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Biltong's Campaign Rules

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Originally posted by Biltong:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seahawk-vfa201:

Holy Cow: just seen the Urban Chaos of Kiev pack.

You guys are perverted!!!!!!! :D

Prophetic, isn't it - now you know why the Brits have been hanging about outside Basra ;)

As you might have noticed: the maps link with each other - you are actualy fighting on one L.o.n.g map - so you can see what's waiting on the horison ;)

Good luck!! </font>

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Originally posted by Biltong:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by History Buff:

[qb] From the front :

Horten led his men wearily back ...

Nice AAR HB smile.gif

How far are you now?

For all the newbies out there, History Buff is way out front - leading the pack. Last time I heard he was in April 42?</font>

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From the feedback I'm getting it looks like the percentages are close. Just not hearing much from Veteran players.

Any out there? [/QB]

Heres my Exp. stats as of 3rd week 1st day of April 42. Note : The the middle of constant engagements so some are a bit off.

? = Units currently out of action needing replacements.

D = Destroyed Armour

First number = Men in Unit

Second Number = Exp. Rating.

CO Company HQ 6 15

Platoon HQ (1) 4 8

Squad 10 13

Squad 10 23

Squad 10 15

Squad 0 ?

50mm Mortar 3 11

Platoon HQ (2) 4 20

Squad 10 27

Squad 10 22

Squad 10 18

Squad 10 25

50mm Mortar 3 14

Platoon HQ (3) 4 24

Squad 4 25?

Squad 10 20

Squad 10 21

Squad 10 25

50mm Mortar 3 13

Tank Hunter 1 2 13

Tank Hunter 2 2 8

Kublewagen 1 8

Truck 1 2 9

Truck 2 2 11

SPW 251/1 V1 2 13

SPW 251/1 V2 2 13


T1 Panzer IIIJ 5 54

T2 Panzer IIIJ 4D 27?

T3 Panzer IIIJ 2D 40?

T4 Panzer IIIJ 5 25

Sturmgeschütze IIIB 4 12

Sturmgeschütze IIIB 4 15

Sturmgeschütze IIIB 4 29

Have fun.


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Originally posted by benpark:



This site is a perfect match for BCR and a map utility such as Mapping Mission. I may do a few in the future, whenever I can figure out the nuances of Mapping Mission.

Yes - great site - I think most of the guys know about it, but there's no harm in reminding them smile.gif

Hope to see some maps from you soon ;) Let me know how Mapping Mission pans out - I haven't tried it myself, but would like to.


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Originally posted by History Buff:

...Heres my Exp. stats as of 3rd week 1st day of April 42. ...

Interesting how the armor does so much better than the infantry - I wonder if that was also the case in real life? Or do you think the armor needs some downward adjustment when it comes to killing? Or rather the inf - some upward adjustment? :D

Also - The IIIJ's do a lot better than the Stugs. Any idea why?

BTW - I was actualy refering to player Exp. What are you on now? Spill the beans ;)


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Originally posted by Biltong:

Interesting how the armor does so much better than the infantry - I wonder if that was also the case in real life? Or do you think the armor needs some downward adjustment when it comes to killing? Or rather the inf - some upward adjustment? :D

I'm not as far along as History Buff (obviously) but my tanks keep getting whacked. I've lost the entire crew on my PzIVE twice in 7 battles. And I've had mostly major and total victories! Perhaps I grow overconfident with my tanks when victory is at hand, but please don't make it harder for tank crews to get experience!!!

Dr. Rosenrosen

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Originally posted by Biltong:

Interesting how the armor does so much better than the infantry - I wonder if that was also the case in real life? Or do you think the armor needs some downward adjustment when it comes to killing? Or rather the inf - some upward adjustment? :D

I think the Infantry need a raise. I expected at least half my men to be at vet. by now. (I've never really had major inf. casulties). As for tanks, they kill alot more cause dey got da bigga gunz. :D

Also - The IIIJ's do a lot better than the Stugs. Any idea why?

It's called an MG and a wave of incoming inf. Easy 3 pts a battle. 2 for killing, 1 for general exp gain.

BTW - I was actualy refering to player Exp. What are you on now? Spill the beans ;)


Actually I'm not using player exp. Only made the games overly unbalanced one way or the other. So I leave handicap at zero etc. Some times I get a slight advantage. Sometimes they do. Mostly it's dead even. Hadicap is I think a waste of time. Theres is no fun is launching an assault with 1500 pts against 4500 pts. No fun, just a death for your men with no hope in hell.
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Originally posted by History Buff:

...I think the Infantry need a raise. I expected at least half my men to be at vet. by now....

Hmm - we'll have to see - once a handfull of guys are where you are tongue.gif

...It's called an MG and a wave of incoming inf. Easy 3 pts a battle. 2 for killing, 1 for general exp gain.

