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If ye be challenged, enter not the land of Peng

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

When Neil Diamond is rocking out Cherry Cherry, it's sure a foot-tapping, head-nodding good time, ain't it?

Are you dancing to it, dalem? Are you spinning around and around with petticoats aswirl? </font>
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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Sir Boo the Foo ... by GAWD I like that. Hey Berli can we make Boo the Official FOOLE of the POOL ... he'll have to fit it in with his duties to the Justicariate as Junior Justicar Pro Tempore De Jure of the Peng Challenge Thread but you can never have enough titles, that's my motto ... my sig too come to think of it.


Foole of the Pool...

Damn, I like the sound of that.

Let it be written, Sir Boo the Foo shall forever more known to all as The Foole of the Pool </font>

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Oh, ande while I'm thinking of it:

Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

You choose to challenge me eh? Fine, here are my terms, as the challenged party I have the choice of weapons so I choose ... 10 minute COD UO Deathmatch in Foy, I'm American, you're German, rifles only with a ten minute time limit. No crosshairs of course. To be monitored for fairness by a TOG Moderator of course.

Nope, nope, nope, nope and again, nope. By rules and by precide...preside... time honored tradion, Blood Hamsters "shall and of necessity only be CM matches". Within the Peng Challenge Thread no other game can even be considered. The fact that you would even suggest such a ploy shows how cowardly and sad you have become. And "fairness"? Where does the spirit of gaminess enter in there? No, Joe, it appears you've really lost it.


Stakes are to be the usual for Blood Hamster matches, winner to have control of the loser's sig for a period of thirty days.

Right, right, right, old news.


Should you fail to acede to this request in full by week's end you shall forfeit all claim upon the match and retreat in abject skunkdom to your lair.


Wrong again. One more wrong answer and I'm afraid we'll have to disqualify you.

YOU have ONE WEEK to answer MY Blood Hamster challenge as are ALL Blood Hamster challenges answered in the Peng Challenge Thread with a game of CM. Whether it be CMBO, CMBB or CMAK, makes no difference.

Clock's ticking.

That post is from last Wednesday. OVER A WEEK AGO. As you have failed to answer my Blood Hamster Challenge, I think a fitting sig line for you to wear for the next thirty days is,

"When challenged by Boo, I ran faster than a prune taster with a stomach virus."

I'll expect to see that in your sig by the end of the day.

Thank you.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Oh, ande while I'm thinking of it: </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />

Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

You choose to challenge me eh? Fine, here are my terms, as the challenged party I have the choice of weapons so I choose ... 10 minute COD UO Deathmatch in Foy, I'm American, you're German, rifles only with a ten minute time limit. No crosshairs of course. To be monitored for fairness by a TOG Moderator of course.

Nope, nope, nope, nope and again, nope. By rules and by precide...preside... time honored tradion, Blood Hamsters "shall and of necessity only be CM matches". Within the Peng Challenge Thread no other game can even be considered. The fact that you would even suggest such a ploy shows how cowardly and sad you have become. And "fairness"? Where does the spirit of gaminess enter in there? No, Joe, it appears you've really lost it.


Stakes are to be the usual for Blood Hamster matches, winner to have control of the loser's sig for a period of thirty days.

Right, right, right, old news.


Should you fail to acede to this request in full by week's end you shall forfeit all claim upon the match and retreat in abject skunkdom to your lair.


Wrong again. One more wrong answer and I'm afraid we'll have to disqualify you.

YOU have ONE WEEK to answer MY Blood Hamster challenge as are ALL Blood Hamster challenges answered in the Peng Challenge Thread with a game of CM. Whether it be CMBO, CMBB or CMAK, makes no difference.

Clock's ticking.

That post is from last Wednesday. OVER A WEEK AGO. As you have failed to answer my Blood Hamster Challenge, I think a fitting sig line for you to wear for the next thirty days is,

"When challenged by Boo, I ran faster than a prune taster with a stomach virus."

I'll expect to see that in your sig by the end of the day.

Thank you. </font>

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Joe Shaw is a scaredee cat!!

tee hee

"Go for the eyes, Boo!!

Don't teach my hamster to suck eggs!

Evil, jump on my sword!! I won't be as gentle!"

- All American Misc

Hiram I have replied in a timely manner and agreed to the Blood Hamster match and have done so in a gentlemanly manner (which YOU wouldn't know about) and in accordance with the Code Duello. I fail to see why that is construed as fright on my part.

However I should point out that it has been WELL established long before that any Knight of the CessPool may accept or reject any Blood Hamster match or indeed ANY challenge for any or no reason and no fault may be accorded to him in either event.

I blame all that glue you've been sniffing of late, it's addled your memory of proper CessPool procedure.


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First and foremost, Mister Shaw of the Utah Shaws, I must remind you that you sir, are a poopiehead. I do believe that is entered into the Brigham Young Universitah books.

