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In fact, here is the Special Edition readme file:


Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin Special Edition


Welcome to the Special Edition version of Combat Mission:Barbarossa to Berlin.

This special edition version includes 2 CD's which contain the latest version (v1.03) of CMBB along with 97 new scenarios and operations, hundreds of graphics mods, a full featured mod management tool and various support documentation as well as an updated Combat Mission website list.

This first disc contains the main installer for the game itself. Simply double-click the "CMBB Installer.exe" located on the CD to launch the install.

The 97 new scenarios and operations will automatically be installed for you and will be shown on the Scenario and Operation list accessible from inside the game. Included below is a list of all the new Scenarios and Operations added along with a brief summation of the battle.

On disc 2, we have placed over 650 megabytes of mods which will dramatically enhance the visual appeal and look of the game. Put disc 2 into your CD Drive and click on the file called "Instructions_Read Me First.html". That file will explain in detail how to access all the news mods (including the full mod lists) as well as how to install the included mod manager utility called "CMMOS" (Combat Mission Mod Option Selector). CMMOS is needed to access many of the mods.

Special Edition Credits:


Marco Bergman

Joseph "Canon" Bilton

Mike Duplessis

Andrew Fox


Mike "Kingfisher" Gilligan

Juju Grotjans

Pat "Captain Wacky" Heil

Steve "The Big Cheese" Jones

Ed Kinney

Dimitris "PanzerMartin" Martinos

Paul "Makjager" McMahon

Gordon Molek


Daryl "Strontium Dog" Walter

Pete "Scipio" Zimmermann




Andreas "Germanboy'" Biermann

Dan "Berlichtingen" Brown

Frank "Franko" Radoslovich

James "Sgtgoody" Goodman

Jeff "jwxspoon" Weatherspoon

Michael A. Dorosh, CD

Scott Boston

Tim "Rune" Orosz

Wayne "Hans" Rutledge

Wyatt "wwb" Barnett

Special Thanks go out to Rune, Gordon Molek, MikeT and Jwxspoon for their help in coordinating and assembling the contents of this Special Edition version.

Special Edition Scenario and Operation List

6th Army Probe: Lead units of the 6th Army enter the outskirts of Stalingrad.

A matter of crossing: A Hungarian recon element forces a river crossing.

A Meeting Not Well Met II: 1941, Two lost and confused units unexpectedly run into each other .

A Simple Attack Comrade: Soviet forces drive to overwhelm a defending German force.

A Small Day In Schwedt: German forces try to stall the Russian drive over the Oder river amongst the mansions of Schwedt.

A small delay: A German rearguard action during the Soviet summer offensive of 1943.

Antonescu Kaputt: Romanians fight a hopeless defense during the start of Operation Uranus, the beginning of the end for the German 6th Army.

Pershotraveneve Village: Two reinforced companies fight in a balanced fight for those who love even battles.

Absolut Panic: Partisans defend their base in the ruins of an old distillery.

Alpine Breakout: 6th Alpine Regiment breaks out near Stalingrad.

An Island To Close:The Soviets and Germans contest the ownership of a small island in the Gulf of Riga.

Anchor Point - Sept. 1941. Totenkopf assaulted at Lushno approach to Moscow.

Assault on Kamienka: The GD assaults a fortified enemy held village.

attack an enemy held town.

Beginning of the End (operation): After Kursk, the Soviet offensive grinds on.

Breakthrough: Exit battle, Soviet attempt to retake Staraya Russa, AG North, Summer 1941.

Bringing it on: Soviet light forward detachment action, AG South, 1944.

Caucasus Canal (operation): As the Germans advance into the Caucasus they recognize the need to secure the passage points on the Monych - Kuma canal.

Chernishaya Heights: Soviet Airborne defends in the Snow.

Clash of the Titans II: Huge Alternate History Battle with the Big Cats.

Cossack Carnage: A Soviet Cossack Formation gets behind the German Lines.

Der Manstein Kommt! (operation): As part of Operation Winter Storm to relieve Stalingrad, the 23 Panzer Division attacks.

Detraining at Lodz: Heavy panzers of the GD Division in action in East Prussia!

Early Wittmann: Michael Wittmann's exploits in a Stug.

Failure on the Aksa (operation): With Operation Winter Storm stalling, the 23 Panzer Division tries to hold out in hopes that they can resume the offensive. Coincides with operation "Der Manstein Kommt!" which takes place to the west of this area of operations.

Fall Blau: Meeting engagement on a HUGE map.

