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Angry Faces, War Cries, Soddball Scenarios, and More... Maggot!

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So much yammering from you maggots this morning. Did somebody put meth in the water cooler?

Originally posted by Dave H:

So, what's the plan when CMAK comes out in a few months? Where will the Cheery Waffle thread go then? Hmmmm? To the CMAK forum? What about the guys who prefer the Eastern Front, especially the uber-Finns? :confused:

I will probably still be beating on MG at this rate. And as cool as the uber-Finns are, I really miss brewing up Shermans 4 out of 5 times, dems nice odds. :mad:

That way I would have no idea what any of you were using in your probe.
When I give you a Sturm Tiger enema you will KNOW EXACTLY WHAT IT IS MAGGOT!!! :mad:

What do you think?
You are an idiot. Oh, you meant about the idea.

Anybody game (not gamey mike, game)?
Any chance to humiliate you, Dave, is a chance I can't pass up.

I'll call it the first "Beat Dave Like a Rented Mule Tournament". :D:D
Are you planning on annual installments of suck-a-tude?

And what's this yammering aboot things Canadian? Christ man its not even noon and it sounds like Axe2121 is half in the bag.

I will have you know that I once started, and encouraged, a thread on the GF about things GREAT and CANADIAN. Inventor of the Garand rifle-Canadian. There were a few more but I can't remember them now.

This Sir John A. Macdonald sounds like my kinda guy. And what's so bad about a guy taking advice from a dog? BTW, aren't you guys still run by some English trading company by order of the Queen? So it's not like your PM really has to do much.

Enjoy your Canaday Day. Just remember to spray anti-flea and tick spray before you head out to the wilderness for your favorite past-time: moose-humping.

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I just got a turn from Goodale. :mad: I'll be home in 30 minutes to return it, Maggot - so don't go on holiday just yet. I want to be able to boast that I got 2 Goodale turns in one week. :mad: :mad:

Who is mould and ant sitting for you whilst you're away? Do they suck at CM:BB as much as you do?

Even if they are a quadraplegic, there's a good chance that they will send turns faster than you do.



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And what's this yammering aboot things Canadian? Christ man its not even noon and it sounds like Axe2121 is half in the bag.

He sounds "half in the bag" because AssHatRunandGun is trying to dull the pain I'm giving him in Cherry Waffles with massive amounts of cheap booze.

Way to run your tank right into the LOS of my TDs. Maggot. :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

I RUUUUUUULLLLE!!! Just ask DaveH!!

I don't know, MasterG (you maggot), somehow I think you weaken your case by writing something like that, when down at the bottom of your sig line it says My Daddies Dave H. :D

You may have the upper hand in our new battle, but I don't see you controlling a single flag yet of the ELEVEN you stuck on this horrible battlefield! You know, the one with sight lines of 200 meters or more almost nonexistant, eliminating my defending Germans' greatest advantage.

So are any of you maggots willing to let me choose terrain to defend and try a probe? How about an attack? An assault? Here's an opportunity to not only beat me, but to beat me worse than anyone else on the same battlefield with the same units defending. :D

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Originally posted by DaveH:

So are any of you maggots willing to let me choose terrain to defend and try a probe? How about an attack? An assault? Here's an opportunity to not only beat me, but to beat me worse than anyone else on the same battlefield with the same units defending.

Hold up lads, I think I've spotted his cunning plan! Notice the phrase "let me choose terrain to defend"

His defenders are going to be sat surrounded by victory flags on the far side of a HUGE impassable steep sided rocky canyon with us in a tiny setup zone on the opposite side which we can't even move from! :mad: :mad:

Nice try Dave but you'll have to get up earlier than that to fool us lot eh...?

*looks around*

Guys? Hello? Damn them! They've all dived around to Axe's for booze and left me here alone! :mad: I must have some booze, I demand to have some booze!

(p.s. If this gets going I'll give it a crack, what have I got to lose apart from my pixeltruppen?)

[ July 01, 2003, 12:57 PM: Message edited by: Crow ]

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Crow, the rest of these slugs would never have figured that out! :D

I'm not going to take the time to create a special map. That's too much like work. :D I'll look around and find one, maybe one of Biltong's. It only seems fair that the defender would get to choose something basic, like maybe where to defend!! tongue.gif

What I have in mind is defending Germans in March 1945. I think I can leave the Allied unrestricted so the attackers can pick anything they want. Say a probe of 25+ turns, with 1,000 points of defenders.

