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Can You Articulate Exactly WHY you Challenge Peng?

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Originally posted by Lars:

GF says, "I think it's too green..."


Been there, done that. Only it was "Morning Peach" for the kitchen.

It turned out more like "Bordello Red" when it was finished.

Actually, I liked it.

Anyway, a light coat of white (mixed with the original color) painted over top the base coat fixed it.

Have fun!

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Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

ROFL ... you have my pity. Please tell me you didn't choose your color whilst standing under cheap fluorescent lighting in the paint store... but then, after hearing your story, I'll assume that you did... (I'm always appalled by the crappy lighting that paint stores have traditionally used... old fluorescent lights have color rendering indices that belong in the crapper)

Oh no, we even took the paint chips outside into the full sun to make sure.

Which just makes it more painful.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

I don't think I ever fully appreciated the Australian gift for poetry.

And I think I still don't.

Wow. You learn something new every day.

Not only can Australians read, but they have also apparently mastered electricity.

Wow. Next you'll tell me that they've discovered running water.


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Originally posted by dalem:

I owe EVERYONE turns.

Not only that, but you owe me a set up as well.

Fun thing you can do with your bike:

1) Buy (or rent) Seanachai a pair of roller blades.

Two) Tie 15-20' rope to bike.

C) Take Seanachai on exciting "Whirlwind Ride of Excitement and Mystery Ride A-Go-Go!"

IV) Find street that has a "T" junction that faces a brick wall, large thorny hedge, or a broken glass strewn vacant lot.

d) Crack the whip.

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Originally posted by Lars:

Almost committed murder this weekend.

I've been meaning to speak to you about that halitosis problem of yours. From a distance, mind you.

Spent the last month getting the apartment building all primed for the final coat of paint. Saturday was finally the day to go to the hardware store and pick out the final color. Not being a complete moron (like say, Boo, for instance...) I take the GF with. Besides, the hardware store guys have a sign up saying, "All men buying paint must have a signed note from their wife!", so I had to bring her anyway.

There follows the twenty minute conversation at the paint sample display, "How about this one? OK, how about this one? Alright, this one?" Repeat until happy.

Finally, a CHOICE is made. And there is much rejoicing. "Spruce Shade". Lovely, eh? Paint is mixed, shaken, opened to double check, test patch put on a chip to triple check, and we're good to go.

Back to the building, set up mucho ladders, spill paint into the bucket, climb up and start applying paint. GF is happy.

Several hours later, front of building is now complete. However, in the meantime, the Sun has moved and the front of the building has gone from the shade into full light.

GF says, "I think it's too green..."

Bhwahahaha! So you're only mostly a moron?

dalem, send me a e-mail invite for wargame night. I need to kill something, and Seanachai will do nicely...
Oh goody new meat! So Lars has to wear the "outfit" then this time, yes? Yes?



The more I ponder on it, the more I think Yeknodwhatshisname's last post disturbs me.


dalem, and ONLY dalem, is allowed to set dalem's back yard on fire.

PS after the PPS

Boo is still an idjit.

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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

[slowly ploughs a furrow across the paddock with one buttock]

Hey! Seanachai told us to knock it off with the butt jokes. Gets him too worked up, I suspect.

Originally posted by Seanachai:

Lighten up? Why, Roger, me little lamb, I bob above the landscape like thistledown!

{But below the height of the grass} See Mr. Donkey? He's bobbing. Stop before he gets really excited. Do you hear me? Bobbing!

Originally posted by Seanachai:

It's your own, ponderous, bearded, furrowed-brow self that stomps about the place like Godzilla with hemorrhoids. Compared to my singing, effervescent repartee, and general all-round good-natured postings, yours are starting to look like the stormy growls of some Calvinist Minister for whom Armageddon isn't coming quick enough.

First off, I am no longer bearded. Haven't been for going on two years now. Get with the program. Isn't is just like some olde fogey to keep living in the past?

And neither do I stomp. I'm one of those fairly quiet, soft-spoken types that they warn you about on TV crime dramas. And heavily armed. (good thing I can buy Guinness around here to calm my nerves).

