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Originally posted by lenakonrad:

That's already been done . Private Hortlund was told to watch for an errand boy who might brush against the crate ,especially naked...


Faithful Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF

Christ on a crutch I only went for a coffee and I missed the bloody strip show!!!!

Mace you might have warned me.

Then again with Moraine having such rosy Cheeks I guess you felt it best not to hang around too long....

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Originally posted by Snarker:

Boo? Has MSN been hoarding your mail? You owe a turn, you Ohiokie.

As is normally the case, MSN (May Bill Gate's legs grow together) chews the moose. I imagine there are several others who I owe moves to, but as yet, have not heard from them owing to the general timidity of 'Poolers. That's OK. Be not a-scared. Or rather, be not TOO a-scared.

I shall resend various moves to people I haven't heard from in a few days and we'll see if that clears everything up.

Edited to an an apostrophe and to say that OGSF is a prancing, door-to-door drapery repairman.

[ March 12, 2003, 10:43 AM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

As is normally the case, MSN (May Bill Gate's legs grow together) chews the moose. I imagine there are several others who I owe moves to, but as yet, have not heard from them owing to the general timidity of 'Poolers.

Boo, dear. I say we gather forces and invade Gate's mansion. Storm the palace and pillage and plunder and loot!

Damn him to hell!

Oh...and please keep your fantasies about OGSF to yourself. That's more disturbing than what I post about Hiram and myself, heh.

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Oh...and please keep your fantasies about OGSF to yourself. That's more disturbing than what I post about Hiram and myself, heh.

Believe me. It's not.

As for storming the mansion, I would rather hope that due to the inept, mentally deficient, feces-flinging, small, semi-bipedal troglodytes Gates' hires for his Tech Support staff, that the end will come to his empire, eventually.

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Originally posted by cashiered and demoted to Private Hortlhund:

I have hereby decided to expand my crusade to also include people who quote huge, long and boring posts only to add one or two lines of text. They must be destroyed.


Tis little wonder that tha targets o Hortlhund’s crusade cannot be seen to be quaking. For as tha outerboards groan under a deluge o’ Hortlhund’s verbiage tha despatches that quote ‘is own do in most cases it seems compare ‘is mental competence with that of a barnacle. No doubt Hortlhund in this does attempt t’ gain authority for ‘is vendetta against tha many right thinkin’ folk who give ‘is despatches tha tiny consideration they deserve. They need not fear. For Hortlhund will no doubt draw ‘is crusade out as far ‘as it will go, tedium will be tha lot o’ ‘is victims ‘as ‘e employs tha strategems o’ ‘is profession to tha battle.

Tha Rat be most concern’d t’ learn o’ Hortlhund’s endeavour ta get athwart tha Pole n’ tha Mace. Such may have a nautical tone but methinks tha Articles of War would ensure ‘e would swing from tha yardarm were he to succeed. Mayhap he should anyway.

Mr Spkrs plight ‘as concern’d tha Rat. Take tha advice o’ an old sea rat. When it seems that sleep be hard ta come by I turn t’ tha Collected Works Of Gaylord Focker an’ soon be slumbering in me bunk. I advise tha consumption o’ a tincture for settling tha bowels before taking up tha sleep inducing tome as on occasions tha digestion may be affected.


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Originally posted by YK2:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Persephone:

Mace, I think I can speak for the rest of the Ladies....Yes! We want to see you do a strip-tease!!!!!!


Yeah come on Mace put your money were your mouth is...

We're waiting........................... </font>

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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Hortlund, ,you just back up my play.Give me all you itchy tingle prana when I pop.

Here oyu gooooooooo Miriam ! Very sensible of you ,if you don't mind my saying so..Specially now,when Private Hortlund is getting that weak feeling -it's the wet dream of his adolescence ,going down very fast in a elevator that suddenly stops.He didn't know what it meant then. Now he just has to try it.


Faithful Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF

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Originally posted by lenakonrad:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Hortlund, ,you just back up my play.Give me all you itchy tingle prana when I pop.

Here oyu gooooooooo Miriam ! Very sensible of you ,if you don't mind my saying so..Specially now,when Private Hortlund is getting that weak feeling -it's the wet dream of his adolescence ,going down very fast in a elevator that suddenly stops.He didn't know what it meant then. Now he just has to try it.


Faithful Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF </font>

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Originally posted by Papa Lazarou:

Hello. Am I in the right place?

Yes you are, step right up and SOD OFF!!!!!

Wait a minute if you bite the heads off of chickens we may be able to use you.

[ March 12, 2003, 02:06 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by lenakonrad:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Hortlund, ,you just back up my play.Give me all you itchy tingle prana when I pop.

Here oyu gooooooooo Miriam ! Very sensible of you ,if you don't mind my saying so..Specially now,when Private Hortlund is getting that weak feeling -it's the wet dream of his adolescence ,going down very fast in a elevator that suddenly stops.He didn't know what it meant then. Now he just has to try it.