All you expert maggots tell me if this will work: I set up the battle, select my defending forces, and create the first file, named something like Crow_Dave_001. I send that file to Crow for his unit purchase. Then in Windows Explorer I rename the file to Axe_Dave_001, and send it to Axe for his unit purchase. Any reason for that not to work? Am I overlooking something in the game to prevent doing that? :confused:

Anyway, that's my plan for playing lots of matches quickly, with the least possible effort for me. I'm enrolling participants now. Hurry - this is a limited time offer! tongue.gif

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Well, just when I thought I had enough time, err, patience to challenge MasterGoodale he decides to go on vacation. Vacation? Or rather, could that mean instead, long hours stuck on the crapper while trying to dislodge several pounds of undigested... (feel free to fill in the blank)? :D

As for "gamey" Mike-the-Whimperer, he may find it difficult to forge ahead with his tanks over water should my "gamey" SUs take out the bridge (ala Cherry Waffle). Better get your floatees on.

Nippy I'm still ready for that comeback attempt--err Karma realignment therapy--any time you're ready.

Soddball and I are still searching in the dark around something that strikingly resembles a dam.

[ July 01, 2003, 06:30 PM: Message edited by: PlatCmdr ]

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Originally posted by Dave H:

Anyway, that's my plan for playing lots of matches quickly, with the least possible effort for me. I'm enrolling participants now. Hurry - this is a limited time offer! tongue.gif

Sure, sign me up, and may I inquire about whether this offer comes complete with the Ginsu knife set and a case of GLH (I'm still finding it difficult to believe that someone has no doubt made millions off of marketing spray paint as a form of hair replacement.)?
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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Dave, you hoor, if it comes to you choosing the points and battle type most honorable, non-maggot, non-sheep-shagging, decent fellows allow the opponent to choose from 3-4 maps.

What does "honorable, non-maggot, non-sheep-shagging, decent fellows" have to do with me, you maggot?? Don't you remember, I am your government! We do whatever we want. tongue.gif

What I have in mind is some kind of rear-guard action, where the retreating Germans pick a good spot to turn and try to hold the advancing Allies. I don't imagine the Germans would let the Allies decide where that would happen. Maybe it should be an attack by the Allies instead of a probe, so there can be more Allied points. Crow, Axe, PlatCmdr, what do you think?

It may be a couple of weeks before I get this ready to start. On the one hand, I'm really pretty lazy, especially when the weather is so nice. :D On the other, I don't want anybody to feel like I'm taking advantage of them by choosing a completely impassable piece of ground to defend. Maybe I should defend on a river line and make you maggots take to the boats! Or maybe a bridge crossing. Plus I have to come up with a reasonable multi-use defensive unit to fight whatever you guys attack me with. :confused: :D

Your patience is appreciated. :cool:

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Originally posted by Dave H:

I don't imagine the Germans would let the Allies decide where that would happen. Maybe it should be an attack by the Allies instead of a probe, so there can be more Allied points.

Dave you ignorant slut. You are just being lazy, probably another side-effect of working for the gubmint. :D

Crow, Axe, PlatCmdr, what do you think?

Don't go yammering for popular opinion, maggot.

I don't want anybody to feel like I'm taking advantage of them by choosing a completely impassable piece of ground to defend..
We call that a NastyFoozball trick.

I have to come up with a reasonable multi-use defensive unit to fight whatever you guys attack me with.
All right this starting to make sense...and it only took you like 2 paragraphs into your 3rd post. I applaud your attempting to make sense.

Your patience is appreciated. .


To maggots et al:

This weekend marks the glorious liberation of the great United States of Americe from the Anglo horde that is Britain. And such an occasion can only be marked by imbibing until one is stupid drunk for 2 or 3 days straight. As such I will be departing Case de Vino on Thursday for the cooler climes of Monterey, CA. Not a turn out this weekend to single maggot. Your pain will wait until Sunday when I stagger back, hungover and in really bad spirits. Speaking of spirits I must pick up a bottle of Scotch and a case of beer(or two) to augment the three cases of wine I am taking along. There are going to be six adults to keep drunk for 3 days.

Surprise, surprise MaggotNoballs didn't get my turn out. And I was really hoping to wax his last AFV and then get to work proper on his inf. :mad:

[ July 01, 2003, 10:37 PM: Message edited by: mike_the_wino ]

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Maggots!!!! Maggots!!!!

No, not you fellas this time - my cat left a vole, mole or sumfink on my front step and it's carcass is wiggling around...

MAGGOTS!!!!! This one is at you lot...

Rune said his scenario would toast my system. The bastiche.

My POS hard drive bellied-up this weekend, so no turns for a while. Like until the tech Dell has to send can install a new one. Good thing I earned my CNE etc. so I CAN FECKIN' PULL AT IT waiting for this twit to decide he wants to venture here, instead of getting it overnight and doing it myself.

Happy 4th, or should I say 'fifth', in honor of the cheap bottles soon to be emptied?

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Originally posted by DaveH:

What I have in mind is some kind of rear-guard action, where the retreating Germans pick a good spot to turn and try to hold the advancing Allies.

