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DEATH, death, death to you all (Maniacal laughter)


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Been wanting to say that since I first discovered the CMBO board.....

And let me be the first to whine, so when is CMx2 coming out?

I would also like to recommend

The tradition dealing with new CM offerings. When you first open up CMAK go with a default setting QB as the first battle.

I can remember both my CMBO and CMBB first QBs with great clarity and delight. (lost both)

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Originally posted by Hans:

I would also like to recommend

The tradition dealing with new CM offerings. When you first open up CMAK go with a default setting QB as the first battle.

That might be your tradition, mine is to play the first scenario on the list. QBs against the AI are for wimps ;) .
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Then how come I always lose! :confused:

The CMBB QB gave me 3 L6 Italian tanks and a green platoon against a T-34 with a green platoon - but it was a heck of a good fight.

First scenario on the list? Certainly the sign of a mindless sheeple following the dictates of the running class!

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Originally posted by Hans:

Then how come I always lose! :confused:

Because you suck really, really, really bad? Just wondering...

BTW, I most indignantly protest the mention of Death three times in the heading of this thread with not a word about Famine! This media bias has got to stop!


[ October 11, 2003, 01:52 PM: Message edited by: Michael Emrys ]

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I like to think the reason I always lose the initial QB with a new CM product is due to the fact that Madmatt, Charles and the rest of the cabal secretly hate me.

They arrange to sent me a special disk with a preloaded QB that they know I cannot beat.

Devilish are these evil doers, evil to core, worse than a bus load of constipated Mormon Apaches with a need to gather up some hair.


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Originally posted by Hans:

I like to think the reason I always lose the initial QB with a new CM product is due to the fact that Madmatt, Charles and the rest of the cabal secretly hate me.

No, no and again, no. There's nothing at all secret about their hatred of you. It's jolly well right out in the open, you great, jug-eared buffoon.

They've even commissioned a series of "Gawd, don't you just hate that drooling imbecile, Hans" commemorative plates.

Buy your set now. They can only become more valuable.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

BTW, I most indignantly protest the mention of Death three times in the heading of this thread with not a word about Famine! This media bias has got to stop!

Face it, while Famine might be a passing craze, Death endures </font>
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What, I DO NOT DROOL, it's a medical condition connected with my left sinus and that small parasitic worm I picked up in Africa.

As to the rest of it, death is always mentioned before famine...just what kinda people do you think we are? We are not your immediate family, we have couth and act in a deeboner way.

So take that and reflect on what Rousseau's evil brother wrote about the slack savage - it might, just might, apply to you.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

BTW, I most indignantly protest the mention of Death three times in the heading of this thread with not a word about Famine! This media bias has got to stop!

Face it, while Famine might be a passing craze, Death endures </font>
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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Since I don't have legions of adoring fans in the same manner as War it takes me longer to make the rounds, but I do manage...


Yes, although I do have an excellent prophet, I feel that both you and I are not getting the support, no the adulation we deserve out in the sticks. War gets all those flashy gadgets like Panzers and H-Bombs that people love so much. But what do you and I get? I get babies with distended bellies and shriveled up old folks collapsing in the dust and you get pus and maggot-infested rotting flesh. What kinds of images are those?

I tell you, I've been thinking we should hire a consultant and rethink our whole campaign. Develop a program that will catch the public's eye and make them look forward to starving and coming down with ebola. I think a full page ad toward the front of the New Yorker would do wonders for us. Sort of like those "Think Different" ads Apple was running a few years back. We should get some world famous celebs photographed in the last stages of malnutrition or leprosy. Hmmm, I wonder if Twiggy is busy...


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Bless Cabron66. He couldn't have chosen four better horsemen if he actually had a sense of humour.

Can you imagine how tedious the joke would have become if he'd chosen, say Slapdragon? Oh, that's right. Slappy doesn't bother with Grog issues anymore, being too busy teaching the little children about how 'The Real World' works. You know: guns, law-enforcement, politics, the sound of one sheriff's deputy droning on endlessly...

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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

Now if we are to maintain a smooth working relationship and continue snuffing these yokels at a pleasant rate, a little more appreciation on your part would be useful and welcome.

Well, at least you've been keeping at it. War has been slacking since 1945, and Pestilence hasn't put on a really good concert since 1347. Damned slackers if you ask me
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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Firefly:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

...and you get pus and maggot-infested rotting flesh. What kinds of images are those?

Actually they seem quite popular in some quarters of this board.

:mad: :mad: :mad: </font>

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