Your obvious poopieheadedness is tiresome and I would be remiss in exhorting you to pull the proverbial thumb out and actually battle our beloved Boo so that he may trounce you soundly. I would challenge you, but I know that you would find yet another excuse.

Inasmuch as your pomposity combined with said poopieheadedness has been evident lately, you would be advised to do the right thing and stop acting like a little Utah girl.

Need I say more?

Edited because I am not Germanboy.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Why Joe, I had no idea that just thinking about a Blood hamster match against me would affect you so! Odd that Rule #22 of the Code Duello would come into effect even BEFORE the duel was fought.

I trust you will be changing your sig as per my request before the end of the day?

Thank you.

Boo I can hardly expect that you would act as a gentleman in such a matter, your normal practice being to skulk and ambush, but if you'd BOTHER to actually read AND COMPREHEND the Code Duello you'll see that in this case no wound was inflicted and, indeed, I point to Rule #23 in which it states:
Rule 23. If the cause of the meeting be of such a nature that no apology or explanation can or will be received, the challenged takes his ground, and calls on the challenger to proceed as he chooses; in such cases, firing at pleasure is the usual practice, but may be varied by agreement.
I've taken my ground Boo ... you may proceed as you choose.


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Tsk, tsk, tsk, Joe. Perhaps no physical wound was taken, but I feel the mental anguish I caused you will have left a permanent mark. Hopefully.

I will (once again) let you off the hook, but know this Shaw, had we fought, I would have slapped you like I was a drunk southern widow.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Tsk, tsk, tsk, Joe. Perhaps no physical wound was taken, but I feel the mental anguish I caused you will have left a permanent mark. Hopefully.

I will (once again) let you off the hook, but know this Shaw, had we fought, I would have slapped you like I was a drunk southern widow.

I doubt that, even with a really good Drag Makeup job, you could be mistaken for a widow, you are NO Southerner sir ... I grant you the Drunk, however.

If you wish to abandon the challenge it's nothing to me ... I wasn't the one who issued the challenge after all and if you can live with the dishonor of what you perceived as a slight ... well some people have lower standards of HONOR than others.


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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

That was just sad. I hope I don't get like that when I'm old and gray. (grey?)

Joe bravely turned his tail and fled...

I held the field of honor, Hiram ... it was not I that refused to defend my good name.


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As you request, my dear...

Bravely bold Sir Robin

Rode forth from Camelot.

He was not afraid to die,

Oh brave Sir Robin.

He was not at all afraid

To be killed in nasty ways.

Brave, brave, brave, brave Sir Robin.

He was not in the least bit scared

To be mashed into a pulp.

Or to have his eyes gouged out,

And his elbows broken.

To have his kneecaps split

And his body burned away,

And his limbs all hacked and mangled

Brave Sir Robin.

His head smashed in

And his heart cut out

And his liver removed

And his bowls unplugged

And his nostrils raped

And his bottom burnt off

And his pen--

"That's... that's enough music for now lads, there's dirty work afoot."

{right about here he runs away from the 3-headed giant}

Brave Sir Robin ran away.


Bravely ran away away.

("I didn't!")

When danger reared it's ugly head,

He bravely turned his tail and fled.

("I never!")

Yes, brave Sir Robin turned about

And gallantly he chickened out.

("You're lying!")

Swiftly taking to his feet,

He beat a very brave retreat.

Bravest of the braaaave, Sir Robin!

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Originally posted by Stuka:

How dare you speak to me directly.

Was that meant to be a question, you illitirate pile of rust? The answer is - with ease. Hi Stuka how's it hanging?

In the case that Stuka does not like being addressed by me directly, can someone who he does talk to please let him know that judging by his presence here he was obviously not standing close enough to the bucket? Next time he should make sure he does it in an extremely small room with all the doors and windows closed. Preferably he should place the bucket on top of a good sized pile of explosives prior to commencing fire. A webcast of the proceedings would also be much appreciated.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Tsk, tsk, tsk, Joe. Perhaps no physical wound was taken, but I feel the mental anguish I caused you will have left a permanent mark. Hopefully.

I will (once again) let you off the hook, but know this Shaw, had we fought, I would have slapped you like I was a drunk southern widow.

I doubt that, even with a really good Drag Makeup job, you could be mistaken for a widow, you are NO Southerner sir ... I grant you the Drunk, however.</font>
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

As for being a Southerner, that I am not. My family tree branches, thank you.

*crosses arms under ample bosom, taps foot and narrows eyes dangerously*


Yes, I know you were hurling that insult on Foul (or Fowl since he's chicken) Joe, but you got a bit of that smut on ME good sir!

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

As for being a Southerner, that I am not. My family tree branches, thank you.

*crosses arms under ample bosom, taps foot and narrows eyes dangerously*


Yes, I know you were hurling that insult on Foul (or Fowl since he's chicken) Joe, but you got a bit of that smut on ME good sir! </font>

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