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4 levels of detail (just a idea)

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Ok I love playing CM and do daily, but here is just a idea , for the next gen CM 2 .

What I would love to see in the game is the ability to play on one of 4 levels of detail ;

1 squad based play , 2 battalion based ,3 division based ,the finally army’s based .

Let me see if I can put this so it makes some science.

In Combat Mission most of the movement is squad based and in a game like strategic command

we are talking whole army’s and divisions.

It would be fun to be able to move up or down the scale from , micro management to the big picture type play.

So for instance the battle for Normandy (I can’t remember the total of divisions involved but it was a bunch). Anyway in the big picture play you could move parts of or whole armies around . Then if the fighting gets tough in one area you could drop down a level or 2 and do some micro management. For all or a part of a battle and leave your AI commanders to keep things going on the other levels.

Well I know probably can’t be done it was just a thought. Something to do as I wait for CMAK

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I really like the idea of being able to play an operational level game around a battle (like Normandy, the Bulge, Tobruk Spring of 42, etc), and being able to control some details specifically. But, wow :eek: , that would be a major change. Seems like an entirely new game, rather than a CMx2.

But I would like the it to be a We-GO game at the company or platoon level. Turn based games just dont have much appeal to me. I could also go for an RTS game if you did much more thinking than clicking. Maybe one day.

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Me, I'd like CM to be INFINITELY expandable, not just in scale but in time too!

Why limit yourself to '41-45. I want to see the roots of the conflict stretch back into the 1870s. Why stop there? The true roots of the endemic European warfare goes back to the strain between Romanized Gaul and unconquered Germany, back approx 50 a.d. or so. I want CM to handle ALL periods, ALL force scales... And it's got to run on my old G3 mac, too! ;)

[ September 04, 2003, 03:35 PM: Message edited by: MikeyD ]

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MikeD, I didnt realize you were so goofy. lol tongue.gif

But seriously, I would like to see some what-if campaigns. (And no, dont stop developing other more important things - this is just a wish list).

For example, the campaign series put out an operation sea lion game. that would be a cool CMx2 game. So would an "on to france" game, where the ruskies try to keep on driving right through the allied lines and take over all of Europe. Those two in particular would be exciting and not too far-fetched (at least in my mind) scenarios.

A couple other pre-WWII games that would be good are the spanish civil war & the Finnish winter war (id really like to see a game about this after reading "A Frozen Hell" - great book). I'm sure there are more, but I dont know my history well enough.

If BFC would want to triple their staff to make these games, I'd be glad to go work for them. I'd much rather program and test war games than financial software.

Oh well, I better get back to checking my depriciation adjustments on loans that terminate early :(

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Well my Idea is that level one ( the closest to the fighting ) would be just like CMBB , and this would be where most of the game would be played..........then one could move to level two in the game , battalion in size (not sure about the graphic look), then division size moves ( just a normal card looking chit) then a real big map with army’s type icons maybe some feed back windows to do with supply and logistics stuff.

That way we could have our cake and eat it to..............

Just a thought


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Did anyone play Close Combat 4 or 5? In this games, there was a system with that you could see overall operational map and move suppliess and forces on this operational map, after that clashes were becoming company based. Any ideas about that?

Best Regards..


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Lets keep it at the squad level, with a much expanded map (20 – 50 square KM or long narrow fronts :eek: ). And allow multiple players (2 to 10) on each side. Each player would be controlling a company or battalion. The game would need to be hosted on a server, where each would up load their turn and down load a “local movie”. Coordination and battle plans would come down from the divisional commander, who could also be a playing battalion commander. In order to coordinate the game the “GO” button would be pressed at a predetermined time; lets say 0:00 Zulu time every day. Units of commanders that failed to get orders in on time would just sit around waiting, just like the guys I fail to give orders to.

Resupply of ammo would occur every 30 turns using rules similar to current Operation supply. This could be controlled using line-of-supply rules to the edge of the map, or have a certain number of “supply trucks” that a unit would need to be in range of to pick up more ammo. Units in close contact with the emeny would still receive some more bullets but not a full compliment. Supply would also need to be worked out for off board arty. And a killed spotter dude would not necessarily mean that those tubes would go away.

Reinforcements could come as either new companys, possibly with new players or using the US system of bringing worn down squads up to strength with green dudes.

As one battalion moved forward the others in the line would need to spread out to hold a fall back position. Things could get boring for a non-attacking commander.

A complete game could be scheduled last a 2, 3 or 6 months up to a year.

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