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Greyhounds: tops in mechanised stoushes?


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I'm about two-thirds the way through a mechanised game. January 44, Italy. I'm the US lads, as always, and my PBEM mate is German.

It's an 800pt ME, and I'm impressed by how well my Greyhounds are performing when there ain't no tanks around. My opponent's little 20mm flaks (or at least that's what they sound like) have been hitting the Greyhounds for about a dozen turns, and not a scratch on them. An Axis Assault HT with one of those short 75s surprised me and got a side hit on one Greyhound. It did shock him, but as the Greyhound reverse back (and for added detail I should add that the on-screen commander was a Lt Grammont) he merrily filled the Axis HT with hits, and it soon died.

Now, I know that luck's a fortune, of course, but the old Greyhound seems a mighty handy bit of gear. I haven't played many mechanised games (ie, without Tanks, etc) and until recently they have seemed a bit hard to use, a bit fragile at times. But now I've discovered they're actually quite handy little nasties. Hopefully they'll spit out some canister at some stage, too.

Obviously I've been lucky not to encounter any killer AT guns so far, but I'd be interested to hear either any other player comments, or Grog comments, on the Greyhound, and particularly whether it was the best of the non-fully-tracked AFVs?

I did a search in CMAK for Greyhound in the subject listing, but that only popped up one thread, which is why I thought I'd start this one.

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No they aren't - they have crap ammo loads, low rates of fire, and hte 75 doesn't havea turret!

The Allied 2pdr & 37 rule the light armour war as long as they have enough armour to withstand 20mm's.

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