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The most frequently used German tank

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This may have to be directed to the scenario designers but I am wondering if anybody knows which German turreted tank is seen the most often in scenarios. Now it may very well be the one that had the greatest production numbers in real life but not necessarily. Although I wouldn't mind knowing that too. Any guesses or facts would be appreciated.

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Of every CMBB scenario ever made, the top three are

PzKpfwIV ausf F2 - 54.7% of scenarios include at least one of these

Hetzer - 41.2% (if you want to include Hetzer as a "tank")

PzKpfwVI ausf B (King Tiger) - 11.1%

PzKpfwIV ausf D - 10.523%(since you are excluding the Hetzer)

EDITED - 23:54 MST to change figures to include three new scenarios uploaded at the Scenario Depot in the last hour, as well as two new designs by Boots and Tracks currently being playtested, an initial draft of a Bagration Byte Battle by Andreas (also unreleased), a reworking of a Berli scenario for the Special Edition CD, and two Quick Battles played by some guy in Mississippi.

[ September 14, 2003, 01:58 AM: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Of every CMBB scenario ever made, the top three are

PzKpfwIV ausf F2 - 54.7% of scenarios include at least one of these

Hetzer - 41.2% (if you want to include Hetzer as a "tank")

PzKpfwVI ausf B (King Tiger) - 11.1%

PzKpfwIV ausf D - 10.523%(since you are excluding the Hetzer)

EDITED - 23:54 MST to change figures to include three new scenarios uploaded at the Scenario Depot in the last hour, as well as two new designs by Boots and Tracks currently being playtested, an initial draft of a Bagration Byte Battle by Andreas (also unreleased), a reworking of a Berli scenario for the Special Edition CD, and two Quick Battles played by some guy in Mississippi.

Good God, isn't it a crime in Canada to have this much time on your hands?! Shouldn't you be watching hockey or something?
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Of every CMBB scenario ever made, the top three are

PzKpfwIV ausf F2 - 54.7% of scenarios include at least one of these

Hetzer - 41.2% (if you want to include Hetzer as a "tank")

PzKpfwVI ausf B (King Tiger) - 11.1%

PzKpfwIV ausf D - 10.523%(since you are excluding the Hetzer)

EDITED - 23:54 MST to change figures to include three new scenarios uploaded at the Scenario Depot in the last hour, as well as two new designs by Boots and Tracks currently being playtested, an initial draft of a Bagration Byte Battle by Andreas (also unreleased), a reworking of a Berli scenario for the Special Edition CD, and two Quick Battles played by some guy in Mississippi.

Good God, isn't it a crime in Canada to have this much time on your hands?! Shouldn't you be watching hockey or something? </font>
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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Of every CMBB scenario ever made, the top three are

PzKpfwIV ausf F2 - 54.7% of scenarios include at least one of these

Hetzer - 41.2% (if you want to include Hetzer as a "tank")

PzKpfwVI ausf B (King Tiger) - 11.1%

PzKpfwIV ausf D - 10.523%(since you are excluding the Hetzer)

I played quite a lot of CMBB scenarii and never met the Hetzer nor the KT.

Of course the story would be different if i 'd play QBs ;)

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I knew we should have invaded Canada years ago. Hmmm. There's still time. tongue.gifsmile.gif Just for the record Michael I didn't for one second think you were serious. Well, maybe for a second but that's it. OK, now that Michael has got that out of his system could we get serious now. :rolleyes: So PzIV's were the most produced then? Maybe that's correct but I also see a lot of PzIII's in scenarios too like Monty. Somebody has got to know for sure. Maybe Michael will be so embarrassed for himself now that he'll find out? :D

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Red Line,

"Senarii" ?!?!?!? Lol. :eek:

Obviously, you had taken some Latin during high school. ;)tongue.gif In high school, I had 5 years of Latin, many, many years ago. :D

Actually, according to the dictionary, scenarios is OK as the plural. :D

Cheers, Richard ;)tongue.gif

[ September 14, 2003, 12:23 PM: Message edited by: PiggDogg ]

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The point is that in Latin there is no word "scenario". There exists only an adjective - "scaenarius-a-um" - which refers to something that deals with theatre.

A rough translation of the word "scenario" could be "scaenae-arum" but I am not sure about that.

In Italian the word "scenario" is the same as in English but the plural form is "scenari" or "scenarii".


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Originally posted by lcm1947:

I knew we should have invaded Canada years ago. Hmmm. There's still time.

Too late. Bush has committed us to screwing up the mid east. Canada will have to wait in line!! We'll deal with those DANG NAZIS in due time!! :mad:

Make one people mad at us at a time.

From ABC NEWS; September 11th, 2033:

'Canadian terrorists hijack four American commercial airliners today with hockey sticks while yelling, "Get to the back of the plane eh! We'll kill any hoser that tries to mess with us."

The passengers mostly said over cell phones to their loved ones that they just couldn't stop laughing at the terrorists. This worked to the terrorist's advantage however as no passenger could resist while doubled-over in pain like this.

The targets? Bill Gate's house (not much of a loss), Disneyland (a wicked blow to that evil empire), The Governor's office in California (again, not much of a loss), and the Republican party headquarters (a major step forward for American politics and the future of the UnUnited States).

Unfortuately for these would be attackers, the Department of Homeland Defence had pre-programed all commercial aircraft to smash into WalMarts at random if hijacked in responce to the original September 11th attacks (again, not much of a loss).

"Yeah, well, these hosers ain't gonna push us around no more," said a representive of the Toronto Maple Leafs. The Leafs are belived to have planned the attack along with members of the terrorist group Kwazy Kanucks lead by the infamous Michael Dorosh.

The FBI and CIA said they were too busy infighting to try to track down Dorosh and said in time they would get to it. "Yeah, we figured since Osama was so dang hard to find we wouldn't waist our time with Dorosh. We're too busy finishing up the final stages of this conspir--er, gotta go, boss is calling me."

The President, George Bush Jr Jr, said that we would be responding with a full nuclear salvo because "we got all these cool bombs and nothing to blow them up with. Now we do."'

[ September 15, 2003, 04:05 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]

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