Yes, I have been in a lousy mood lately. The company where I have worked my ass off for two + years is "outsourcing" my job. Overseas, no less. So, all of you that buy Hefty brand products (they're crap anyway; buy Glad) are now supporting corporate greed and the East Indians. Lack of sleep and soon lack of job makes for one pissed off boy. So, make me laugh; not with some stupid song lyrics, either.

Originally posted by Seanachai:

Say, did your ISP get my complaints about the 'pro-Nazi' content of your website?

You know, If I wasn't pretty sure I know who the Royal Bitc...er, lady who made the complaint is, I wouldn't put it past you to try something like that. Seems her bratty little kid is playing with toy guns (oh, how terrible), and happened to visit my site. As a loyal democrat, she is against guns (then again, she's in NYC, so probably thinks Hillary should be named queen), and by extension, all clankety things. Tried spamming me first, and when that didn't work, went right to my ISP. That's okay: since she so thoughtfully provided me with her e-mail address, I've been signing her up for everything from free porn to NRA newsletters.
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Originally posted by rleete:

Hey! Seanachai told us to knock it off with the butt jokes. Gets him too worked up, I suspect.

Oh, it's alright when the donkey does it. It's the unhealthy interest the rest of you take in it that disturbs me. I mean, if an Ass can't go on about his ass, then what's the world coming to?

Originally posted by rleete:

First off, I am no longer bearded. Haven't been for going on two years now. Get with the program. Isn't is just like some olde fogey to keep living in the past?

You'll always be bearded to me, Roger. Like a big ol' friendly bear, or a psychotic church elder. I'm quite keen on both, if for very different reasons.

Originally posted by rleete:

And neither do I stomp. I'm one of those fairly quiet, soft-spoken types that they warn you about on TV crime dramas.

What was it that was said about Lord Buckley? 'He stomped upon the terra...'

Originally posted by rleete:

Yes, I have been in a lousy mood lately...

So, make me laugh; not with some stupid song lyrics, either.

Well, I'm not sure it's in my contract, but I'll see what I can do...
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Goddamit! I love you guys (feckin' vodka! I knew it would be my undoing). Though all my higher functions urge me to NOT do it, I would love to host you fecckers at our Northewestern abode. When was the last time you saw the Ocean? (The Atlantic doesn't count, you ankle-waders). There's salmon fishing, deer hunting, hippy watching, etc.....

Oh, and the ever-present monitoring of my alcohol consumption.

Two hours from High Desert (it's not what you think), Two hours from the Pacific Ocean (yeah, that's pretty close to what you think), and a mere 30 minutes from a beautiful falls in the only forest left from the industrial loggers.

It nearly makes me sick to imagine a "Peng-Camp" (I hope this pisses him off). SERIOUSLY!

Were I sober, I'd add other relavant details.

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Originally posted by Leeo:

Goddamit! I love you guys (feckin' vodka! I knew it would be my undoing). Though all my higher functions urge me to NOT do it, I would love to host you fecckers at our Northewestern abode. When was the last time you saw the Ocean? (The Atlantic doesn't count, you ankle-waders). There's salmon fishing, deer hunting, hippy watching, etc.....

Oh, and the ever-present monitoring of my alcohol consumption.

Two hours from High Desert (it's not what you think), Two hours from the Pacific Ocean (yeah, that's pretty close to what you think), and a mere 30 minutes from a beautiful falls in the only forest left from the industrial loggers.

It nearly makes me sick to imagine a "Peng-Camp" (I hope this pisses him off). SERIOUSLY!

Were I sober, I'd add other relavant details.

You anywhere near the Channelled Scablands?


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Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

If it's a jolly sing-song you want, then Gaelic Storm is what you'll be listening to...

Do you know, I'm always amazed to see that you're still alive, Oberst. You seem to be some sort of large, constrictor like reptile, that goes into a period of intense lethargy after a period of posting, isn't seen for months, and then pops up again like a fecking Disney character on stimulants before settling back into utter immobility and non-posting. I think I will call you Kaa, the Serpent, from now on.

Oh, and let me remind you, lest you forget, that I've beaten you like a gong in every game you've bothered to finish...

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