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Combat Mission 3 Special Edition

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Sorry if this has been asked but I haven't been able to find any info on it. Will there be a special edition for CM3? When will it be available? I saw there was a CDV release for CM3 in Europe, is this a special edition like the first 2?

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Judging from past practices, I expect CMAK might get 'tarted-up' for an expanded special edition sometime AFTER the release of CMx2, in an effort to breathe some extra life back into the (by then) old game. Like the CMBO English release with the mod CD, or the CMBB retail release with the mods and extra scenarios (I am recalling this correctly, aren't I?).

Of course CMBB and CMAK should have considerably more retail stamina than their initial product, CMBO. Over time these games will simply slip from 'revolutionary' to 'slightly less revolutionary'. Though prettier games may be out there, I haven't seen much by way of 'satisfying' competition to them.

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Well if it does comes out I would expect it halfway between the CMAK release and the release of the next game. I can't remember an instance of a compnay making an expansion to a game after the sequel came out. I bought both the previous Special Editions before the next game was available.

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I would love to see an expansion. But I'm pretty sure it's not going to happen. They'd have to figure out how to clone Charles' brain, and keeping his jar filled is hard enough as it is -- a double size jar that could also accomodate the clone as well would probably require more blue liquid than is available on the market. Making the poor overworked programmer jump back and forth between the two engines would probably slow things down and encourage mistakes and ill-humor.

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By 'expansion', I wouldn't expect much beyond asssembling a fat folder full of 3rd party scenarios, another folder full of mods, and maybe including Mod Manager.

Like the other Special Edition disks, they'd have to stipulate that the 2nd disk was a FREE GIVAWAY in order to get over some legal hurdles with the mod artists. I doubt they's change a byte of the actual game disk.

In other words. If you already have CMAK and you've been surfing the mod and scenario sites, you've already got the 'expansion pack'!

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Yep I just want the sceanrio's and a prepatched version. I don't have much time to game anymore and don't have time to figure out which scenarios I should download. I still enjoy playing the first 2 so I'm not in a tremendous hurry but I would buy it as soon as it came out.

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