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History on 8th Panzer Regiment


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I need some help on where I can translate 49 pages on the history of the 8th Panzer Regiment. Below is the first page on it.

Panzer-Regiment 8

Das Panzer-Regiment 8 wurde am 1. Oktober 1936 durch Abgaben der Panzer-Regimenter 3, 5 (bisher Kraftfahr-Lehrkommando Zossen) und 6 im Lager Zossen gebildet. Das Regiment unterstand der 3. Panzer-Division und bezog vorerst Garnison in Zossen. Von den Regimentern wurden jeweils geschlossene Kompanien abgegeben. Die 6./Pz.Rgt. 5 bildete die 5. Kompanie, die 3./Pz.Rgt. 6 wurde die 6. Kompanie und die 6./Pz.Rgt. 6 wurde die 7. Kompanie des Panzer-Regiments 8. Gegliedert war das Regiment in zwei Panzer-Abteilungen mit jeweils vier Panzer-Kompanien, pro Kompanie, bei der Aufstellung, 8 Panzer I (Krupp). Der Regimentsstab verfügte über eine Stabskompanie, einen Nachrichtenzug, einen Erkundungszug und einen Kradmelderzug, später wurde noch ein Panzerzug, als sogenannter leichter Zug angegliedert. In den Abteilungen war ebenfalls eine Stabskompanie, in gleicher Gliederung wie die RgtStKp, eingegliedert. Pro Abteilung erhielten die Abteilungen je eine Werkstatt mit Zivilpersonal. Das Regiment umfasste ungefähr 2000 Mann. Für die Entwicklung spielten die ersten Kommandeure eine tragende Rolle. Erster Regimentskommandeur wurde Oberst Haarde, der ab dem 1. Oktober 1934 Kommandeur der Kraftfahrkampfschule und seit dem 1. Oktober 1935 Kommandeur der Heeres-Kraftfahrschule in Wünsdorf war. Auch die Abteilungskommandeure der ersten Stunde kamen vom Fach. Oberstleutnant Irmisch als Kommandeur der I. Abteilung war seit 1931 in der Inspektion der Kraftfahrtruppen (In 6) und Major Conze mit derselben Position bei der II. Abteilung war vorher Chef des 1. Lehrtrupp in der ersten Panzerabteilung im Kraftfahrlehrkommando. Die ersten Monate wurden zur intensiven Ausbildung auf dem Truppenübungsplatz Zossen genutzt. Die Möglichkeit für Fahrschulunterricht war reichlich gegeben. Anfang 1937 erhielten die Kompanien je 22 Panzer IA (Krupp). Damit wurde dann im Zug- und Kompanierahmen in Zossen, Döberitz und in Wünsdorf geübt. Zu den ersten Schießübungen verlegte das Regiment nach der Schießschule Putlos. Im Sommer 1937 konnten dann die ersten Panzer II vom Regiment im Gelände erprobt werden. Zeitgleich wurde mit der Umrüstung auf den Panzer IB (Maybach) begonnen. 1937 kamen auch die ersten Rekruten zum Regiment in der Mehrzahl aus Baden-Württemberg und Schwaben. Dies und die Tatsache der Traditionsübernahme des 3. Badischen Dragoner-Regiments Prinz Karl Nr. 22, nach der Verfügung des Generalkommando V. AK, Abt. Ia/op 2 vom 3. Oktober 1936, waren erste Hinweise auf eine Verlegung in den süddeutschen Raum. Bereits im Oktober 1937 hatte das Regiment erhebliche Abgaben zur Aufstellung der Panzer-Lehr-Abteilung in Wünsdorf zu leisten. Oberstleutnant Irmisch gab die I. Abteilung an Major F. Haarde ab und wechselte als Kommandeur zum neu aufgestelltem Panzer-Regiment 25. Mit ihm verließ auch der Hauptmann Kentel das Regiment und wurde Chef der 4./Pz.Rgt 25. Die Verlegung des Regiments in die neue Garnison Böblingen wurde zum 1. April 1938 befohlen. Ein Vorauskommando von 33 Mann unter Führung von Hauptmann Otto traf bereits am 23. Februar 1938 vor Ort ein um die Übernahme der Unterkunft zu regeln. Am 9. April 1938 zog das Regiment in die gerade fertiggestellten Hindenburg- und Ludendorff-Kasernen ein. Mitten im Schönbuch war die moderne und großzügige Anlage, in der das Regiment

Any help would be appericated.