Forgotten Front: A Soviet spearhead runs into determined resistance near Rhezv.

Ghetto Uprising: Fighting in the Warsaw Ghetto honoring the fighter there.

Glimmer of Valor: The 1st Romanian Panzer Division tries to blunt the Soviet 26th Tank Corps near Perelazovsky.

Goluschko Surprise: German reconnaissance in force, AG North, 1941

Green Hell: German infantry struggles to close the Volkhov corridor.

Hedgehog Hell: The taking of a by-passed defensive Hedgehog near Kursk.

Hell on Earth: Hell on Earth in downtown Stalingrad.

High Noon: Early war armored clash on a Byelorussian highway.

High Tide: Counter attack by the Russian 6th Tank Corp hits the 11th Panzer Division near Prokhorovka.

Hill 114: German armoured Panzergrenadiers attack entrenched Soviets, AG North, 1941

Hitler's Son- Remnants of Army Group South hold out in the town of Novo Buda during the Korsun Pocket encirclement.

Hollow Legion: Italians of the 8th Army fight a valiant defense against the Soviets during operation "Little Saturn", outside of Stalingrad.

Hunting Slobos Band: Romanian anti-partisan forces hunt for "Slobo's band".

If Only: Sturmtigers and Brummbars in Stalingrad.

Into the Void: German advance into the void, July 1942.

Izyium Diet Plan: Heavy fighting near Kharkov creates the Izyium Bulge.

King of Debrecen: German counterattack runs headlong into a Soviet blocking position.

King of the Hill: Two surprisingly equal forces make a bid for the same hilltop.

Kurovitsy 0500 - Aug. 1941. Advance elements of 8. Panzer clear Kurovitsy.

Kurovitsy 1100 - Aug. 1941. Soviet counterattack on the eastern perimeter of Kurovitsy.

Kurovitsy 1200 - Aug. 1941. Soviet counterattack on the southern perimeter of Kurovitsy.

Midsummer's Nightmare: The Pripet Marshes have a unique effect on this meeting engagement.

Model's Last Hope: 2nd Panzer tries to break the northern shoulder at Kursk.

My City of Ruins: A German combined arms force pushes into Stalingrad.

Nightride to Riga: German armoured night attack, AG North, 1941.

Odessa Reprieve: Soviet Naval Landing near Odessa to take out a fortified position.

Opening Moment: LSSAH at the start of the Kursk Battle. Historical Operation.

Panzers in Finland: Historical Battle of Panzer-Abteilung 211 in Finland.

Pershotraveneve Islet: Romanian mechanized cavalry recons an island in a river, and the vital bridges it controls.

Pershotraveneve Ridge: Two evenly balanced forces fight for Pershotraveneve Ridge.

Ponyri Express: Sleepy Ponyri Station sees heavy fighting during Kursk.

Porechye Bridgehead: The Historical battle near Leningrad, an attempt to cut off a German Bridgehead.

Pride of the Luftwaffe: Fallschirm-Grenadier-Regiment 3’s defense of a bridge in Latvia.

Punch-Counterpunch: Near Glowaczow, Poland, 19th Panzer leads a counter attack into a Soviet Tank Corp.

Punitive Expedition (operation) Mixed German force tries to hunt out and destroy persistent and aggressive Partisan forces south of Leningrad.

Raging Bulls: Germans attempt to clear soviet armor holding the Volkhov Corridor open.

RAS Point 133No6: German counterattack during Iassy-Kishinyev, AG South, 1944.

Rearguard Action: Best two player, this is to test your skill at a fighting withdrawal.

Regiments Die Ten Times: The depleted remnants of the Grossdeutschland Regiment are called to attack once again.

Reluctant Warriors: The 26th Hungarian Wafer-SS division fight late in the war.

Romanian Defense: GD is put through their paces defending against superior enemy forces in Romania!

Romanian Surprise: Romanian Assault on a fortified position near Odessa.

Rude Awakening: July 1941. Recon elements of Tote Kopf clear a village in AG Nerd.

Schreiber's Stand- Soviets attack North of Kirks and run into the crack 78 Sturmdivision.

Sea Of Azov: The Romanian 5th Cavalry division storms a small port and seaplane base on the Gulf of Taganrog.

Seelow: The desperate struggle for the Seelow Heights near Berlin.

Small Battles, A Small Melee: In the chaos of the retreats and massive offensives that made up the latter part of 1944 two forces rummaging for supplies engage.

Small Battles, Bidermanns Gun: This small battle is based on the memoirs of a German soldier, Gottlob Bidermann, who survived 4 years on the Eastern Front.

