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Dust and You. What the Cheery Waffler needs to know about North Africa


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somebody "invited" us over there??

sheesh - I've been there, done that, only pop back for teh occasional one-line insult at the lot of them these days!

Why on earth would anyone want to take on that buch of scatalogical scarecrows instead of our own warm fuzzy, liquid-TNT laden company??


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Originally posted by Mike:

(snip)Why on earth would anyone want to take on that buch of scatalogical scarecrows instead of our own warm fuzzy, liquid-TNT laden company??


I think there was something about free Lone Star Beer. Axe got so excited he repeated himself. :D

Keke, great to see you again. Now that the sun is down for the next six or eight months, how about another CMBB PBEM? I've almost gotten over the last beating you and your Finns administered. redface.gif

Mike, a quick look at the PENG thread shows that most of the posts are from Australians. Apparently they got the national batteries recharged and the forum members have electricity again. tongue.gif:D

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Originally posted by Mike:

somebody "invited" us over there??

sheesh - I've been there, done that, only pop back for teh occasional one-line insult at the lot of them these days!

Why on earth would anyone want to take on that buch of scatalogical scarecrows instead of our own warm fuzzy, liquid-TNT laden company??


We don't plan on staying. I mean, it smells in really big words over there.

:mad: :mad: :mad:

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Don't be so sure - that cess pool is deep, and the sides are slippery, and they like to ensure that newcomers are right at the bottom with all the heavy solid bits ...... redface.gifredface.gifredface.gif

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Merging the threads. Jinkies, what a revolting idea.

The main reason we're here is because we can't be having with all of that crazy knight ****e. :mad: :mad:

They don't do emoticons, and they don't do Hot molten flaming TNT!!!! :mad: :mad:

Crazy brothers and sisters of The Brood, lend me your wallets. Before the words of the evil MasterGoodale, we were but wandering chipmunks in the woods, without guidance, without the sanity of molten TNT.

We had no face-melting, no :mad: , no GARGAHRAGHRGAHRHAHRHAGAHR, no filthy slithering Krauts, nothing.

We sought sanctity from the perils of the forum in this, MasterGoodale's Thread of Cheery Waffle, and lo, a legend was born. That legend brings fear amongst the world of the Pengers. They see us for what we are - a threat to the imbalance of the forum, a threat to their deranged way of life.

I offer the Peng Posse two choices: You can live in the forum alongside us in peace, with occasional forays of abuse and complaints about territorial violations. We can live our own lives, we of The Brood with our :mad: and our Cheery Waffle, you of the Cesspool with your general wierdness.

Alternatively, there will be war, and such a war as has never shaken the forum before. Brother will fight brother, sister, aunt, uncle and nuncle. Chaos will reign in the forum. Already Seanachai faces my wrath at CM:AK - and there will be only one thread on the forums, and it will be MasterGoodale's Thread of Cheery Waffle.

I extend the grubby hand of The Brood's friendship towards the sticky, cess-spattered hand of the Peng Posse, and trust that no smackdown will be needed.

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<font size=+2>Good Morning, Cheery (not Cherry) Waffle Maggots and other poetry lovers</font size=+2>

Originally posted by Soddball:

(something about my wallet, which I ignored)

I extend the grubby hand of The Brood's friendship towards the sticky, cess-spattered hand of the Peng Posse...

Ooooh, I remember this scene from "Taras Bulba". The Polish general extended his hand, and Yul Brynner chopped it right off. So be careful, Soddball, those PENGuins can be very spiteful.

For any lost PENGuin who has blundered in here looking for raw fish entrails, this is for you: tongue.giftongue.giftongue.giftongue.giftongue.giftongue.giftongue.gif:D

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Originally posted by Soddball:

We can live our own lives, we of The Brood with our :mad: and our Cheery Waffle, you of the Cesspool with your general wierdness.

I don't know about anyone else... but I think we should indeed live alongside one another in peace..

Not that I think we would lose said battle. Noooooooooo Sirreeee.... for of course there would be only one winner.... The MBT . :cool:

We may lose a Knight or three along the way, and suffer a few casualties.. but losing just one of my Loyal Knights.. just one of my loyal Squires.. Hell... even to lose a lowly serf would be one Penger too many. :(

Yes... Agree to disagree... for even in all our wIErdness (don't you just hate it when someone does that?).... :mad: :mad:

We were here First . tongue.gif

I extend the grubby hand of The Brood's friendship towards the sticky, cess-spattered hand of the Peng Posse, and trust that no smackdown will be needed.

Looks at Soddballs grubby hand

Ermm not likely.. I'll let one of my loyal subjects have that honour... :D:D

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Axe, Axe, Axe,

Stop the madness and poetry now....or Soddball's great great great grandchildren will have CMAK before you. Opps, I lost your address again... oh darn.

Oh golly darn, how did a copy of THAT get sent instead of CMAK? Musta been a mistake in the warehouse....

The CD was blank when you got it? Musta been burned wrong.....

Get the message? smile.gif

That or I can just send Snarker your copy...he already offered to send his email addy.

Hmm...can always modify the Soddball never wins code to Axe2121 never wins.


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Originally posted by rune:

Axe, Axe, Axe,

Stop the madness and poetry now....or Soddball's great great great grandchildren will have CMAK before you. Opps, I lost your address again... oh darn.

Oh golly darn, how did a copy of THAT get sent instead of CMAK? Musta been a mistake in the warehouse....

The CD was blank when you got it? Musta been burned wrong.....

Get the message? smile.gif

That or I can just send Snarker your copy...he already offered to send his email addy.

Hmm...can always modify the Soddball never wins code to Axe2121 never wins.


