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Moving in snow - ridiculous

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Originally posted by JonS:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

[re: Cabrons CAS Thread] ... I couldn't help but notice, though, that your attitude has been throughout, 'Welcome, come in, find yourself a seat, this is my thread about CAS, what information can you contribute to my contention about how it should be modeled in CM?' You were quite courteous, but it should be noted only because you seemed to want to promote the discussion on what you clearly regarded as your thread. If people weren't presenting you with information that worked into your position, you either feigned ignorance of what they were trying to say, or you thanked them for their input and then ignored them.

Nice to know it wasn't just me getting that impression. I don't feel so bad about not contributing much more than sources, to let you do your own research.


JonS </font>

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Originally posted by Cabron66:

Wow, Micheal Emrys , if I needed any more evidence I have inadvertantly stumbled into a bit of a fascist boys' club you have provided it.

Your advice is neither desired nor appreciated. What bothers you guys seems to be anyone who offers an opinion contrary to your own, challenges your position or who argues in a way you do not see as fitting your idea of what this forum should be.

That's what I love about you guys. You start these little wars with inane comments based on nothing but your own egos and then hold up your hands and feign ignorance of the topic.

Luckily, anyone who is interested in verifying what actually occurred (although I find it hard to believe anyone will) can simply go to the threads and see for themselves. Based on what I have seen, your behaviour here is nothing new. It certainly explains why the forum is frequently refered to as a "pissing contest" by the many who no longer post, but prefer to contact others by e-mail.

As far as my efforts to arrive at some kind of educated opinion concerning the role of CAS in CM. If you don't like the thread then don't post on it. Simple enough?

In my efforts to actually read some of the things people have been offering I have not been able to reply as quickly as I would like, but of course, that is what happens when one endeavours not to speak directly from his ass as so many of you frequently do.

This is my last effort expended uselessly on this forum. Seanachai, you and others accused me of spouting vague and unsunstatiated information. I have now proven that my knowledge is quite the opposite of unsubstantiated. If you are not a good loser than you should learn to be.

Micheal Dorosh , the real problem with Canada is not a lack of culture, but rather the presence of people like you who are only to happy to suck on Uncle Sam's teet and perhaps even other parts of his anatomy.

Andreas, go straight to hell. Luckily I know enough Germans to be sure that you are a minority in your own country.

As far as mailing goes and all of the other ridiculousness mentioned in the above posts, please, since I was first offended I would think it would be the role of the offender to apologize. Otherwise, we're really wasting our time, aren't we.

Holy ****.

I mean, really - holy hell in a handbasket!

Emrys was being perfectly polite and offered very good advice.

Seanachai, too, for what that's worth.

Andreas did nothing but make a cute remark about the Canadian Army. Had you been around in the CMBO days you would realize how much knowledge Andreas has of things Commonwealth - I've learned a lot from him.


Wow, wow, wow.

Anyway, you can carry on being Captain Canada, I guess, not sure where. Drop in on my forum at http://www.canadiansoldiers.com sometime, I bet the fascist boy's club there could have fun with you too. Or www.mapleleafup.org or The Canadian Army War Diary

If you are such a die-hard Canadian, why are you supporting American made software by posting here and buying CM (I presume you actually play?) Isn't that sucking on Uncle Sam's - err - whatever?

I certainly and obviously don't see it that way. You're an American in everything but name, just like me. :D Eh?

Oh, and Micheal Emrys , as far as "someday being a respected member of this little community", I hope and pray such a thing never happens.

Hmmm; I haven't seen self-destruction like this since Lewis. And I thought I was going to be bored on my birthday.

[ September 18, 2003, 09:36 PM: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]

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Originally posted by JonS:

keep editting Bas, keep editting. I'm sure it will make sense one day ;)

Pfff I'm writing a 3000 word essay on 2nd wave versus classical hard-boiled detective fiction, drunk. The verisimilitude will make it better I'm sure.

Besides I wanted to use the word factous, although it only occured to me after I'd edited it.

[ September 18, 2003, 09:31 PM: Message edited by: Bastables ]

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Originally posted by Cabron66:

And now Bastables rears his ugly head. Well, whoopee, the gangs all here. Go grab a thermos of RC Cola, it's howlin' time.

If I'm going to be gang-raped it might as well be by the whole gang. Don't you think?

Anybody else?

To use a favoured Kiwi infantry statement;

"Are you going to cry now bro?"

"I like it when you cry."

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Originally posted by Cabron66:

Oh, and Micheal Emrys , as far as "someday being a respected member of this little community", I hope and pray such a thing never happens.

Ah well, have it your own way, son. I wouldn't be supprised if Madmatt grants your wish, but that's up to him.

