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Macintosh Video Card - which one should I get, and where to buy

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Hey everyone,

before I purchase CMBB, I would like to do a little research on video cards. I'm assuming my standard 128 RAGE video card isn't really going to cut the mustard (especially if I want to bring over some mods from CMBO), so I was wondering if any mac users out there new of good video cards that I could get. I'm not (necessarily) talking top of the line here, just something that will be good for CMBB, my most video-instensive game.

Also, is this something I could install myself, or better to take it in to a shop.

Thanks in advance!

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Hey Jeff,

I'm on a G4 400 Mhz, 256 MB RAM with a 128 Rage Video Card.

So I read that thread that you posted, very informative, it sounds like it won't get any better, there don't seem to be any video cards out there that don't have a display issue of one type or another - would you agree with me on this?

Also, you mentioned your video card was 32MB - isn't my RAGE a 128 MB, or am I reading something incorrectly?

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I am Running a G4 450 with a 32 mb ATI RADEON AGP

the Computer originally had a Rage 128 pro with 16 mb

(which is my guess as to what you are running now)

{the 128 is not the Ram its ATI's model description}

If CM is your most graphically challenging thing

an upgrade to the same card I have might work for you

or an ATI 7000 32 mb

Another good thread

You can still get the ATI 7000

for the Radeon 32MB (same card but older)

E-Bay or maybe smalldog.com might be helpful

as they dont sell them anymore

or you can go the NVidia route

which I am considering too

but as you say

all Vid cards

seem to have their own issues

[ October 21, 2002, 04:46 PM: Message edited by: jeffsmith ]

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I have a 733MHz G4 with the nVidia 2MX with 32MB and while it worked fine with BO it is obviously overstressed for BB. A lot of textures come up downsampled and while I do have transparent smoke, it doesn't look convincing—like some overlapping lacy cutouts.

Sooooo, I have ordered an nVidia GeForce 4 Ti with 128MB. It isn't expected to be available until some time next month, so it will be a while before I can report on it. It ain't cheap, so I'm hoping the performance is going to be there. It will all depend on the drivers, and nVidia's (or does Apple write their own?) record of getting them out isn't great.


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Originally posted by Michael emrys:

I have a 733MHz G4 with the nVidia 2MX with 32MB and while it worked fine with BO it is obviously overstressed for BB. A lot of textures come up downsampled and while I do have transparent smoke, it doesn't look convincing—like some overlapping lacy cutouts.

Whew, someone else has it too smile.gif:(

Do your tank tracks look UGLY?? And your soft ground? It looks OK on my old Rage Pro at work, so I don't think the problem is the MX2 being stressed out...more likely the crap nvidia drivers, so I am nervous for you that the gf4 will not help :(

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I'm very interested in this issue, & I've been reading the threads. I also got a (edit: Radeon) 7000 (ATF) for BO & while it is a big improvement over stock (what you got) & cheap & works w/ my other Card for Dual Monitors, it ain't quite 'all that' CM wise. I'm not aware of any 'definative answers' yet either. Curious to hear about the nVidia thingie.


[ October 22, 2002, 11:25 PM: Message edited by: mchlstrt ]

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Thanks everyone for responding thus far. It sounds like it just isn't worth upgrading a video card (strictly for CM) at this time - which means I'll be putting off buying CMBB until I am sure I can upgrade to a video card that will actually work.

Those of you who reported on the nVidia card - does it just look funny in CMBB or in both CMBO and CMBB?

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I had orrible display problems with the nVidia GF3 card with its 64MB of VRAM thatc ame with my Dual 800 G4. The tops of vehicle hulls were all blurry..and not to my liking.

I was lucky enough to finally get my hands on my original intended video card..the ATI Radeon 32MB OEM from OWC.

Since swapping out the GF card and replacing it with the Radeon , the visual quality is what it should have been.I have nice and crisp visuals..which come into their own when making mods.

drivers.....enough to drive u MAD :mad:



[ October 22, 2002, 01:39 PM: Message edited by: MÃ¥kjager ]

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Originally posted by Spacewrangler:

Those of you who reported on the nVidia card - does it just look funny in CMBB or in both CMBO and CMBB?

Just CMBB. I'm not sure if my CMBO skies are as good as they should be, but i've known no better so it's OK.

However in CMBB my vehicle textures are crap - side hulls and tracks are lo res, plus textures (like soft ground) that have a lot of pink transparent areas are lo res too. This is on a 32 MB GF2MX. I think on a 16MB Rage Pro they are fine. I am going to confirm this at work today (after the 1 hour CMBB install!). If so, it has nothing to do with the card being overloaded...it's a driver issue. i'll let ya know.

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Originally posted by tecumseh:

Do your tank tracks look UGLY?? And your soft ground?

Nope on the tracks. Vehicles actually look very good, even close up. That's why I suspect downsampling, because that has been prioritized and I'm sure that soldiers and vehicles are the last thing to go.

As for soft ground, most terrain gets pretty fuzzy or pixelated as you get closer, say within 20 meters. Taking the camera through some trees gets downright ugly, which is a pity as I think some really nice modeling went into them.


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Originally posted by Spacewrangler:

Those of you who reported on the nVidia card - does it just look funny in CMBB or in both CMBO and CMBB?

I can't give a simple answer to that. The 2MX is plenty adequate to handle BO including hi-rez mods. The graphics in BB are significantly shaper, but my card doesn't seem to be able to handle all of them. The reason is that all, or nearly all, the graphics in BB were notched up a bit and therefore the whole thing takes up more video memory. In some cases more speed is called for too.


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Originally posted by jeffsmith:

The problem reported by Mac nVidia users is

Blurry Skies

Yeah, I've noticed that too but it doesn't especially bug me since I don't spend all that much time in the game skygazing. I wouldn't mind if that were improved. It was a real bummer in BO when for a long time until the drivers got straightened out the sky was black.


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Good info in here.

So to sum up (after reading through this thread), it would seem that for us Mac-heads on G4's that the Radeon 32mb video card is the way to go???

Does that sound about right?

Seeing as some people here are complaining about Nvidia cards, etc.

What about installing a new card by your lonesome? Would you all recommend taking it in to the shop, instead?



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If you are even remotely handy with tools

and have done any computer upgrades at all

I would not hesitate

on a Mac it is very simple & straightforward

If you cause major systemwide blackouts when changing a lighbulb

then seek assistance

Maybe there is someone where you work

that is Mac Savvy ;)


[ October 24, 2002, 03:39 PM: Message edited by: jeffsmith ]

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Originally posted by Michael emrys:

Nope on the tracks. Vehicles actually look very good, even close up.

On closer inspection, forget what i said about vehicles. I've just come from years with a CMBO packed to the gunnels with hi-res mods, and some of the textures in CMBB are fairly lo-res in comparision (eg the sherman above, or the land-lease scout car), so i jumped to conclusions. :rolleyes: I just need to wait for some hi res mods again. Guess i've been spoiled...
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At this point, assuming one has even remotely current machine,

I'd wait for ATI to get the Radeon 9000 into shops.

My Radeon PCI 32MB's is not enough. While it's reasonably fast,

the 32 just wont be enough. Some blurry textures in CMBB as it is.

9000 should be a "cheap" card, around 7000 pricepoint.

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