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Originally posted by Sirocco:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Steiner14:


it's not a fraud! The source is israeli, not palestine.

Misquote: Sharon Quote is Fabricated

These quotes originated with the pro-Hamas American group Islamic Association for Palestine in an Oct. 13, 2001 press release, which claimed its source as Israeli radio Kol Yisrael
CAMERA received confirmation from Kol Yisrael political correspondent Yoni Ben-Menachem, who reports on Cabinet meetings, that he never made such a broadcast and that Sharon never made such a statement.
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Originally posted by Steiner14:


it's not a fraud! The source is israeli, not palestine.


I expect you to be as tolerant yourself, as you demand and can expect it from others.

You may not like my quote, that is your good right, but it is not offending, because it attacks no one and if the quote would be from a German, Russian, Finnish or US politician, or from the pope, no one would even came on the idea, to force people to hide and ban it.

IMO your behaviour torwards me is unacceptable and, in oposition to my sig, is really offending and maybe it's time to leave, if a few, but even louder intolerant inquisitors here take the right to define, what other people are allowed to say and what not and try even to misuse and force moderators to join their inquisition tribunals.

It's not intolerant to question your beliefs (or anyone else's). And we aren't defining what you are allowed to say...BFC does. And from what I've seen, they're not huge fans of crypto-Nazi's or the airing of their views on this board. Happy New Year.
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Originally posted by Alkiviadis:

This has become a he said/she said circular argument. Given the current US regime's many ties to the Israeli Likud Party, (the Perles, Feith, et. al.) and Sharon's own history of intemperate outbursts when criticized, I buy it.

What we have here is a report that the journalist in question apparently denies any knowledge of, reported by an agency with a huge bias, and which has been circulated by virulently anti-semitic websites. I think that speaks for itself.
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Ok, I have a suggestion: there are certain minorities and ethnic groups that received bad flak during WW2, either for just or unjust reasons.

My suggestion is that we form a ground rule that denies having agitating statements about these groups in a member's post signature. That goes also for pro-Jew, anti-nazi or pro/anti-any other statement regarding groups such as these.

I dare to assume that most of the active forum members would like to focus on discussing the history of armaments and conflicts, not politics or ideals. So let's stop hammering the hornets' nest with these provocative quotes.

(The only exception to this rule are the Finns, since we control America, and the Americans know it. ;) )

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Originally posted by Bone_Vulture:

(The only exception to this rule are the Finns, since we control America, and the Americans know it. ;) )

Pffft. Hardly matters since Finland is an imaginary country created by the EU to take up otherwise blank space on their maps.



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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

Pffft. Hardly matters since Finland is an imaginary country created by the EU to take up otherwise blank space on their maps.


But.. But... We have Santa Claus and.. Dammit, we have Tarja Halonen!

Well ok, she actually is Mommy Moomin. Our parliament is comprised entirely out of fictional characters. :(

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As this poster doesn't respond when the refutation is posted, I'll quote another page from the same site:

Protocols of the Elders of Zion fabrication

Regarding the fabricated Sharon quotation, you may also send to the critics and the editors an April 17, 2004, response from Yishai Eldar, Senior Editor, Kol Yisrael Radio English Language News Department, Jerusalem:

It's an interesting and persistent myth. This false-quote has previously been attributed in past years to Shimon Peres, the late Yitzhak Rabin (and for all I know, even Maimonides). It's a variant, of course, of the Protocols myth. In any case, there was no such statement; there is no such quote; and there has never been any such broadcast.

If I'm correct about the identity of the poster he really should be keeping a low profile, and not risking coming to the attention of the mods.

The sig has an agenda behind it which is quite transparent. I'm puzzled why, after taking down the PF, the mods haven't yet taken action against something so insidious.

I assume he's running out of time to modify it of his own volition. That being the case, he really should take advantage of this opportunity before the decision is made for him.

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Originally posted by Sirocco:

As this poster doesn't respond when the refutation is posted, I'll quote another page from the same site:

Protocols of the Elders of Zion fabrication

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Regarding the fabricated Sharon quotation, you may also send to the critics and the editors an April 17, 2004, response from Yishai Eldar, Senior Editor, Kol Yisrael Radio English Language News Department, Jerusalem:

It's an interesting and persistent myth. This false-quote has previously been attributed in past years to Shimon Peres, the late Yitzhak Rabin (and for all I know, even Maimonides). It's a variant, of course, of the Protocols myth. In any case, there was no such statement; there is no such quote; and there has never been any such broadcast.

If I'm correct about the identity of the poster he really should be keeping a low profile, and not risking coming to the attention of the mods.

The sig has an agenda behind it which is quite transparent. I'm puzzled why, after taking down the PF, the mods haven't yet taken action against something so insidious.

I assume he's running out of time to modify it of his own volition. That being the case, he really should take advantage of this opportunity before the decision is made for him. </font>

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by sand digger:

WTF is 'obnoxious' about Steiner14's sig? :rolleyes:

I'm not sure what is worse - being obnoxious, or being ignorant. But you managed to do both with one sentence. That must be a talent of some kind... </font>
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Idea for CMX2 - when plotting movement orders, on the first turn additional waypoints not to cost extra seconds. This would represent the planning before kick off, and stop the habit of people giving units massive long straight movement orders at the start purely to save seconds if rushing for a flag. Would also allow you to roll down roads without it taking 3 minutes to move.

If you want a justification, something like the CO saying right, I want our general advance to be to reach X point, but use cover there, there, and there on the way.

After the first round, normal delays kick in to represent the need to explain orders in detail once the bullets start flying.

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A stupid and ignorant signature.

A stupid and ignorant argument about it's authenticity.

Does it matter a fig if Sharon said it or not?

If Clinton claimed there was no gravity would the empire state building float into the air?

Does a girlyman have a whiny and rediculous signiture? Does she then whine at the retorts?

Steiner, get a real life, be a real man, become human.

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Not the first Austrian Nazi boy to date here. Or maybe he is, wouldn't surprise me either...

At any rate, I think this and Schoerner are just part of a Jewish conspiracy to raise sympathy for Zionism. Admit it, Steiner... or should I say, Moses?

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Originally posted by willbell:

Does it matter a fig if Sharon said it or not?

I wasn't going to comment on this matter again, and leave it to the mods, but this point should be addressed.

Of course it matters whether or not he said it, just as it matters if anyone, whatever their political beliefs, is mis-represented.

And the point remains that there's an agenda behind the quote. There are people who will read it, note it's from a quoted source, and take it at face value.

That's why it's important to deal with it.

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My opinion, too much talking about a signature and far to many offended. This is paranoia. In any case that sig is somebody's opinion why all other bothered so much? They also go one step furhter and accuse Steiner of whatever they imagine. Is this freedom of speech?

Planet earth has more important problems to talk about: the huge disaster in Asia is a small example where millions of people suffer and dead maybe more "lucky" than poor survivors in some cases and everybody here talks about a sig!

If you replace the word "Jewish" with another no one would bother. Is it true or not?

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Is this freedom of speech? Of course. You can say any old stupid thing you want, and we can say any old stupid thing back.

I'm amazed at how many people have construed freedom of speech to mean that they can do all the talking and everyone else has to shut up and listen.

I sent my check, did you?

Sure, the N word. But you can say any old thing about me you want and no will be offended.

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Originally posted by willbell:

My point is not that it doesn't matter what leaders say. My point is that things don't become so just because leaders say so.

And the point is that the quote is a fraud, with an anti-semitic motivation. The poster can have whatever opinion he chooses, but this, thankfully, is not the place for them.
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