[Arch-nemesis plotting mode] You don't really need to send me Axe's copy. He did spout more poetry, but maybe he just replied to you post with verse by mistake. I mean, it's just so easy to move your mouse over the 'quote message' icon of a post you didn't read and not read it again in the text box as you reply. In haiko. [/Arch-nemesis plotting mode] I'll send you my address later, Rune :mad: :mad:

p.s. Can you throw a 'Master Goodale never wins' code in also. Wait - never mind, that would be redundant. :mad: :mad:

[ November 26, 2003, 09:30 AM: Message edited by: Snarker ]

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No one would be happier than Paula if I never got CMAK.

Although she thinks it's "neat" I was involved in the production of the game (albeit in a very minor way) that's about as far as it goes.

"Look Paula! See how the fire grows in the knocked out tanks? See the dust clouds? Aren't the new units cool?"

"Yes dear. That's nice."

:mad: :mad: :mad:

If you don't send the game, you'll tip the balance of power in her favor. For the love of wargamers everywhere, send it!

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There was a time, not so far back, that I thought Soddball was going to drift off to the GF on a full-time basis. His hatred of the Ost Front was evident, especially from the pain he distributed to all of us in the form of his CMBB scenarios. :mad: (I'm still slogging though Freezing Cold in Frankfurt with Crow — we're on turn 43 of 60)

However, now he is now back and chucking TNT at the Muttering Boring Twits like Alaric routing the Romans. It is good to have him back.

My compliment for the year. Don't get used to it. :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

There was a time, not so far back, that I thought Soddball was going to drift off to the GF on a full-time basis. His hatred of the Ost Front was evident, especially from the pain he distributed to all of us in the form of his CMBB scenarios. :mad: (I'm still slogging though Freezing Cold in Frankfurt with Crow — we're on turn 43 of 60)

However, now he is now back and chucking TNT at the Muttering Boring Twits like Alaric routing the Romans. It is good to have him back.

My compliment for the year. Don't get used to it. :mad: :mad:

So how are you finding that scenario? Lots of time to have lots of fun with lots of feeble ill green troops - I thought it was one of my least pleasant.

Look on the bright side! Nobody has ever had to suffer Alpine Summer, which remains unreleased despite completion. At 120 turns and 29,000 points (on a 5km x 2km map) it's only fun if your previous experience of fun is root canal surgery.

I can't wait to get my scenario designing fingers into CM:AK. Oh, my. Oh, hubba hubba. :mad:

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Originally posted by Soddball:

So how are you finding that scenario? Lots of time to have lots of fun with lots of feeble ill green troops - I thought it was one of my least pleasant.

My Russians are snow blind, exhausted and crawling through endless snow. My tanks are almost out of ammo. It has been as painful as reading the other thread. :mad:

Despite that, it's about a close as you can get to simulating winter conditions on troops' health and morale.

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Soddball, don't forget, as soon as you get your CMAK CD we have a standing appointment to meet somewhere in the Med for a long-overdue battle to the death. In the meantime, I've been reading some of your posts in the peng thread and I think you are working too hard to keep your emotions in check. I know as an Englishman you take pride in keeping a "stiff upper lip". Why not just once open up and tell them what you really think? It appears that your challenge to the self-proclaimed "peng-god" Seanachai has frightened the wee gnome into hiding. Now his running dog lackeys are trying to talk themselves into the courage to stand up to you and the rest of Cheery Waffle Land. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

I think if MasterGoodale were to make a strafing run over there, chucking his molten TNT, hatred, and attitude in his inimitable style, they'd all wet their Depends. redface.gifredface.gif:D

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The sound hooves galloping approaches the brood. Over the rise, Sir Lurkur appears in full armor, behind him a nameless serf manfully working the coconut halves.

Sir Lurkur halts at the entrance of the brood, from whence dank reptilian smells and evils sounds usher, punctuated by the occasional "gggggrrrraarrggh." The serf steps forward to translate from High Peng to gutter Goodalese

Greetings and felicitations, you repugnant little wannabe oiks!

[Listen up, maggots!]

Soddball has been rightly and manfully challenged by our combat gnome (though both are pretty challenged by the look of it). The outcome is not in doubt, though at the rate that Seanachi returns turns, it may be 2011 before we find out. In the meantime, while we wait to see if it be war or simply everlasting enmity betwixt the Cesspool and this ill-gotten brood, I propose that as many of you unworthy slack-jawed buffoons as desire meet me in the field of dishonorable combat. There you stinking slope-headed spawn of carnys will be mercilessly crushed and pressed like a rotted olive under the rough tread of a cess-sogged iron-shod jackboot. There will be no greater glory, no silly wagers, no quarter asked or given, the conflagration will be as pointless as your collective existence, or more truthfully, nearly as pointless. It will, however provide opportunity to put a finer edge on our mutual hatred, whiling killing many, many, many pixeltruppen and splodey things.

[(uncertain pause) FRESH MEAT!!!! DIE!!!! GGGGRRRRRAAAARRRGGGGGGH! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: ]

To those that scrape together enough of their meager manhood to stand before even the lowliest of kaniggets of the Cesspool: prepare to DIE-A-LOT™!

[Eat my hot, molten TNT, maggots!! :mad: ]

Now find someone who can write and ook-ook your response to them, so they will forward it to me, or e-mail me a set-up. Extra points if it's some vileness Rune has concocted.

Now Sod Off!

[Well, what the hell are you fairies waiting for? Charge!!! Gggrrarrrgggh :mad: :mad: :mad: ]

Sir Lurkur

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Originally posted by Dave H:

Keke, great to see you again. Now that the sun is down for the next six or eight months, how about another CMBB PBEM? I've almost gotten over the last beating you and your Finns administered. redface.gif

The sun may be down, but we haz CMAK in Finland already! w00t!!! :cool:

Before you untermensch get the game, you can sent me a setup of your choice, Preparation H.

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