Small Battles, Objective: Secure the objective to avoid the displeasure of your commander.

Small Battles, Of Cats And Men: A German platoon hurries to conduct its assigned mission but its path leads it near Collective Farm 163 where others, with a different mission, await.

Sons Of A Hero: Two young captains, one needs to move forward and the other needs to stop him dead.

SP A morning commute: Soviet urban shock group in action, Stalingrad, 1942.

SP Waltzing Matilda: Soviet armoured forward detachment, Don Front during Uranus, 1942.

Sword of Bagration - 2P : Soviet tank brigade attempt to seize a bridge.

Sword of Bagration - SP : Single Player version of the above.

Taking the Train: Single player scenario depicts a mechanized dash to seize a Soviet railhead.

Taropol: Pz. Abt 507 counter-attacks, reuses the map from Fall Blau, this was created as people loved the original map.

Tatsinskaya Raid: German counter-attack at Tatsinskaya Airfield, West of Stalingrad.

The Beast- Germans defend a bridge in Vienna against the inevitable.

The Bitter End : German holdouts in the Stalingrad Pocket.

The Christmas Battle: Italian troops of the 3rd Celere Division desperately fight on Christmas Eve.

The Collective: During the Opening days of the war, the Germans assault a small Collective.

The Dirtroad: Mopping up behind the German Panzers, AG Centre, 1941.

The Library - 2P : Germans attempt to reach a trapped recon company in Stalingrad.

The Library - SP : Single Player version of the above.

The Petroskov River Br: The Germans must hold open their only escape route.

The Sideshow: Soviet attack during Bagramyan's Orel offensive, AG Centre, 1943.

The Tale Of Sgt Sergei:Conflict over German resupply convoys and the private war of SGT Sergei.

The Tank: Bogged tanks form the focus for small unit actions.

Thunder on the Dneister: The Romanian 3rd Army assault the Stalin Line.

When Worlds Collide: 16th Panzer Division sweeps across the steppes toward the Dom River near Kalach.

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Hi Snarker,

I bet that the copy protection (if any) only applies to the game disk, though I am not sure at this point. BTW, most (if not all) of the 97 additional scenarios (together with the original scenarios the total is 150+ IIRC) are available off the net as well, though it might take some search.

And, thanks again to all involved, scenario designers and mod artists, for giving their OK to include the materials on the bonus CD! CM wouldn't be what it is without you guys!


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Originally posted by Moon:

Hi Snarker,

I bet that the copy protection (if any) only applies to the game disk, though I am not sure at this point. BTW, most (if not all) of the 97 additional scenarios (together with the original scenarios the total is 150+ IIRC) are available off the net as well, though it might take some search.

And, thanks again to all involved, scenario designers and mod artists, for giving their OK to include the materials on the bonus CD! CM wouldn't be what it is without you guys!


Good to know. I still have dial-up (and don't you think the Wafflers and Pengers go easy on us hill billies!!!) so it's much easier to get the mods and scenarios on a disk.
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This is so unfair...Nowhere on the main area of this website nor the purchase area is there any hint about this "Special Edition".

I just spend $45 in buying me a copy through Amazon and obvioulsy its the "old" version of one CD and all the patches still to download and minus all the extra freebies.

I feel so betrayed! :(

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Originally posted by Ebusitanus:

This is so unfair...Nowhere on the main area of this website nor the purchase area is there any hint about this "Special Edition".

I just spend $45 in buying me a copy through Amazon and obvioulsy its the "old" version of one CD and all the patches still to download and minus all the extra freebies.

I feel so betrayed! :(

You shouldn't because the Special Edition is available for the North American Market only, and you have bought from the German Amazon.de, which only lists the official European version. The news about the CMBB:SE release in US and Canada was on the front page until a few days ago and has now been archived. We'll repost it immediately.


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Well if it is not being read elsewhere I sympathise with Ebusitanus and

"For those of you in America lucky enought to purchase in one package the up to date CMBB with added scenarios and battles .... spare a thought for us poor sods in Europe.

If we have a computer belly-up situation just remember we have to download over a 100MB's to get back to V1.13. Friendly ? not if you are on dial-up.

One of my CD back-ups was corrupted, a mere 70MB file, so I have asked a friend to send me a CD with it on.

How can CDV NOT produce it for the Euro market when the downloads are so enormous ..... and not easy to download anyway!

I really, really hate them for their indifference to advising us whats going on and for not giving us the double CD .... you would think somebody there would watch this board to keep them aware, and even post here."

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