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Assault on Moon

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I've been recently attempting the Assault on Moon mission for the Allied side. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE! Basically, you have 20 turns to overrun 4 german infantry squads entrenched behind a stone wall, and you must run across open ground to reach them. I cannot seem to bust past these guys no matter what I do. In addition, I need to move quickly enough to get my forces out the exit zone past that after I take them out. SOMEBODY HELP!!

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Try a search on the "Scenario Talk" forum. PS - when you discuss any details of a scenario, you need to try to separate those details from the rest of your message with a "spoiler" warning - like this:















That way, people who haven't played the scenario won't inadvertantly learn anything about the setup or forces they'll face.

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well, i'm working through all the scenarios and just got a minor vic on this one after three attempts. Its more like a chess game than a battle, and what you HAVE to do is RUN your arty guys to the right straight away until they have LOS to just in front of the forest. Make sure all your non-exitpoint troops get ready just out of sight of the woods too. Meanwhile, runs a single platoon upn the middle culvert. Aim smoke from both arty observers as far fowards as you can, just in front of forest is best on right flank.

The culvert platoon (also known as the forlorn hope!) then advance up culvert until firefight starts. The Germans then drop a ton of arty on them. They all die but get medals anyway.

The arty takes 13 minutes or something stupid, so meanwhile you wait, sneak 2 mgs up right flank. Line up all your exit point troops behind the first wave of attackers.

Then...HUMAN WAVE em once the smoke arrives. Germans can't see nuffink, your first wave of expendables rolls over em and mops up, second wave exits FAST, get em running. The timing is really tight, and to my mind the scenario would be greatly improved by dropping the arty time to 8 minutes or so...give you more room to maneuver.

Grum. :rolleyes:

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Has no-one just succeeded in pushing the initial 4 platoons through the culvert and through the barbed wire, into the depths of the enemy position so that they can suppress the enemy on the flanks with direct fire while the companies from the "exit Bn" just race through the brush in the middle of your "break-in" and into the enemy operative depth?

I didn't use smoke etc. I just softened the enemy positions on either side of the culvert up with planned arty fire.

So, honestly, has no-one taken their infantry through the culvert and into a stand-up fight with the enemy? It seemed, to me, to be the simplest and most historically correct way of doing things. I think I suffered about 70 casualties overall but got about 95% of the "exit Bn" to the map edge.

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Originally posted by Fionn:

So, honestly, has no-one taken their infantry through the culvert and into a stand-up fight with the enemy? It seemed, to me, to be the simplest and most historically correct way of doing things.

Mild spoilers





I did basicly that, broke thru the enemy line with massed suppressive fire and then widened the gap by attacking along the enemy line so that the follow thru troops could exit safely. Only problem was the time limit with the second reinforcement of exitable troops -- meant some serious running for them, as I initially cleared the opposite flank and was still on the process of rolling up that flank when they came in smile.gif Then again, I seem to have the same problem with every attack scenario - it is quite easy to rip apart defences with systematic suppression, but I go so "slowly and surely" that I hit time limits.

As usual, the key seemed to be using enough suppressive fire, first on probable enemy locations and concentrated fire after exact enemy positions were id'd. After that few squads were enough to finish the survivors.


[ January 03, 2003, 01:10 PM: Message edited by: Topi ]

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