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The Peng Challenge - The Abomination of Desolation


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Well now, all you tiny tinkers. What's all this arguing over righty versus lefty?

Oh, I'm a righty, that makes me superior, because we get things done fast!!

No it doesn't, the lefties clearly are able to get the job done with greater feeling!

To this I would quote that Dumbass guy in Seanachai's sig line:


Real MEN use both hands!!


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

It's The Abomination of rune I tell you, The Abomination of rune ... I'll BROOK NO DISSENT ON THIS!


rune, desolation, what's the dif?

You should know by now that one soon leads to the other.

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Joebob ,

Isn't it time for you to take a plunge? I got the hotdog and coke vendors on stand by, tickets are selling wildly, and I even managed to get ahold of some judges to score you on the way down.

Of course, at your advanced age, you may of forgotten about it. Let me put it this way, "Look out, bauhaus is behind you!"

Wait, Joebob may like that, after all, it is he with the Mormon wives.

Boo with the blue dress on, can't you take the position of Justacar already? This one leaves due to rules being broken then breaks his own rules. I haven't seen skill like that since the last Presidential Election. [No Bauhaus, I said Election]

Well, maybe I will just send Joebob a scenario to melt his little lappy top.


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So, I checked my home E-mail to see what I had to look forward to when I got home this evening and what did I find?

A turn from Seanachai in a battle in which I've all but spanked him all over the battlefield, until he's screaming like a frightened little girl, while only committing about half my forces. So, nothing exciting there, and move #30 from dalem. Too bad I sent him #31 last night.

Maybe he feels that if he sends me successively earlier moves, he can surreptitiously sneak back over the hill like nothing ever happened.

And that's about it. Nothing from Joe, Lars, Papa Kahn, Nidan, who, obviously are too busy contemplating their own navels to click "SEND".

How unbelievably sad.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Dalem, I saw your reply in the previous Thread, and you prance like an aging hooker trying to make meat that's long passed it's sell-by date looking appealing.

Out of one side of your face you mock fools for the same offense that you can't wait to reward with tongue to your chosen fools on the other side . It's like watching the mask of Janus do something really, really...icky.

But I forgive you. However, after Lars lies at my feet, well and truly slashed about his doublet and his person by my mighty sword, I must needs take issue with you, blade to blade, in combat most righteous.

And, because of the fellowship that I feel for you, I will warn you that, when our blades are locked at the hilt, and we stand, face to face and with teeth gritted, I will kick you in the fork.

It may not be completely honourable, and, as we all know, I am the very paragon of honour, but...I'm comfortable with it.

I know you are but what am I?
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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

Lars is clearly a non-turn sending nonce!!

I blame it on the GF!

BOTH of them

Yes, but his Real World GF is much nicer than our GF here. You should have seen the expression on her face after Lars made her sit through the Winter War movie we watched at the first get together at Dalem's House of Food and Beer.

At the second meeting we watched 'Kelly's Heroes', and she perked up enough to tell us 'I hate all you guys, and you're really boring'. The war movie theme and talk is wearing her down. We do much better with her when we're all out on a boat.

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Clearly you are 100% Ohidiot.

Listen clearly this time:

Seanachai can do whatever he wants to your sig line. No problem. I encourage it. It would give all you future postings some benefit of culture at least.


Berli has my sig line. Now I don't see him posting anywhere, but is that my fault? NO!

So Live with it!

My sig line remains as pure as my innocent heart.

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:


Clearly you are 100% Ohidiot.

Listen clearly this time:

Seanachai can do whatever he wants to your sig line. No problem. I encourage it. It would give all you future postings some benefit of culture at least.


Berli has my sig line. Now I don't see him posting anywhere, but is that my fault? NO!

So Live with it!

My sig line remains as pure as my innocent heart.

I'm sure that Berli will make absolutely no bones about transferring possession of your sig line over to me.

And even though the agreement will be reached between Berli and I, it will still have to be signed and notarized in your blood.

Berli's funny like that.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I'm sure that Berli will make absolutely no bones about transferring possession of your sig line over to me.

And even though the agreement will be reached between Berli and I, it will still have to be signed and notarized in your blood.

Berli's funny like that.

Not so fast. I will have to see that transfer in a post on this Thread under Berli's profile or it ain't gonna wash.

I'm funny like that!

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Yes, but his Real World GF is much nicer than our GF here. You should have seen the expression on her face after Lars made her sit through the Winter War movie we watched at the first get together at Dalem's House of Food and Beer.

At the second meeting we watched 'Kelly's Heroes', and she perked up enough to tell us 'I hate all you guys, and you're really boring'. The war movie theme and talk is wearing her down. We do much better with her when we're all out on a boat.

We must watch our step carefully tomorrow night.

Fortunately, if Xyphorus shows up with that sub-titled Stalingrad video, I know I can at least beat you out the door.

And I'll push you back in, don't think I won't.

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Originally posted by Lars:

Fortunately, if Xyphorus shows up with that sub-titled Stalingrad video, I know I can at least beat you out the door.

And I'll push you back in, don't think I won't.

But it's an insightful and brooding look into man's inhumanity to man (and woman, and Russian cities, and trees, and flowers, and puppies and even lumps of concrete, for that matter). It takes a deep and philosophical look into the souls of men (as well as a deep and rather more physiological look into their abdomens, skulls, and the place where their limbs used to be). Finally, it is a comment on the human condition (at least in so far as it's wound up with tanks, machine-guns, explosions, ruins, and grievous bodily harm).

I don't know what she could possibly object to so far as an evening of entertainment goes.

Of course, I'm not concerned because that slack bugger Papa Khann always lays himself out on the floor with Dalem's pets draped all over himself, so I know I can get out the door before he does.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Of course, I'm not concerned because that slack bugger Papa Khann always lays himself out on the floor with Dalem's pets draped all over himself, so I know I can get out the door before he does.


It's The Three Musketeers", a brief bathroom break, the "The Four Musketeers", and no arguments about it!

Oh, and you can intersperse comments like "My my Dalem, what a fine brisket this is! Hard to believe you've never cooked one before." Other acceptable comments would be "No Dalem, we don't mind if you drink all the Calvados and eat all the crepes, not at all."

If you don't intersperse the CORRECT comments, Seanachai, I will take away the phaser.


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Originally posted by dalem:


It's The Three Musketeers", a brief bathroom break, the "The Four Musketeers", and no arguments about it!

Oh, and you can intersperse comments like "My my Dalem, what a fine brisket this is! Hard to believe you've never cooked one before." Other acceptable comments would be "No Dalem, we don't mind if you drink all the Calvados and eat all the crepes, not at all."

If you don't intersperse the CORRECT comments, Seanachai, I will take away the phaser.


Ah, Spring is here, and it's Musketeers Night at Dalem's.

My comments at your den will, like my comments everywhere, be scintillating and perfect for each moment.

The phaser is mine and cannot be yielded up. Do you realize how often I need it for Lars? Not to mention yourself...

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