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My TNT chucker, my TNT chucker why hast thou forsaken me? The 99% Goodale-free Waffle

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

So Axe, is that smiley Dave or The Rented Mule?

I never could tell the difference. :confused:

Me neither.

So what's the deal with our pure armour battle? If I can only buy Valentines and Matildas with 3,000 points there's going to be a whole lot of clanky metal running around.

Kind of like in MasterGoodale's head.

In other news, Snarker is poised to run over my positions with the Germans' entire panzer forces — every last tank in the Third Reich is along for the fun.

You know you're in trouble when a 76.2 mm AT gun has "None" listed as the kill chance on a flank shot of a King Tiger from less than 200 metres. :mad:

However, I now hope to spell relief I.....S.....2.


Becket is beaten and bloody in our operation. Russian infantry without armored support against a platoon of Panthers and Panzergrenadiers is a beautiful thing to behold. Well, maybe not for Becket.

In our Stalingrad-esque battle, he is preparing to storm Fort Axe. I think his e-mail stating he doesn't have a clue how to start his attack is a good sign for me. I suggested he knock politely on the factory door and one of the helpful commrades from Soviet ammunition production facility #1028 will be pleased to give him a guided tour.

In an unfortunate turn of events, Dave H is beating me like, well, like himself, on The Road to Moscow. Curse you Dave and a double curse on you Abattoir — because that's exactly what my troops are caught in. Have you been taking lessons from Rune? :mad:

And last, but certainly not least, Crow has flown the coop for Dublin this weekend. A good thing to. The guns on my T-34s were starting to overheat.

Jas :mad: n

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

So what's the deal with our pure armour battle? If I can only buy Valentines and Matildas with 3,000 points there's going to be a whole lot of clanky metal running around.

Jas :mad: n

They just don't teach good reading skills anymore.

Please re-read the e-mail I sent:

Note that you are to purchase a combination of FIVE Matildas or Valentines.

Any excess points are to be disregarded.

I will now go and say a silent prayer for the successful launch of CMAK, with emphasis on the briefings.

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In an unfortunate turn of events, Dave H is beating me like, well, like himself, on The Road to Moscow. Curse you Dave and a double curse on you Abattoir — because that's exactly what my troops are caught in. Have you been taking lessons from Rune?
The final version of The Road to Moscow went up at The Depot today. There have been some tweaks aimed at play balance. Removing the bridge near the railroad facilities removed a tactical roadblock to the German side for instance. The map and OOB evolved and did not lose the “feel” of the battle. I am extremely pleased with this scenario and am glad everyone has enjoyed playing it as much as I have. To quote you I believe “It is a real nail-biter”.
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In other news, Snarker is poised to run over my positions with the Germans' entire panzer forces — every last tank in the Third Reich is along for the fun.

You know you're in trouble when a 76.2 mm AT gun has "None" listed as the kill chance on a flank shot of a King Tiger from less than 200 metres.

1_Staszow you guys received in its roughest form, with NO play testing whatsoever. I am very curious to hear your results. I am not even sure if I will be able to finish it before CMAK is out. The only item finished in its creation so far is the map. I imagine playing it is very hectic!
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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

Note that you are to purchase a combination of FIVE Matildas or Valentines.

Any excess points are to be disregarded.

You left out that last little bit Swamp Thing. :mad:

Disregard that turn I sent you this morning. I'll resend later this evening.

And Abbot — thanks for your work on those scenarios. Excellent maps my good man. If only I could navigate them with the skill required. redface.gif

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Becky you MORON!! :mad:

This must be a lame-assed attempt at propaganda!!! :mad:

Actually, I think you are trying to pry critical information about my forces from me. MasterGoodale doesn't fall for that scum pouch. :mad:

I have MUTILATED your infantry

I own all but one flag (according to my map)

I have plenty of tanks left (more than I see you having)

I show 53% me, 47% you.

You are a truly crusty maggot. The kind that burrows it's maggoty little face into a big fresh poop and wigles around a few times, then pops it's little head up with ****-speckled lips and starts flapping said ****-speckled lips in the foul breeze. :mad:

I can't wait until I put my remaining gaggle of fresh T-34s to use and obliterate your armored hopes of a victory. I got myself a special sig for you maggot. Been sitting on it for weeks.

And I have NOT been slow with turns! Give us an average and you will find it to be quite suitable. Pus Lick. :mad: :mad:

You want slow with turns, play Prince. :mad:

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Originally posted by Abbott:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> In an unfortunate turn of events, Dave H is beating me like, well, like himself, on The Road to Moscow. Curse you Dave and a double curse on you Abattoir — because that's exactly what my troops are caught in. Have you been taking lessons from Rune?

The final version of The Road to Moscow went up at The Depot today. There have been some tweaks aimed at play balance. Removing the bridge near the railroad facilities removed a tactical roadblock to the German side for instance. The map and OOB evolved and did not lose the “feel” of the battle. I am extremely pleased with this scenario and am glad everyone has enjoyed playing it as much as I have. To quote you I believe “It is a real nail-biter”. </font>
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Bah! The bridge was one of the better aspects of this scenario Abbott. The Germans have no disadvantage with that bridge. Don't listen to Becky's excuses. He's just mad because MasterGoodale - Jewel Crowned Diamond Studded GrandMaster TNT CHucker is banging him hard with a camoflaged dildo! :mad: :mad: ("dime dime quarter dollar - dime dime quarter dollar. . .feck it! Buck forty five Buck forty five!!") :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

This must be a lame-assed attempt at propaganda!!! :mad:

Let's see, in one forest alone, no fewer than 12 Soviet squads are dead. That's a company you idgit.