Off course - fast asleep :rolleyes:


Actually I'm not using player exp. Only made the games overly unbalanced one way or the other. So I leave handicap at zero etc. Some times I get a slight advantage. Sometimes they do. Mostly it's dead even. Hadicap is I think a waste of time. Theres is no fun is launching an assault with 1500 pts against 4500 pts. No fun, just a death for your men with no hope in hell.
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Question: If one of the members of my Company HQ gets casualties as a result of the percent casualty setting at the beginning of the game, do I still need to roll to see if my CO gets replaced with Hitler's incompetent ex-lover?


Dr. Rosenrosen

[ April 02, 2003, 05:11 AM: Message edited by: Dr. Rosenrosen ]

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Has anyone suggested allowing the player to use favor to get out of an immediate axis attack/assault (or possibly even an allied counterattack)? Is that in Biltaid, or am I hallucinating again? I don't see it in the v2.2 rules. Either way, I wonder if it's been talked about before.

{DELURK}I had a thread going about this about 4-5 weeks ago; my issue came up as a result of the vague wording on the initial battle type parameter (2) , when i then discovered that the item of which you speak of is addressed at the end of the previous battle; when you roll for the next battle type (counter/immediate attacks/assaults), i believe there's an allowance of spending 40 Favor points to alter the number by 1, and that only applies for Axis immediate attack/assault; if you roll for allied counterattack, evidently you're SOL.

hope this helps. j0ker.

BTW: still intrenched in the middle of Kiev battle #2. the main highlight so far: a green squad threw an explosive packet from a 2nd story window to knock out a KV-1. I'm giddy with pride. {/DELURK}

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Originally posted by Dr. Rosenrosen:

Question: If one of the members of my Company HQ gets casualties as a result of the percent casualty setting at the beginning of the game, do I still need to roll to see if my CO gets replaced with Hitler's incompetent ex-lover?


Unfortunately, yes. Frostbite, getting lost, accidents; syphilis etc. etc. affected everyone... :(
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Originally posted by j0ker:

[QB...i then discovered that the item of which you speak of is addressed at the end of the previous battle; when you roll for the next battle type (counter/immediate attacks/assaults), i believe there's an allowance of spending 40 Favor points to alter the number by 1, and that only applies for Axis immediate attack/assault; if you roll for allied counterattack, evidently you're SOL.

hope this helps. j0ker.

BTW: still intrenched in the middle of Kiev battle #2. the main highlight so far: a green squad threw an explosive packet from a 2nd story window to knock out a KV-1. I'm giddy with pride. {/DELURK} [/QB]

On target on both counts...

40 Favor to change die by one for Axis Immediate Attack/assault and explosives out of window :D

Never seen that BTW - next time try and post a screenshot (just don't ask me how ;)

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sorry to stick my head out of the shell again, but in the spirit of Biltong's 'Pain and Suffering' that is his Campaign, i quote below some operational rules devised by Franko (FTC) that might be interesting for all you newly-promoted Veteran COs out there. Personally, i might try it if i keep up my winning ways, but MAN, this looks tough...

Once again, all credit goes to Franko, who posted this about 18 mos. ago:

FTC RULES (10.1.01 Version

FRANKO'S TRUE COMBAT RULES version 1.1 (with supporting


1. THE GOLDEN RULE. Generally speaking, as the human player,you are not allowed to use the tools of the game interface for the purpose of doing anything your troops could not do in real life.

Comment: The following rules are designed to maximize the

realism and immersion of single-player play. All rules set

forth below must be construed according to this principle,

which is the "Golden Rule" of FTC. Face it, we humans cheat

like bastards when we play the A.I. We get "Eagle-eye"

views, we can actually click on enemy units and find out

everything about them; we can look at the battle from their

point of view, etc. That sucks. Sure, its fun to look at,

but really, really wussy. Although these rules may seem

difficult or cumbersome at first, after a while they are a

breeze, and you can learn to move around quickly. Plus,

there's no need to be a NAZI about it..simply pick the rules

you want to use, and discard others. However, if you DO

discard any of the rules, you're a gamey bastard. That

having been said, lets proceed!

2. SELECTING UNITS. Only use the "+" or "-" keys to move from

friendly unit to friendly unit. Then, use the "tab" key. You

can then only rotate in place to scan the surrounding

terrain (imagine you are where the unit is, and that you can

only see what THAT unit can see..its pretty simple).

If there is friendly unit within the line of sight (LOS) of

the unit you have currently selected, you do not have to use

the + and - keys. Instead, you can simply point and click

on that target unit, THEN hit the tab key. Any other way of

accessing an enemy unit is forbidden.

Comment: Nothing is more tedious than having to cycle

through ALL the units with the "+" or "-" key. You don't

have to. Simply click on any unit in view, and then hit the

tab. Further, so long as you remain "within your lines",

you should be okay. However, see the Golden Rule.


A. PANNING. After accessing the unit and hitting the tab

key(which orients the view of the unit forward), you

can only "look around" by using the pivot keys

(1,3,7,9) on the keypad. In other words, you can pan

360 (your guys can turn around and look where they


B. BUILDINGS: If your units are in a building or he unit

icon (such as vehicle), blocks your view, you can use

the "8" key to click ahead only such distance which is

necessary to clear the sprite.

