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Biltong's Campaign Rules

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I've played my first few battles as well and find that I have been up against veritable hordes of Russian infantry and guns.

In my first battle my battlegroup, reinforced by a platoon of 8 wheeled AC's, took out 6 guns and caused 196 casualties, suffering only a fraction of that themselves (I believe 11). I still only got a tactical victory because of the masses of Russians left on the battlefield. My troops had exhausted all their ammo.

The second battle (immediate attack) was pretty much along the same lines, but the quality of the Russian troops was 1 level higher and there was no getting through them (very open terrain as well).

Is this normal or am I doing something wrong rolling up the forces ?

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Originally posted by Dr. Rosenrosen:

On the Battle Group sheet, it's not clear how you should count the casualty statistics for halftracks and other vehicles armed with only MGs. (I'm using 251/1 for transportation mostly.) Are these vehicles forbidden as attached units even though they are listed under Vehicles instead of Armor? If they are allowed, what are the casualty ranges for extra experience points?


Dr. Rosenrosen

Note 5: (At bottom of Battlegroup sheet)

All the Units listed below gain 1 Experience Point for Allied Casualties caused from and including the first number below and an additional Exp. Point from and including the 2nd number:

Armored vehicles with armament smaller than or equal to 35mm: 3+ / 10+ Casualties"

I've made it clearer for the next update ;)

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Originally posted by hobo:

I want my attached units back. One anomoly in the rules has you losing your attached units during an emergency reorganization and never getting them back. I would think that once things have settled down you should get your attachment back. In my case I keep getting and losing an attached 150MM gun. I would think the men would go back to their gun once the emergency is over. Any thoughts?



"Note 15 - Attached Units

Between battles some lost units from other formations might join your Battle Group. "

Since they were not 'officially assigned' to your Battle Group they don't receive replacements... HQ does not even know you grabbed them and you're not going to tell and risk losing them ;)

So as they die - they are gone or else they get absorbed into your Battle Group as replacements during Emergency Reorganizations... HQ does not mind if you absorb some lose men, but they won't like it if you try and steal complete units... They'll want to send them back to their original formation. Just stay quiet and keep them out of sight when the MP's sniff around. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Sgt_Kelly:

[QB...I have been up against veritable hordes of Russian infantry and guns.


Is this normal or am I doing something wrong rolling up the forces ? [/QB]

Sounds right - the brave men of the Wermacht is used to uneven odds ;)

I'll need more info though:

What did you roll up for the different categories; your total Purchase Points & Force size - just for your last battle (the Immediate attack).


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Originally posted by DaffyDuck:

[ Delurking for the first time after almost five months ]

Hi everybody! I've started playing BCR and I've written up AARs of my first couple battles if you're interested. They are on my website along with AARs from other, non-BCR, games I've played.

Excellent Daffy!! Really great site - love what you did there. Guys go and have a look :D
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Sorry to hijack bit space here smile.gif , but I posted this on appropriate CMBO forum (and I think crowd might catch it better here too smile.gif :

I made a solitaire campaign rules for CMBO (inspired by Biltong's Campaign Rules for CMBB, but quite totally different).

It's loosely based on old tabletop solitaire wargame called "Patton's Best" where player is commander of Sherman tank fighting his way from Normandy to Germany as tanker for 10th armored Division.

Now you have chance to try same in CMBO.

Alpha 2-version can be downloaded from:


as .rtf text file

All comments and suggestions are welcome !



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Originally posted by Sardaukar:

Sorry to hijack bit space here

You're welcome :D

... player is commander of Sherman tank fighting his way from Normandy to Germany as tanker for 10th armored Division.

This sounds interesting - why don't you give the players a bit more info re how you do it, without them having to download the whole thing. My 1st question is - Do you only have 1 Sherman fighting against varied German forces? Or is the Sherman supported by other Allied/US units? Some examples of different battles that can be expected perhaps.


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Hi Biltong,

My name is Lyle Gee (my actual name sounds like an alias) and I "discovered" the BCR 41 South campaign rules. I'm really happy with the first game I played,

but I have a question about experience in the second game I'm trying to play. My unit did well in the first game and I have all regular troops (10-13 experience). When I start my second game, though, I select the unrestricted unit purchase for my company,

select the entire company and regular. However, when I get to set-up, my experience for each squad ranges all over the place. Is there a way for me to ensure that my squads/platoons have at least the same level of experience? I wouldn't mind if everyone would at least be regular, but I get greens thrown in a lot.

I have CMBB, V1.02 on a Win XP high-end system. I haven't modded the game significantly (some terrain and smoke mods, nothing large). Please advise as to

what I am doing wrong.

Thank you for helping a new BCR fan get started


Lyle Gee

San Diego, CA

Hi Lyle,

You’re not doing anything wrong - it's just the way CMBB's has been coded. We hope that in the future we will be able to use the Scenario Editor to control the experience as well as things like Names and HQ abilities, but unfortunately there is a bug in the SE which prevents us from setting and retaining a specific ammo load - a crucial feature - so we're stuck with the QB-way for the moment. We asked for the bug to be fixed and it has a small chance of being fixed with the next patch.


BTW - in the future please ask these questions on the board - there will be others who would like to hear the answer as well smile.gif

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Originally posted by Biltong:

Player commands single Sherman (or Stuart, M10, Hellcat etc) but is supported by normal QB selection of forces (Armor). There is daily combat timeline with percentage chance of getting involved in combat, tank replacement/refit tables, exp. and promotion tables.

System is that promotion points are calculated straightly from battle end score and experience is calculated from kills player's tank make.