Sounds like you are describing Chance Encounter to me with maybe a slightly more advantageous choice of spot for the Germans rather than what they had in that scenario. Or am I missing something here?
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NAPALM IS THE ROXOR!!!! :mad: :mad:

Here is the offical score for "Cherry Waffles"


Men Okay: 293

Total Causalities: 48

KIA: 12

Guns lost: 3

Tanks lost: 0

Flags held: 900

Enemy casualties: 2670

Total score 83%


Men Okay: 203

Total Causalities: 123

KIA: 38

Guns lost: 3

Tanks lost: 13

Flags held: 300

Enemy casualties: 443

Total score 17%

GARARARGARARAGAR How does it feel to be slathered in napalm while getting a 100mm enema you inbred canadian freak! RRARRARGARAGAR :mad: :mad:

(P.S. A more "articulate" AAR to follow. Also, turns out to the rest of you slobs.)

Edit: I hate to bug out on you PlatCmdr, but I'm going to have to postpone our re-match. Real life© it rearing its ugle head in the form of medical problems and a sort of "Do or Die" time in my education/working career.

Edit #2: The Full AAR is up on a thread of its own. Go and read it you slobber goats. :mad:

[ July 02, 2003, 06:57 AM: Message edited by: Nippy ]

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Soddball -- where's my scenario?!?!? :mad: :mad: :mad: Crow seems eager to get going on Hypothermic in Halifax and who am I to stand in the way of a massa...I mean, life lesson for the lad?

Query -- How will MasterGoodale get past customs carrying mold and ants with him? I thought most countries didn't let you import flora, fauna or beloved exotic pets.

In other news, Mike_the_Wino, after 58 turns of eye-glazing, mind-numbing boredom, has begun attacking with the fury of a Studebaker backing into a watermelon cart.

Shosties4th and I are engaged in a torid loing-distance hate affair, slinging TNT like a short order cook slings hash.

Keke and I are starting battle two of three and the TNT is re-f*ckin'-diculous!

The turn files are 1.5 mgs each! P.S. He's losing too.

Teddy and I are about to get going on our AAR laugh riot -- with most of the laughter coming courtesy of the muppet's tactics, no doubt.

And to Nippy -- much REE-spect for popping a cap in my ass many, many times. *sigh*

Get it? :mad: Got it? :mad: Good! :mad:


Jas :mad: n

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

Soddball -- where's my scenario?!?!? :mad: :mad: :mad: Crow seems eager to get going on Hypothermic in Halifax and who am I to stand in the way of a massa...I mean, life lesson for the lad?

Jas :mad: n

Erm - I'll try to finish the briefings tonight and ship it. It depends on lots of stuff, not least on whether I have to work or whether I can have a beer.
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Originally posted by DaveH:

Crow, I think the difference from a scenario would be that you get to pick your own units, instead of all the Allied players using the identical pursuers.

I'd gathered that (the pick your own units bit with you having the same forces against all of us), I just meant the general setting of the encounter with the Germans being in retreat and having been caught up by some Allies and needing to defend themselves.

As for Axe212121212121...{recurring} and his "who am I to stand in the way of a massa...I mean, life lesson for the lad?" all I can say is :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Look at that.

Only two more posts and Crow loses the junior tag.


And it seems just like yesterday he was a know-nothing, inbreeding, non-TNT chucking fop.

Oh wait. He still is.

Hey Snarker. Hope you saved that maggot-infested mole (an apt description for MasterGoodale, now that I think about it) for your July 4 barbecue!

What wine goes good with barbecued mole, Mike?

Jas :mad: n

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

Look at that.

Only two more posts and Crow loses the junior tag.


And it seems just like yesterday he was a know-nothing, inbreeding, non-TNT chucking fop.

Oh wait. He still is.

Hey Snarker. Hope you saved that maggot-infested mole (an apt description for MasterGoodale, now that I think about it) for your July 4 barbecue!

What wine goes good with barbecued mole, Mike?

Jas :mad: n

Moled Wine.


Are you at home now, Axeagraghar or wasting your employer's bandwidth? I have a scenario for you but I don't want to waste the energy emailing it if you're sitting in the janitor's closet with your trousers around your ankles.

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Originally posted by Soddball:

Are you at home now, Axeagraghar or wasting your employer's bandwidth?

Door number two. No home for me for four hours or so. Send it tomorrow, or at your leisure, my dread liege.

By the way, for the bonus round, can anybody trace the etymology of the phrase "Cheery Waffle?" I know I as sure the hell can't.

Jas :mad: n

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An exhausting sixty seconds with the search.jpg function, typing in the words "thread of cheery waffle", turned up this:

The Origins

So yes, you have me to thank for the taming of the Goodale, and your subsequent consumption by this thread of foulness.

[ July 02, 2003, 01:26 PM: Message edited by: Soddball ]

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