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When Is The U.N Finally Going To Inspect The Peng Challenge?

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How long will Peng be allowed to flout the will of the international community? When will Inspectors be sent? And where would we ever find willing Inspectors? Or will Hans Blix have to institute a draft?

And where do you suppose Peng hid the goods? Do we really want to know?

All right then, THE RESOLUTIONS:

Res 688) Go away.

Res 699) Go even further away.

Res 706) {***sigh***} If you’re still reading this, you’re still too close. But if you insist, PAY ATTENTION!, or go away.

Res 707) This is the Peng Challenge. Challenge someone SPECIFIC, just make sure it’s not Peng. Try a newbie SSN such as yourself, not a Knigget or an Old One. If you don’t know what a SSN, Knigget, or Old One is, go away.

Res 712) The key word being CHALLENGE, sound off like you have inherited a pair from someone other than your pet hamster. If you can’t manage this, go away.

Res 715) Do not sound off about your pair. Try to act like you have a modicum of wit, style and panache OR Half of a Brain. If you won’t keep this thought in your Half of a Brain, we will boot it to the other Half, and you will go away.

Res 986) If you have any questions at all, post absolutely NOTHING! We will get back to you at our earliest inconvenience. And go away (are you starting to see a trend here?).

P.S. – No inspecting the Ladies of the Pool. They are far above your lowly station and protected by the Security Council and a No-SSN Zone.

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by dalem:

<font size=-1>I demand that all of my opponents be inspected for Weapons of Mass Loserosity. They are clearly hiding something. Everything. Anything.</font>

I demand that the Ambassador of Minnesota* submit a turn AT ONCE. Preferably one where lots more of his halftracks wander terminally into the sights of my Big Bad Tigers. Just think of the resulting funeral pyres as being your very own permanent smoke screen.

I also warn the Representative of Nobbitland that if the promised setup is not forthcoming from him WITHIN 24 HOURS, my glorious forces will be FORCED to pre-emptively generate one and invade his inbox. And we all know what happened the last two times I did that. Is there screaming still in Nobbitland?

*I picked dalem just to piss off the rest of you losers stuck there in the frozen tundra.

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Originally posted by that ponce, Nidan1:


No need to explain yourself to little ole me!!!,

but if the shoe fits....so on and so forth.

"If the shoe fits", I should plant it up your vertical smile so far, your breath smells like shoe polish? Don't mind if I do...


[ February 24, 2003, 03:41 PM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

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Originally posted by Moraine EverSoMuch:

*sits back comfortably, sipping a Tequila Sunrise and laughing at lonely konrad's heroic attempts to get through my front line...

That's the stuff, Moraine ,

down the hatch

(maybe you will relax a little bit.)

When you finally get drunk ,we switch to the ballads as a substitute for intelligible conversation.


Faithfull Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF

Ps: Now sit down and watch.

[ February 24, 2003, 03:53 PM: Message edited by: lenakonrad ]

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Originally posted by Lars:

Not bad, not bad at all.

Took a whole 5 posts before some fluffy idjit showed up...

5 posts including yours?

...just curious


Faithfull Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF

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Originally posted by Bone_Vulture:

{snipped the horrid picture...}

Thus thread has now been officially sanctioned by no other than V-Ice himself. Thank you.

Someone killit...killit now. Kill it a lot.

Where's that GRUE when you need him?

Oh wait...it's just a little thing. Annoying, yes, but little. I'll just squash it with my shoe.

*Drops combat boot on scurrying cockroach and resumes sipping of delectable beverage*

[ February 24, 2003, 04:02 PM: Message edited by: Moraine Sedai ]

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Guest PondScum

May I remind the members of the thread that COVENTRY has been Officially Declared, and Sanctioned by our Officious Sanctimonious Justicar.

In the meantime, feel free to scratch your eyes out.

[ February 24, 2003, 04:29 PM: Message edited by: PondScum ]

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Originally posted by PondScum:

May I remind the members of the thread that COVENTRY has been Officially Declared, and Sanctioned by our Officious Sanctimonious Justicar.

In the meantime, feel free to scratch your eyes out.


(of course I still hate You)


Faithfull Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF

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For those of you who may have noticed (Or not, you ARE all fairly thick), Seanachai hasn't been posting for awhile. This disturbed me, for without him around to abuse freely, I felt that my life was sorely lacking. What, I didn't know. Maybe fiber.

In any event, being the affable person I am, I called him just a short time ago to see if he was alive, or if that smell was normal.

I have sad news to report.

He is, indeed, alive.

But, the man has gone quite mad. He answered the phone with an "Oi! Crikey, mate! Should I throw another shrimp on the barby?" in this high pitched, tittering laugh.

