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Did I use those daisy chain mines in the wrong way?

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Daisy Chain mines: I was playing the scenario "The Move Back" as Axis (against player recommendations). To my aid I had 1 piece (unit) of those damn mines. I put them in the middle of the road to stop the Russian vehicle column so I could hit them immobilized. What happens? First, one T-26 drives safely across and gets away. Then, another one does the same. And finally a third one slips from my pre-planned ambush without the slightest sign of slowing down. What would you say? Am I way wrong with these mines? Should they be used with infantry? Or do one has to have more than one piece of mines to make a difference? Or are these mines plain useless?



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Daisy chain mines are easily spotted and therefore avoided. They are useful for denying the enemy use of the road (which is really good if the ground conditions are bad and the enemy off-road ability is poor.)

Another nasty little trick is to places daisy chain mines (which can be seen) on the road and AT mines (which are far harder to detect) to either side. The enemy drives round the daisychains and goes booom!

Tanks don't usually drive over them unharmed though. Perhaps lighter tanks are more likely to get away with it.

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All AT mines have only a 50-50 chance or hitting a tank trying to cross a single tile of them, about. If they get a hit, about half the time they were KO the vehicle completely, the other half of the time they will immobilize it. They are not automatic hit weapons, because they are not a solid wall of explosive under the ground.

For 3 vehicles in succession to drive through one without any being hit, however, is rare - 1/8 about. Note that daisy chains are usually just seen and avoided - which can still be useful if it denies the enemy an important route. Even hidden ones can miss. If you want a completely impassable obstacle use a roadblock - that is what those are for.

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A single tile of mines is generally pretty useless. It is easily avoided and doesn't form much of an obstacle -- not to mention that you have to guess really good about where to put it. Nevertheless, it is usually a good idea to have other forces covering the mined area with firepower. Obstacles are generally not really impassible.

The only exceptions are if you have enough roadblocks, and (in a pinch) mines to block off restricted terrain on part of the battle field. I have on occasion been able to block off a section of the map to vehicles when it is heavily wooded, and thus deploy AT weaponry only on the other part.

Often QB with computer-purchased units don't give you enough obstacles to be really useful. This seems to be a worse problem in CMBO than in the later versions, so the purchase algorithm may have been tweaked a bit.

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Ok, I get it. The road on which I was using the mines was actually covered by woods on each side. So the tanks had to drive right on the mine tile.
I got the impression from the visual representation that daisy chain mines covered a smaller area than regular (hidden) anti-tank mines. Perhaps there was just enough room for the armor to maneuver around the minefield? Either that or your opponent was very lucky.
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Originally posted by tar:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Ok, I get it. The road on which I was using the mines was actually covered by woods on each side. So the tanks had to drive right on the mine tile.

I got the impression from the visual representation that daisy chain mines covered a smaller area than regular (hidden) anti-tank mines. Perhaps there was just enough room for the armor to maneuver around the minefield? Either that or your opponent was very lucky. </font>
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