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Assaulting a Trench in the open.

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Well I wanted some general advice on it. I have played a few scenerios against a friend like Arzew, and a few others where I am attacking a trench in the open. Its impossible to get close to him as their is no terrain that lets you get close to the trench without being spotted...Also I realize a frontal assualt on a trench is not the best situation for infantry as they will get shredded like paper.My question is IF you have no armor support how do you go about taking the trench? I was thinking smoke, split squad insane amounts of supress fire and assault.

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You need to suppress them enough that your advancing troops do not get 'overheated'. If they have a +2 morale leader and veteran troops, you might even need shelling them with tanks for several minutes. A single HMG can be attacked by an inf platoon, like in JasonC's training scenario.

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On map HE is the best against infantry or MGs in trenches. An 81mm mortar can pin with about 2 minutes of fire. Check the hits and misses, and count 2-3 that land right on the actual trench icon. Direct fire 75mm or larger works in one minute typically, getting the same 2-3 hits faster. FOs do not work, and lighter mortars or Flak are spotty (though 20mm quad or 37mm can do it).

Once the target has been pinned by HE, you need to maintain the pin with infantry type fire. Best for it is 1-2 HMGs firing continually. 2 is better and also insures against jams. Such infantry fire is quite weak against men in trenches, but it is enough to prevent the slow climb out of panic or pinned, if continued indefinitely.

While the target is pinned, a squad with SMGs (3 is enough) needs to close within good SMG range - about 70 meters - and pour in fire. If you don't have much in the way of SMGs (e.g. German infantry) then you want grenade range, 40 meters. Even if you pause at SMG range, continue with a second squad to grenade range while the first continues to fire.

Do not move onto the physical trench until the enemy is crawling away - that signifies "broken". Break from grenade range at the worst. Otherwise you risk a pinned unit rallying to shaken right as you try to enter, which will kill the entire entering squad.

If you don't have any on map HE, it is harder. But a full platoon firing from within 200m can pin them long enough for some to get closer. You can't afford to fire at that range - or even at 125-150 meters - without closing, because the defenders will rally longer than your ammo will hold out. Someone has to move to killing range under the cover fire.

There is one additional way to take a defended trench. It is to draw their ammo at long range. Meaning, present targets at 300m or more, and stagger who it is, as others rally in shellholes or whatever other cover is available(full defilade if possible e.g. behind a house "shadow"). This works against a lone infantry squad, for example. HMGs are tougher this way because their ammo load is so much higher, but veteran infantry can do it if they have enough time. (Weaker types will stay broken).

Eventually the trench defender has to go on a shorter covered arc to save ammo. Then you close in, carefully. Ring them at 125m with covering squads and send one closer. If they fire back and break the intruder, hit them for a minute to get them "off", rally, and try again.

Always avoid presenting close targets that let one shot suppress multiple attackers, but staying 26m or more apart. And stay in command to maximize rally.

Naturally, such an attack requires something to make it work, either an on map HE weapon, or superior numbers against just a few defenders, or a large quality edge and unlimited time, etc. If the odds are near even, e.g. a full regular platoon in trenches vs .a single regular platoon in the open - then obviously it simply can't be done.

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well-led HMG's, IG's and on board mortars are the key. Advance only with a minimal amount of infantry teams...just enough to force the defender to open fire or risk allowing you into their trenches, at which time you rout that defender with guns, mortars and MG's: rinse & repeat. Of course, the intelligent defender will post combinations of advance pickets and keyholed HMGs far to the rear to delay your scouts prior to his MLR...but therein lies the chess game.

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