It seems that he has finally embraced his inner Australian and plans to move there immediately.

All this alleged hatred of everything Aussie, was just a sad cover up for his deep, deep love of the folks "down under".

I believe I even heard a "Men At Work" CD playing in the background.

He told me that he had sold all his worldly possesions for a one way ticket to Perth Amboy.

I told him that Perth Amboy was in New Jersey and not Australia, and he replied, "Crikey! I know! But all my worldly possesions only added up to $129.47, and that's as far as I can go! Oi!"

He then wept bitter tears and I attempted to console him by saying he should collect the tears and that maybe like orphan's tears, they would bring him good luck.

Then, as he cried himself to sleep, I softly hummed "Waltzing Matilda" and wondered, how do I get myself into these situations?

[serious] The nitwit changed over to MSN and now, for some reason cough/MSNisevil/cough he can't get online. What a poltroon![/serious]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

[serious] The nitwit changed over to MSN and now, for some reason cough/MSNisevil/cough he can't get online. What a poltroon![/serious]

It's that brain-dead butterfly at work... it and "Barney" are two things that need to fit in a clay pidgeon thrower. Soon.

AJ is the only turn I've got back - if you sent one and did not get one back, resend as a zip. Hmm, add my ISP to the above list.

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Things to do in the Thread (1)

1)Tales about alcoholism ,working class , unemployed salesman etc..-- Done

2) Gay Parade -- Done

3) Pondscum post-times 2(two)- Done

4) Abuse - Done

5)Bitching on MSN - Done

6)Buttering butt of Moraine EverSoMuch and calling Her a biscuit-- Done

7) Hate -- Done

8) Dalem post - times 2 (two) - Done

9) Justicar turning from the sissy in to a high-survival type in an extremely tough society-- Almost (there is still a hope)

10)common 4-legged UN Weapons Inspector ,useful to humans -- Done


Faithfull Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF

[ February 24, 2003, 09:55 PM: Message edited by: lenakonrad ]

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This just in from the Front.

Iskander has been defeated to the tune of 82 to 18 in the vile little scenario known as “Totenkopf”.

Never has just sitting back and hitting the GO button been so rewarding.

Well, not since “Jabos!” anyway...

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

It seems that he has finally embraced his inner Australian and plans to move there immediately...

...I believe I even heard a "Men At Work" CD playing in the background.

Actually, had I been so daft as to embrace any sort of 'inner Aussie', I would have said: Throw another prawn on the barby (Australians, as we know, are all prawn and no brain).

Also, your suggestions regarding my musical taste are an affront to right thinking folk everywhere. The album you could hear was by 'Weddings, Parties, Anything', a band out of Melbourne. They have a lovely song about cannibalism in Tasmania.

It is...good to post again, my children.

I have done battle with the Powers of MSN, who had taken up the gauntlet of endlessly screwing me over from Qwest (who are rather like MSN in that they are horribly incompetent, and wanted to be Evil, but found that their incompetence was getting in the way of being Evil, and so gave the whole thing up and slunk off to make their entire ISP division an offering to Microsoft, thereby doubtless hoping to curry favour and possibly a little more status in Hell, where Berli vies daily with Bill Gates over who shall hold dominion over mankind...)


Bad news for you lot, of course, as it means I can get online again.

Turns shall go out to all and sundry (those being the halfwits who show in my long inacscesible Inbox as having just sent me a turn yesterday) as soon as may be, which primarily means tomorrow night and Wednesday day.

As some of you know, I went into a bit of a decline. Poor health and despondency overcame me for almost two weeks.

In short, I found my hatred becoming distant, and foreign, and confused.

I found myself thinking things like: 'I wonder what that rascal Boo is up to?', and 'Perhaps some words from the Justicar will help me focus', or 'My goodness, what a very fine versification Dalem has done'.

In my more rational moments, of course, such thoughts made me want to commit 'Polish Suicide', in which you repeatedly throw yourself out of a first floor window until you die of exhaustion.

So, for a number of days, I took a break from the both the Peng Challenge Thread, CMBB, and, to a large extent, bathing, doing dishes, and getting out of bed. At least, until the beer ran out and the last clean pint glass was filled with musty looking water and floating bits of macaroni and cheese.

But finding myself locked off from any ability to tell you lot what a weeping chancre you all are on the blistered bum of humanity filled me with righteous fury, martial ardor, and the need to hit small animals with sticks.

The rest, of course, is what this very wandering post is about. I am victorious, most of you are malodorous, and I will soon resume being boisterous.

Oh, and it's bloody sodding cold here, and I'd burn every single newcomer on a pyre if it would warm up the ambient temperature of my neighbourhood by even a degree.

More tomorrow. Exhausted, I retire to sleep the sleep of the just and victorious.

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