C. ELEVATED VIEWS. Once turns begin (after setup), you may

use only the lowest-level view ("1" on the keyboard),

unless the following apply:

1. If your unit occupies are a two-level building, you

may use View 2 ("2" on the keyboard") from the units

location; and

2. If you are on the top floor of a church, you can

use View 2 or View 3, whichever you prefer

Note: The Setup procedure may offer you further viewing

options. See Rule 7, Below.

4. ENEMY UNITS. You may not, under any circumstances, "click

on" or "select" an enemy unit. Use the "N" key to select


Comment: If you "click" on an enemy unit, you may discover

what it is, and, due to a bizarre game bug or design

oversight, you can actually tell the quality of the enemy

unit. This is WRONG WRONG WRONG! You should be able to tell

a unit by what it looks like, and run the risk you will be

wrong (Hey, Americans routinely identified every German tank

as a "Tiger"...even Steven Spielberg did it).

5. ZOOM KEYS. You may not use the "zoom key" (the brackets) to

magnify your views unless the following exceptions apply:

A. You may use up to Zoom 2x if you're unit you are

"looking from" is a platoon leader or above.

B. Your unit may use up to Zoom 4x if it has optics (e.g,

an artillery observer, an AT gun, a tank). If you

really want to be anal, buttoned up tanks or tanks that

suffered casualties can only use up to zoom 4x in the

direction of their turret facing, because, that's where

the gunners optics are facing! American tanks may not

be able to zoom at all..we can debate that one later.

Addition: You may not use zoom keys at night unless

your unit is a Forward Observer.

C. During Setup, under specified conditions (see below)

6. WEATHER. You must always have weather and fog set to "full"

Comment: If you figure out how to toggle off the weather in

real life, well, by all means do it in the game! The rain

and snow should be troublesome.

7. SPECIAL SETUP RULES. The following setup rules apply

depending on whether you are the attacker, defender, or if

the battle is a meeting engagement.

A. Attacker: During setup you may use View Level 7 ("7" on

the keyboard)to aid in setup, in addition to the views

you are permitted in Rules 1, 2, or 3, above. This

"attacker's map" rule represents the "map" your troop

commander would use to help prepare your troops for the

assault. Ideally, whether such a map is available

should be specified in your briefing by the designer.

B. Defender: During setup you can use the map rule, above,

if your signal corps has its act together. In addition,

you can freely move about the map in level 1, or view

level 2 (or 3, if a church) if that part of the map

your viewing from is a multi-level building.

C. Meeting Engagements. Both sides may only view using the

Attacker's map rule, or from any spot in their setup

zone (only). Again, if a spot in their setup zone has a

church or building, adjust accordingly.

D. OPTIONAL RULE: During setup you may print out a map (by

taking a screen shot and printing the .jpg or .bmp

file) for use during the battle. This map should be at

the minimum View Level 7.

8. GAME SETTINGS. Use only "Realistic" Sized units. Always

have "full terrain" on. Turn unit bases and detailed

armored hits "off". You may use unit bases, which will help

you locate your infantry (after all, the infantry icons are abstracted

one figure equals three men, and sometimes more in the case of crewed weapons).

9. NEW INTRODUCTORY DIE HARD-CORE RULE: You are not allowed to

pick targets for your units. Yeah, you heard me right. You

can maneuver all you want. You can set ambushes.

A. You can tell units to CEASE firing if in command

radius. [at guns]

B. You can use your forward observers and mortars in an

indirect fire role.

Comment: Sure, you like to kill things. Thats part of the

fun. But in reality, your commanders set ambushes, give

orders and commands, generally direct fire (CM has modifiers

for that), etc. They don't actually pull the friggin

trigger of every weapon on the board, which YOU do when you

select targets. Try it this way -- You'll be surprised how

fun it is! And realistic, too!

Always interested in your input. Frankrad@pacbell.net

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i got the 3 sheets printed and ive been tryin to get a battle goin for 3 hours but im not much further forward. this is potentialy great but im stuck. im guessing the battle sheet contains the units i have to choose but after i set all the perimeters i cant find most of them. for armour i should have stugg3's but theres none to choose.

my head is done in


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i got the 3 sheets printed and ive been tryin to get a battle goin for 3 hours but im not much further forward. this is potentialy great but im stuck. im guessing the battle sheet contains the units i have to choose but after i set all the perimeters i cant find most of them. for armour i should have stugg3's but theres none to choose.

my head is done in


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Originally posted by Biltong:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by j0ker:

...in the spirit of Biltong's 'Pain and Suffering' that is his Campaign, i quote below some operational rules devised by Franko (FTC) that might be interesting for all you newly-promoted Veteran COs out there....

Hooo Boy!!! Joker - thanx for reminding me. I forgot about Franko's rules - I've actually played a couple of games with these rules - even a PBEM... Tough!!! Main problem I found was forgrtting to stay at level 1 and not knowing where the hell you are if there's a lot of woods around smile.gif

Definitely a very realistic experience... Next time you feel you've got a too easy task ahead of you - try it - a whole new trip ;) </font>

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