Promotion/rank affects what kind of tanks player get (higher the rank, easier to obtain better equipment), experience points from kills affect directly to your overall force composition (for example Green means that 1/3 of units have to be conscript, rest green...Green (+) that every unit can be green etc)

There is also Battle Intensity daily rating on combat calendar. It is used to increase AI (enemy) force's experience bonus. Light= no bonus, Medium=+1 and High=+2

Since player's force quality depends solely on kills he make with his tanks, player has to involve his tank in combat and cannot sit back.

Rules are quite simple and straighforward. Most of space in file was taken by Combat Timeline table(it's daily from July 27th 1944 to April 18th 1945 (I've done it to Feb 45 so far, just a conversion from original tabletop game)



[ March 26, 2003, 04:51 PM: Message edited by: Sardaukar ]

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Thanks, Biltong !

You inspired me, and I wanted to make bit "lighter" campaign rules than BCR smile.gif

BCR/BCRAV are great, but take lot of time and effort to set up battles and track units...price of the details smile.gif And when I found my old "Patton's Best" solitaire tabletop game, it occured that it could be easy to make a campaign rules based on data in that game.



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Originally posted by Sardaukar:

Thanks, Biltong !

You inspired me, and I wanted to make bit "lighter" campaign rules than BCR smile.gif

BCR/BCRAV are great, but take lot of time and effort to set up battles and track units...price of the details smile.gif

Thanks from me too :D

I'm working on a quick CMBB campaign, designed for swiftness and simplicity. You should be able to get your force through the whole east front campaign in a decent amount of battles with a minimal amount of bookkeping and - hopefully - a lot of fun. Not very historical, but good fun nevertheless.

Estimated time when a test version will hit the street: 1-2 weeks.

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Originally posted by Sgt_Kelly:

I've played my first few battles as well and find that I have been up against veritable hordes of Russian infantry and guns.


Is this normal or am I doing something wrong rolling up the forces ?

Yep, this is normal. Mainly because the Soviets are all Conscripts (or Green at best) to start the campaign, so they usually outnumber you. Also, if you have the misfortune to have rolled up a Handicap of more than zero, then the Soviet forces increase in size quickly.
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BCR promoted me to ELITE. Dunno whether I should be glad or pissed.

I will be facing tougher and tougher battles ahead as now the enemy EASILY has +50% (+6 modifier) and I faced already a +75% in Kiev Suburbs battle.

I might face soon the bitter taste of a loss. But the KampfGruppe is stronger every battle now. 4 Units are veterans already.

No doubt I olny had a Tactical victory.

No more AARs in here as EasyCo is kindly featuring them in his site with maps as well.

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Question. In my first battle I'd my PzIIc that had killed four russian was disabled and crew bailed out. In the remaining turns the crews killed one russian with their close weapon. How I must count this last, simply adding to the tank score, ingnore'em, or there is some rule that I've missed about the "infantry" use of crews?


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Originally posted by massimorocca:

Question. In my first battle I'd my PzIIc that had killed four russian was disabled and crew bailed out. In the remaining turns the crews killed one russian with their close weapon. How I must count this last, simply adding to the tank score, ingnore'em, or there is some rule that I've missed about the "infantry" use of crews?


No rule for that specific occurance AFAICR... Just add it to the tank score - same guys who did the killing and should get the exp bonus if any.


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Ok thanks, now to be sure a couple of more question, sorry but I'm newbie here.

1) I rolled an immediate axis assault. So i've an emergency reorg. My lost tank remain lost by sure, but the crew suvived with no loss( I need no one of them for other tanks) must be parcked somewhere in the battlefield or I must exit them from the map and start the next "normal" battle with a new Tank/crew?

2) I must apply all the change needed in battle group and favor sheet now at the end of the first battle, before start the immediate assault or I must consider the two linked fight like a single engagment and wait for the end of the second to set the new parameters?

A BIG thanks

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Originally posted by massimorocca:


1) I rolled an immediate axis assault. So i've an emergency reorg. My lost tank remain lost by sure, but the crew suvived with no loss( I need no one of them for other tanks) must be parcked somewhere in the battlefield or I must exit them from the map and start the next "normal" battle with a new Tank/crew?

Just don't buy it for this battle... The crew has gone off to get the new replacement tank ;)

Next Normal Battle the crew and their new tank rejoins their mates with all the experience gain/loss that they got from the battle where they lost their tank. This battle's exp gain/loss does not affect them, since they are not taking part.

2) I must apply all the change needed in battle group and favor sheet now at the end of the first battle, before start the immediate assault or I must consider the two linked fight like a single engagment and wait for the end of the second to set the new parameters?


No - Do the calcs for each battle - it will be nearly impossible to link the 2.

Good luck :D

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Hello BCR Players :D Its Lane with another dumb

post smile.gif Have been trying to learn this thing :confused: Have been using Biltaid program

Good program for a dummie like me ;)

Show how bad I am I played 4 Battles Player Favor

-140 Got Demotion from Regular to Green :D

Most have been Axis Assualts :D Total and Major

Defeats Now my Co says Dig in for a Allied Assult.

and other Total wipe out. Have been playing on Bilton's Campaign Maps . Good maps Found the list

what each map is that helps.

Question ? When I try to play a Allied Assualt

I can't buy my Battle Group armor? with Force size

1000, 1250 or 1500?

I am about ready to file my BCR stuff and play

CMBO for a change I ran a Quick CMBO battle last

night and I forgot how many nice mods I had installed in CMBO

Sorry about the long post redface.gif

Have a good one

Lane :D

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