Just for your information, in response to an e-mail a member of this forum sent me today, I replied:

I think a lot of people have said good things to him. I hope he realizes how much good energy is being invested in him. If it weren't for the respect for his scholarship and effort, I think they would have simply blown him off with "Bugger off, you annoying twit! Who cares what you think?"
Sorry it didn't get through to you.


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Well, Dorosh, since you are one of the top posters here, if not the top, I reply to your comments with a categorical "get stuffed".

And playing stupid does not become you at all. Who are you trying to convince? Me? Don't bother. I've long since recognized the nature of a few of the participants on this forum, including yourself.

The fact that the same people jump in and say the same things every time one of these little threads turns nasty shows me all I need to know about you and your gang of mindless worshippers.

If Micheal Emrys truly wanted to help he would attempt to reconcile the two parties instead of always, and I do mean always, firing his obsequious little comments from afar at whoever is the target of the moment.

And there's my two loonies, which of course would be a toonie.

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

... my birthday.

Let's see: Bas is drunk, PB is trying to be diplomatic (ha! we're on to you, you hypocrite!), Cabron is having a meltdown, Focker has gone (but not really, since he's posting all over these forums), and Dorosh is having a birthday AND a lunch date - in his hip-cool bachelor pad no less!

What a stellar day this is for the forum! I'm so happy, I could cry. Bro.

Happy B'day Micky.



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Micheal Emrys

I too receive e-mails from members of this forum who used to post, but after being rebuked no longer feel the need. They warned me not to get involved with certain members of this forum. As it turns out, they were probably correct.

Also, if this Maddmatt is silly enough to look at what has been said here and feel that I am to blame then he does of course have the ability to remove me from the forum.

I am well aware of the relationship which many of you have and the length of time you have had it, but that in no way justifies the way I have been treated or spoken to since my first comments in the "Things still missing from CM" thread.

Sincerely, if Maddmatt is the kind of person you portray him to be then I feel as sorry for him as I do for you.

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How do you "fire" an "obsequious" comment?
Simple! Just say "you don't work here anymore."

Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week, and don't forget to tip the waitress.

Does this mean I can stop re-reading books on CAS now? :confused:

[ September 18, 2003, 10:00 PM: Message edited by: JonS ]

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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

How do you "fire" an "obsequious" comment?



Poor choice of words.

Allow me to explain my idea to you. You contributed nothing towards actually solving the problem but instead are actually a big part of the problem. Even if you try to cast yourself as the wise old sage it is amazing how many times I have seen you slouch forward from the shadows to make comments not unlike those above. Do you understand now?

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Originally posted by Bastables:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by JonS:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Bastables:

... I'm ... drunk.

Then quick! Stop wasting time! Send me a turn! </font>
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Originally posted by JonS:

Does this mean I can stop re-reading books on CAS now? :confused: [/QB]

Who are you kidding? Judging by your inept arguments you never read them to begin with.

Your last reccomendation was an 8 page theses paper and a 38 page waste of time which you actually presented as "evidence" countering the well-accepted work of experts. I did you a huge favour by even responding. The fact that I took the time to put together a well thought out post, several times, in an effort to make up for the problems which we had in the past (coincidentally the same post where this all started) now seems like a total waste.

If I never see your name in the CAS thread again than it will be too soon.

Does this mean I can stop looking for "Bidwell" now?


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Originally posted by Cabron66:

You contributed nothing towards actually solving the problem but instead are actually a big part of the problem.

You mean by challenging your assertions rather than applauding them? I suppose I will have to continue to be part of the problem for a while then. You are over confident of your half-baked ideas and need to be challenged until you see that. Unfortunately, you seem to lack the emotional maturity to withstand even the mildest criticism, or the intellectual rigor either.

Unlike yourself, I have no pretenses to having all the answers. I do try to find out what the interesting questions are. Maybe that's what it is about me that bothers you. You suppose?


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LOL! Sorry I wasted my ... er, your time. It must have been a terrible effort being polite to me over the last week. :rolleyes: Seems like my gut reaction to you in the "what's missing" thread was correct.

Did you want to know why I posted the link to those two pdfs? I guess not, since you never asked. It certainly wasn't for the reason you appear to be thinking. Hint: I knew they weren't strictly relevant, which is why they were located where they were in my post, and also why I never referred to them.

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[trying to speak with lips closed]

hmm. You may be onto something there. I did have some rather yummy garlic bread with lunch ... where are those smints?

[/trying to speak with lips closed]

Edit: 'cos I'm sbelling as good as Bas at the moment :(

[ September 18, 2003, 10:37 PM: Message edited by: JonS ]

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