I got myself a special sig for you maggot. Been sitting on it for weeks.
And that's where it's going to stay, up your buttocks. Still, I give you my word: you get a victory over me, and I will put whatever language you ask into my profile for the required duration.

And I have NOT been slow with turns! Give us an average and you will find it to be quite suitable. Pus Lick.
No. 3 turns in four weeks is abysmal. Is it any coincidence that your only tactical success came after you stopped sending turns regularly? I think not.

At any rate, I have to find some way to motivate you to return turns like everyone else finds the ability to manage. So, in addition to the forfeit for any delay amounting to more than 30 days (only days on which no turns are sent to me count), (A) I will deduct one day for each day of delay from the 90 days that I would be required to keep your sig line language in my profile if you beat me and (B) every day you delay adds one day to the 90 days you would have to keep a sig when I beat you. How's that for motivation, maggot?

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

Bah! The bridge was one of the better aspects of this scenario Abbott. The Germans have no disadvantage with that bridge. Don't listen to Becky's excuses. He's just mad because MasterGoodale - Jewel Crowned Diamond Studded GrandMaster TNT CHucker is banging him hard with a camoflaged dildo! :mad: :mad: ("dime dime quarter dollar - dime dime quarter dollar. . .feck it! Buck forty five Buck forty five!!") :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

LOL. FYI, the only place MG is having any tactical success is under the bridge. Of course, by "tactical success" I am excluding the fact that my flamethrowers are roasting them like marshmallows.

Goodale tell them about how you lost 3 tanks in one turn. You know, right before you stopped sending turns.

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Oh that would be just dandy if I would agree to it. . .NOT! Way too vague and biased toward you. :mad: How's about if for every percentage point I beat you by (if it's a victory) you add 5 days to your sig forfeiture. And I will do the same. :mad:

And as for your little time constraint thingy it aint gonna fly. :mad: I send turns when I can you slithering flask of skunk piss. :mad:

Also, why don't you tell the BROOD how many grunts you have REALLY lost. HHHRRRRRMMMM Becky??? :mad:

Also, how many tanks have you lost compared to the GrandMaster??? HHHRRRRMMM??? :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

Also, how many tanks have you lost compared to the GrandMaster??? HHHRRRRMMM??? :mad:

You know, posting the word Grandmaster (not bolded out of a lack of respect) right above that train wreck you call a sig is — how shall I put this? — frighteningly delusional.
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Per Brood consensus I am allowed 2 weeks between turns under "uncontrollable circumstances." :mad:

Not that I need that much time - I normally send turns at a blistering rate of 1+ per day. You just happen to catch me during a bad couple of weeks maggot brains. :mad:

Oh boy are you gonna pay for your insolence. I just added a few more precious words to your sig. And to shut your **** hole I may just start slinging turns at 3+ per day. Of course, you NEVER return more than one every couple of days but ooohhh that's exceptable isn't it pus pouch!?? :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

[QB] Per Brood consensus I am allowed 2 weeks between turns under "uncontrollable circumstances." :mad:

Seems to happen to you a lot. Note: I ask for long term pauses to all my games for "uncontrollable circumstances."

Oh boy are you gonna pay for your insolence.
If that means you're actually going to send turns, then this was time well spent.

Of course, you NEVER return more than one every couple of days but ooohhh that's exceptable isn't it pus pouch!?? :mad: :mad:
Two things: (1) You're going to be hard pressed to find anyone here who will question the fact that I send turns the same day a turn is received and (2) the word is ACCEPTABLE you kindergarten drop out!


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I know that you cretin! :mad: Sometimes when I get good and angry I mix words you foul pool of ameoba afterbirth! Go invent fire you nong! :mad: You had multiple pauses during our game of 2+ days and don't deny it!!! :mad:

You make me much angrier and I swear I'll slither into the general forum and bring down this thread and take every last one of you maggot pumpers with me!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:


You slacker!!! :mad:

Get off your fat New England Ass and start posting in this Thread again! This nancy-boy two or three posts a Thread is a disgrace to TNT chuckers everywhere.

Okay so I made a slight error in judgement.

So Sue Me :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

Per Brood consensus I am allowed 2 weeks between turns under "uncontrollable circumstances." :mad:

You better hope that's not true, or you would have lost a lot of games by forfeit. I don't think anyone here has a big problem with somebody taking a prolonged absence <big>if you let us know about it!</big> When you just disappear for weeks at a time, that's poor manners.

Not that I need that much time - I normally send turns at a blistering rate of 1+ per day. You just happen to catch me during a bad couple of weeks maggot brains. :mad:
Is there anyone who has ever played MasterGoodale in a PBEM who has not caught him "during a bad couple of weeks"?? Too bad Soddball isn't here to respond to this whopper!!

Oh boy are you gonna pay for your insolence. I just added a few more precious words to your sig. And to shut your **** hole I may just start slinging turns at 3+ per day. Of course, you NEVER return more than one every couple of days but ooohhh that's exceptable isn't it pus pouch!?? :mad: :mad:
You misspelled "acceptable" and "pusssss", you illiterate maggot! tongue.gif
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