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Wasting AP on Halftracks

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Why do tanks and howitzers armed with the larger caliber guns (75mm, 88mm, &c.) keep pumping numerous AP shells into thin-skinned units, like halftracks or trucks when one or two HE rounds would probably do the job much better?

Does the game consider these lightly armored vehicles as 'tanks' or is a target's armor not taken into account when the AI gunner chooses which kind of shell to fire at it?

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Someone will no doubt tell me I'm wrong, but it seems to me than once the AP ammo supply starts getting low tanks will start switching over to other rounds against light armor in an effort to save what remains. If its a vehicle with 20-30mm armor (armoed cars) a tank will usually stick with AP. If its really thin-skinned halftracks and Brens I believe HE rounds will be used more often. Is this what others experience as well?

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it seems to me than once the AP ammo supply starts getting low tanks will start switching over to other rounds against light armor in an effort to save what remains
Not quite sure, but I think you're right - after all tanks will definitely use HE on enemy tanks when no other ammo is left...

However, what I really would like to see is my tank crew using HE from the beginning on aginst light armor, I understand thin armor basically leads to much lesser damage from AP rounds and such - and most HE shells of 75mm caliber and higher can penetrate even 20mm of armor and more.

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Someone mentioned a good idea about the covered arc setting influencing the ammo type (and also MG targetting).

So if you give a brown covered arc, then HE will be the choice round IF it can do the job. A blue covered arc would tend to use AP.

Also a blue coverd arc would tend to NOT use the MGs (unless MGS are the main weapon). This was brought up because using MGs is not always realistic/historical under certain conditions (when it just gives away a position).

But its too early to discuss CM++ and too late to discuss CMBO/CMBB/CMAK so don't worry about it.

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Originally posted by birdstrike:

Not quite sure, but I think you're right - after all tanks will definitely use HE on enemy tanks when no other ammo is left...

I had a horde of Soviet tanks approaching my PzIIIj (50L60, 50mm armor). Glad the armor wasn't massed and wet ground slowed the onslaught. When my AP was below 10 and there were numerous T34 and BTs approaching, the PzIIIs used HE on the BTs, saving the remaining few AP rounds. Wish they had done this much earlier.



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