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Saving Private Ryan -- SPOILER

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I guess this is mostly for WBW, but I'll say that I loved this one. Even though I new it was coming, when the air support came in thbe last turn and knocked out the last tiger with a direct bomb hit I still danced around the room shouting: "Booooyeah! F*** you! F*** you!!" Ok, so sometimes I get a bit over excited smile.gif

My question is, what is up with the 20mm flak gun that arrives are reenforcements??? I don't remember that from the movie (though its been a while). It was a bit random.

Silver Star for Cpt Miller who threw himself in the way of a silver bullet heading for the last of the Ryan clan. Demerit for the fly boy who took out that Tiger though... he also squashed Sgt Horvath with the same bomb.


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Good going, Maastrictian (I think I got it right this time!). I love that moment! It does not always happen but when it does, like you, the neighbors come to the door concerned about the screaming man in the house tongue.gif.

This is one of my personal all-time favorites. I've played it dozens of times and then I always try to watch the movie again.

Yes, the 20mm gun did appear and did do some horrific damage, including taking the head off of one hapless paratrooper as he stood on the hull of the dead Tiger.

Thanks Guys!

God willing, there are a couple of movies more that I would like to put into this game.

Do you have any?

Wild Bill


Wild Bill

Lead Tester

Scenario Design Team

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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Go here, Getsome and you'll find it at the top of the top ten list of scenarios.


There are some other very good ones from various scenario authors. It is a visit worth your time. I hope you enjoy it.

Someone tried a Normandy scenario of that battle, but I don't know whatever became of it. I only saw an initial version of it, but it looked very interesting.

Wild Bill


Wild Bill

Lead Tester

Scenario Design Team

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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I just downloaded SPR yesterday and played it right away. I thought it was a lot of fun. But I guess I need to play it again because the Tigers in my game were very tenitive. Never came down the street past the 2nd house from their side til the last turn.

I think the reason the 20mm throws people off is that first there is a halftrack mounting a quad 20 then this little single 20 shows up.

One scene I loved watch when I played the battle was when something (I still can't figure out what) hit the halftrack and there was this huge explosion. I watched that scene 5 times trying to figure what hit it.


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Thanks Los! Coming from a master of scenario design like you, I am very greatful. I hope you are doing well and have recovered from your "desert experience." biggrin.gif

By all means, take out the Quad 20mm before it takes you out.

That scene in the movie when that gun decapitates a paratrooper standing on the hull of that first Tiger is still very vivid in my memory!


Wild Bill

Lead Tester

Scenario Design Team

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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That would be an intensely intereresting one, General. I'm looking at a few movies of that era to see what might work. Hard to top this little firefight though, for tense action.

The final battle in Kelly's Heroes is anothre I am considering.


Wild Bill

Lead Tester

Scenario Design Team

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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I checked. Its still there. Go here:


You'll have to wait a few minutes as this Depot is under constant use. Then either (1) scroll down till you find it or (2) scroll all the way down to top 10 scenarios, click on it and it will be the first in the list wink.gif

(small plug rolleyes.gif )

Or if I had your E-Mail address, I'd send it to you, but you did not include it in your info frown.gif

Let me know if you find it okay.


Wild Bill

Lead Tester

Scenario Design Team

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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  • 2 weeks later...

It's been a while since I played this, but I will offer kudos, too, in a qualified way.

If you'll pardon me for saying this, Bill, your scenario indeed "plays like a movie" when the Germans are left to AI control instead of HtH. By that, it happened just like in the movie, in which one, and then another, and then yet another German vehicle ran down the central street without infantry support following close behind. The US AT teams hiding in or near buildings handled even the Tigers quite well.

That's what made the game kinda fun---it played so close to the style of the climatic battle of SPR. VERY close, and very exciting too. But with a savvy human player as the Germans using good combined arms tactics, it'd probably be quite different, even allowing the Jabo presence.

(In fact, for my one play, the US planes did more damage to my own troops than to the Germans, and didn't kill any vehicles either.)

My side assessment, therefore, is that Hollywood's (Speilberg's) understanding of WW2 tactics will never rise above that of existing computer AI's. wink.gif

OK, a bit of teasing, but to you directly, Wild Bill, I'll offer a scenario opinion similar to what others have given here: slick, clever, focused, and overall excellent execution.

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Hey Spook!

Don't you hate it when you've been fighting for your life for 10 turns and then a P-51 comes along and kills the very troops you've been trying to save eek.gif?

It does spoil an otherwise nice day. mad.gif Now THAT would have been an unusual ending, totally tongue.gif "un-Spielberg"

I'm delighted you enjoyed it. It's Hollywood, no doubt, but even that can be fun on occasion. Over 1600 downloads would seem to verify that point biggrin.gif

Wild Bill


Wild Bill

Lead Tester

Scenario Design Team

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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