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Tank-regiment 8

The tank-regiment became at the 1 in 8. Formed Octobers 1936 through depositing of the tank-soldiers 3, 5 (until now strength-driving-teaching-command Zossen) and 6 in the camp Zossen. The regiment was under the 3. Tank-division and covered garrison in Zossen for the moment. Closed companies were given away from the soldiers in each case. The 6./Pz.Rgt. the 5 formed 5. Company, that in 3./Pz.Rgt. in 6, it turned the 6. Company and the 6./Pz.Rgt. in 6, it turned the 7. Company of the tank-regiment 8. The regiment was jointed in two tank-departments with four tank-companies each, per company, with the installation, 8 tanks I (croup). The regimental-rod had a reconnaissance-train and a Kradmelderzug a rod-company, a news-train, at his disposal, a tank-train still became later, as affiliated so-called easy train. A rod-company, in same arrangement as the RgtStKp, also was in the departments,

Just part, check here


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I like the 'rod' company. That has a nice touch to it, and reminds me of my time in the UK.

I am sailing... I am saaaaiiiilllliiiinnnngggg

Imagine it being sung by a company of Rods. With a company of blonde bimbos in tow.


Anyway, I am not sure if learning German might not be easier than learning to understand the output of these online translators.

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I found a web site that translated German to English. Here is what I got for the first page. I need to touch it up some.

Panzer Regiment 8

Panzer Regiment 8 was formed on the 1 of October 1936 by deliveries of the tank regiments 3, 5 and 6 to Camp Zossen. The regiment was subordinate into the 3 Armored Division and garrison for the time being at Camp Zossen. Closed in each case companies were delivered by the regiments. The 6./Pz.Rgt. 5 formed the 5 Company, the 3./Pz.Rgt. 6 became the 6 Company and the 6./Pz.Rgt. 6 became the 7 Company of the Panzer Regiment 8.

The regiment was arranged in two tank departments with in each case four tank companies, per company, with the list, 8 tanks I (Krupp). The regiment staff had a staff company, a message course, an investigation course and a Kradmelderzug, still another tank platoon, than so-called more easily course was later attached. In the departments likewise a staff company, integrated in same arrangement as the RgtStKp, was. Per department the departments one workshop received each with civil personnel. The regiment covered approximately 2000 men.

For the development the first commanders played a basic role. First regiment commander became Colonel Haarde, who was starting from 1 October 1934 commander of the force driving combat school and since 1 October 1935 commander of the army force driving school in Wuensdorf. Also the department commanders of the first hour came from the subject. Lieutenant colonel Irmisch as a commander of the Ith department was since 1931 in the inspection of the force driving troops (in 6) and major Conze with the same position at the IITH department was before a boss of the 1. Training troop in the first tank department in the force driving training command. The first months were used for intensive training on the troop exercise area Zossen. The possibility for driving school teaching was plentifully given. The companies 22 of tanks each IA (Krupp) received beginning of 1937. Thus in the course and company framework in Zossen, Doeberitz was then practiced and in Wuensdorf. To the first firing exercises the regiment shifted PUT lot after the shooting school. In the summer 1937 then the first tanks II could be tested by the regiment in the area. At the same time with the re-equipment on the tank IB (May brook) one began. 1937 came also the first recruits to the regiment in the majority from Baden-Wuerttemberg and Swabia. This and the fact of the tradition assumption of the 3. Dragoon regiment of Baden prince Karl No. 22, after the order general command of the Vth AK, abbott Ia/op 2 from 3 October 1936, were first referring to a transfer into Southern Germany. Already in October 1937 the regiment had to carry substantial deliveries out for the list of the tank tank departmenttank department in Wuensdorf. Lieutenant colonel Irmisch delivered the Ith department at major F. Haarde and changed as a commander to the again set up tank regiment 25. With it also the captain Kentel left the regiment and became a boss of the 4./Pz.Rgt 25. The shifting of the regiment into the new garrison Boeblingen was instructed to 1 April 1938. A Vorauskommando of 33 men under guidance of captain petrol met already on 23 February 1938 locally around the assumption of the accommodation to regulate. On 9 April 1938 the regiment drew into the straight finished Hindenburg and Ludendorff barracks. In the middle in the beautiful book the modern and generous plant, in which the regiment should have its homeland had developed. At 9:37 o'clock on 9 April 1938 the point of the combat car column with Colonel H. Haarde in the command car reached the post office place of the new garrison town. Here the regiment was welcomed by the mayor Dr. Roehm and Landrat Meditsch. Under sounds of the music corps of the regiment under guidance of Csm Isensee then the regiment engaged over the forest castle route into the barracks. At the same time an assumption change took place from the 3. Armored division to 4. Tank brigade to Stuttgart, which were set up together with the regiment and the Pz.Rgt. 7 were. The location exercise area permitted training in the course framework. The plants for the shooting and radio service were modern and exemplary. The summer and autumn months 1938 were located completely in the indication of thorough training. The replacement and the transferred officers and NCOS had to be integrated. The training in Boeblingen was supplemented by stays on the troop exercise areas mountain Hohne, hay mountain and Muensingen. To 1 October 1938 the regiment had again substantial deliveries, particularly from the Ith department to carry out for the list of the tank department 67 (large Glienecke). Were shifted there: Captain Schmid and the second lieutenants baron von Holtey,