Faithful Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF </font>

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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Nidan1:

Dame Moraine it is impossible to reason with a dumb animal. Perhaps a cattle prod could jar him into coherence.

Fascist pig .


Faithful Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF

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Originally posted by lenakonrad:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

Dame Moraine it is impossible to reason with a dumb animal. Perhaps a cattle prod could jar him into coherence.

Fascist pig .


Faithful Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF </font>

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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Nidan1:

Phhhht! I hoof my snout at you. Oink Oink...you are just upset because my infantry is blowing up your mighty T-34s.

Dead fascist pig


Faithful Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF


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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Think about it...two people of such kindred spirits that we think alike, express ourselves similarly, etc.

Why do you think I stubbornly cling to the idea that you're one and the same person? It's not 'self-delusion', it's the defence a rationale mind has erected against something both vile and unthinkable.

Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

You want nightmares? Remember that we intend to have children some day...

For which meal?
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Hey OGSF, stuff this in your bagpipe and blow.

H'Angus the Monkey has been elected Mayor of Hartlepool.

Some choice bits,

The mascot's vote-winning slogan was "free bananas for schoolchildren".

Despite the embarrassment Downing Street insisted that elected mayors were "the way forward".

Hartlepool's residents are famously said to have hanged a monkey during the Napoleonic wars because they thought it was a French spy.


He has been thrown out of two away games, once when he simulated sex with a woman steward in Scunthorpe in 2000 and a year ago for his antics with an inflatable doll at Blackpool.

How the 28-year-old will handle his new responsibilities in running the local council has yet to be seen.

Either somebody has been peeing in your gene pool or we now know where Meeks has gotten off too.
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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

*narrows eyes at you suspiciously*

As to your newest category, I guess there's only a couple of guys here that would fall into that. Least that I can think of at the moment:

Leaningkornkob and Mace (who I am still hoping will be regaling us with said strip tease).

Just a couple!!!

I can think of a few really...

I mean there is the Gnome he has nice red cheeks, obviously uses Rouge....

Rouge.......... such an old fashioned word. My grandma used Rouge I use blush or blusher, but never Rouge. It sort of stays where you put it and doesn't blend well....

A bit like Hiram really....

Except he really should have stayed in that closet.. Opening himself up like this was bound to make him blush...

He's gone kinda quiet of late though, sort of all shy and demure.. not at all like the Hiram we have come to love and loathe, so you must excuse any doubts I have, indeed that quite a few have....

Can you not just strip like Mace did and prove you're female? I mean.. you could use some sort of camo to cover your most modest parts..

Like todays newspaper for example... that would convince me for sure...

And then I shall grovel at your spiky high heels and beg your forgiveness...

Then again you could just tell me to "sod off" it has been known to work.

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The story of the angry little appliance technician. PART 1

It was a friday afternoon when our favorite little tech was in the process of installing a new 50 gallon hot water heater with heat recovery for a wealthy couple in Ft. Lauderdale. Everything was going smooth, our hero was going along at a feverish pace trying to complete the job so that he could have some time to rest before the Hockey game he was attending that night.

He finished connecting the electric with about 2 hours before they drop the puck. Things were looking good. Then the evil customer reared her plastic face. She had noticed a tiny scratch on the top of the water heater. Our favorite tech tried explaining to her that it was VERY hard not to make scratches when tightening copper nipples to the top of the Water Heater. The evil one then demanded one hundred dollars be taken off of her bill (For your information this couple lived in a multi-million dollar home on the intercoastal).

Our hero was astonished. He politely explained to her that there was no way he was taking off a hundred dollars for a tiny scratch. He told her he would run to the Local hardware store and pick up some touch up paint. This seemed to appease her. One hour later our hero returned with the paint. He was getting nervous because the game was going to start in an hour. He took a deep breath and fixed the tiny scratch. He called out the plastic woman and showed her his masterful work, but the balding middle-aged husband of hers followed her out too. He began a fifteen minute tyrade on how our hero had done such a poor job, and that a true technician would not have scratched the tank in the first place.

Our hero was getting very upset by his ignorant, thoughtless comments. Then when the ignorant customers were finished with their tyrade the male let out two more small but horribly effective comments "Thats what we get for letting scum in the house", and "We are not paying anything for this water heater". That is when our hero sprang into action. He picked up his trusty pipe wrench and bounced it off the ignorant mans skull. Our hero then grabbed the man by his hair, dragged him over to the drain valve by the hot water heater, and smashed it open. The one-hundred and twenty-five degree water sprayed the ignorant man's face severly burning him. Our hero then turned his attentioni to the plastic woman. Like a cat jumping at a beam of light he sprang at her. He wrapped his hands around her neck and squeezed as hard as he could. He hardly noticed the cracking sounds of her neck being ripped off of her spinal cord.

After realizing that his job was now finally complete he jumped to his feet with a big smile on his face. He gathered his tools, and loaded his truck up. He drove away, and luckily he was able to make the second and third periods of the game.

So let this be a lesson to all, be kind to your service man. He takes S**t all day long. Dont piss him off.

Our hero will return next week with another amazing tale.

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