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A problem the AI still needs serious help with

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The placement of fortifications. I just played a quick battle against the AI and it bought 8 AT mines. It put them in the back corners where the odds of anything ever running them over were about zero. It also placed most of the wire turned 90 degrees from the direction it should have been in. My troops just ran inbetween them. If they would have been turned the correct way that wouldn't be possible.

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Some things like trenches and barbed wire are by their nature difficult for the AI to set up properly. They require some 'human' forethought to get right. Other things like using boats or placing bridges the AI can't handle at all!

Hmmm... I wonder if you can import a pre-made map into a Quickbattle that already has the barbed wire or trenches placed. And if you can how will that effect the purchase of units? Something to look into.

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Subvet, it's an old topic if MUCH more manpower should be invested into an only slightly improved AI, or if BFCs power should be invested in other things, where there exists no workaround.

There's a very simple solution for your problem: play against a human and you'll see, that the (compared to other strategy-games, excellent) AI is made more or less for training and you'll only have the REAL CM-fun, if you play against a human opponent.

There will be soon a lots of premade scenarios out there, that will give the AI what it needs, to ruin your day.

Playing a QB against the AI isn't really the sense for QBs, is it?

[ October 01, 2002, 12:27 PM: Message edited by: Schoerner ]

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> Some things like trenches and barbed wire are

> by their nature difficult for the AI to set up > properly. They require some 'human' forethought > to get right.

I don't know about that...The AI is already doing tons of stuff much more complicated than finding good places for mines and laying barbed wire in front of victory locations.

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MikeyD --

I don't see why not. I haven't tried it, but from what I've read, the QB generator lets you import a map from the final saved game of a battle (you can save on the AAR screen according to the manual), with units (presumably including fortifications... it'd be rather strange if they didn't). They're not counted against the QB's point budget, either.

Create a ME-style scenario (i.e. no digging in), place fortifications, give each a token sharpshooter (probably needed), play it against yourself hotseat, make sharps run off map, and cease-fire. Hm. Might have to place the appropriate victory flags as well.

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I'm not a programmer, so maybe I'm way off base here. I just didn't think it would be all that difficult to have the AI set up mines between the enemy setup area and the objectives. And if the opposing forces set up in the east, and the objective flags are in the west, to tell the AI to rotate the wire so it runs north-south. Maybe this is a lot more difficult than it appears to someone that has no idea of what it takes to program this. :confused: I'm not asking for the perfectly laid out fortress here, just a common sense approach to the basics.

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