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The 8th Panzer-Regiment was formed on 1 October 1936 by deliveries from the tank regiments 3, 5 (previously motorized training command Zossen) and 6 in the camp Zossen. The regiment was subordinate to the 3. Panzer-Division and included for the time being with garrison in Zossen. From each regiment an closed(whole?) company was delivered. The 6./Pz.Rgt. 5 formed the 5. Company, the 3./Pz.Rgt. 6 became the 6. Company and the 6./Pz.Rgt. 6 formed the 7. Company of the 8th Panzer-Regiment. The regiment was arranged in two tank batallions, each consisting of four tank companies. In each company, by the organisation chart, were 8 Panzer I tanks (Krupp). The regiment staff had a staff company, a message squad, an reconnaissance squad and a dispatch rider (bicycle?) squad. Later, another tank platoon, in the form of a light tank platoon, was attached. Likewise in each batallion, was a staff company, integrated in same arrangement as the RgtStKp. Each batallion also had a workshop with civilian personnel. The regiment comprised approximately 2000 men.

Heres the start looking a bit better, not sure about army formation names though. Couldn't be bothered doing the rest. smile.gif

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Originally posted by Hoolaman:

The 8th Panzer-Regiment was formed on 1 October 1936 by deliveries from the tank regiments 3, 5 (previously motorized training command Zossen) and 6 in the camp Zossen. The regiment was subordinate to the 3. Panzer-Division and included for the time being with garrison in Zossen. From each regiment an closed(whole?) company was delivered. The 6./Pz.Rgt. 5 formed the 5. Company, the 3./Pz.Rgt. 6 became the 6. Company and the 6./Pz.Rgt. 6 formed the 7. Company of the 8th Panzer-Regiment. The regiment was arranged in two tank batallions, each consisting of four tank companies. In each company, by the organisation chart, were 8 Panzer I tanks (Krupp). The regiment staff had a staff company, a message squad, an reconnaissance squad and a dispatch rider (bicycle?) squad. Later, another tank platoon, in the form of a light tank platoon, was attached. Likewise in each batallion, was a staff company, integrated in same arrangement as the RgtStKp. Each batallion also had a workshop with civilian personnel. The regiment comprised approximately 2000 men.

Heres the start looking a bit better, not sure about army formation names though. Couldn't be bothered doing the rest. smile.gif

What did you use to translate the first page?


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To help translate German, I initially use

Altavista Babel Fish

Which looks like what you used.

Then with my (limited) knowledge of German (syntax and military terminology), I go through and rearrange/fix it with help from:

LEO online dictionary

Which is excellent for words with subtle shades of meaning, as it gives a few phrases and stuff (also pronunciation). Eg. zug, abteilung can be train, department or their military formation use.

Also a good way of learning some more German!

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