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Editor Problem

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How can I group move units in the CMBB editor - it seems trying to group move units to place them doesn't work...I click and drag highlighting the units then when I select to move it only moves one. Am I doing something incorrectly? If so, what? Help is appreciated.

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For some odd reason if you group select in the editor and then click on a unit other than the one that gets highlighted by default the others are no longer selected. It never used to do that in CMBO, but for some reason it does that in CMBB. I'm not sure if this is coming through very clearly, but what I mean is that once you group select either by double clicking a platoon commander or by dragging the mouse and grabbing a bunch of units one unit will be highlighted in yellow and the others will be highlighted in white. The yellow one will be the unit that is placed where you click the move command to go and all the others will deploy based on that point. If you go and click on any of the white highlighted units then you will lose all the other units that were grabbed and it will only move the one unit. There is no way around this that I have found, other than to leave the default base unit as the base unit.

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well i forgot which night it was, i figured out,

you use left-mouse click, holding, to make the "lighted" box, to form a group, right?

then, but you have to aim carefully, or better be close, with a "slight" left-click,but be sure you really hit the model, you can switch between the unit, used as center-point. I had the problem, as i thought the mouse would point at the unit(spec.Inf)but tended to be the ground/space between them.To give the Group-move order i generally use the space bar.

slap me if this only works fine with cdv-german-cmbb...

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