, Icons that were applied. It would be up to the user to figure out if those Icons overlapped in any way. So, I just haven't been convinced (yet) of the utility of the feature when it's just as easy to pop into the game and see what's what.


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