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Mac Problem

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A friend of mine downloaded and tried to install the demo for his Mac and this happened........

I was just wondering if anyone running OS X has experienced a white screen that does nothing but play sound after loading the CMBB demo. I have a 1ghz Titanium powerbook with 1gig of ram it has an ATI 9000 card in it. If I need to tweak some settings or whatever I really want to play the demos. Any help would help.
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Originally posted by Schrullenhaft:

Don't attempt to play CM under OS X. CM doesn't work under OS X.

Boot into Classic Mode (9.2.x) with the appropriate RAVE drivers loaded (and not the Classic RAVE extension).

Or even better startup in OS 9 native (not Classic).

I've just bought one as well and whilst the game loads fine the display is weird. I opened "a day at the zoo" (or similar name) and the screen looks like a night battle (I know it isn't). The zones are fluro but everything else is dark.

Looks like we need a video driver update!

Luckily I've got my "old" 500MHz to fall back on (I think I'll cancel that classified add for the time being).

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I too have a Titatnium PB 1GHz G4 with 1 GB of RAM and have experienced the same problem. I have tried installing the latest driver for the Radeon 9000 card from the ATI site (which I think is for the external card and I assume will work for the built in 9000 card of the laptop) and booting in OS 9.2.2, but still no go. Any advice out there or people who have found a fix. (BTW the same applies to CMBO and CMBB)

I really...really...really want to play CM on my new PB. I have my PB G3 400MHz to fall back on but, I want to give that to my parents and I can't till I get CM to work on my new laptop.


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Originally posted by Hoopenfaust 101:

Since its new and if you've got the know how, partition your hard drive so you have a small seperate partition just for booting into 9.2. to play BFC games.

For Help:

Hard Drive Partitioning

Actually you don't need to do that, if you want to keep your drive unpartitioned. All you need to do is install OS 9.x again but into a folder named something other than "System Folder" (you could call it CMBB System for instance).

Then when you are in OS X just choose that folder for the restart. The machine will boot fine. When OS X launches a Classic App it starts "System Folder" and when it does that it checks for Classic Rave, etc. So a 2nd System Folder avoids that whole cycle.

But anyway that's a bit of an aside because I've done just this and I still get weird video effects (the game is still very playable but looks bizarre).

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